Pirate ships adjustable spawn chance

    Mar 16, 2016
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    I think I'd be great if pirate ships spawned based on say mass. Say the server admin has 5 different custom pirate ships that he marks as pirate usable, a 500 mass fighter, a 2,500 mass cruiser, a 10,000 mass battleship, 25,000 mass dreadnought, and 80,000 capital ship. They would spawn in frequency based on mass, so the fighters and cruisers would be common sights, the the battleships and dreadnoughts more uncommon sights, and the capital ships rarely ever seen.
    Maybe have the percentage chance adjustable by server admins, so I could mark that fighter as 75% of spawned pirate ships, the cruiser as 10%, the battleship as 7%, dreadnought as 5%, and capital ships 3% of spawned pirate ships.
    Jan 28, 2015
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    Spawn by mass is exactly how StarMade spawns pirates. There is a wave system going from 1 to let say 10. At wave 5 your pretty much getting the max mass ships you set as Pirate.

    You can test this yourself with the following command:

    DESCRIPTION: Initiates an enemy wave
    PARAMETERS: Level(Integer), Seconds(Integer), FactionID(Integer)
    EXAMPLE: /initiate_wave 5 20 -1

    I used this a lot to make sure you get a good Pirate and Trade Guild mix. If you get to much of one ship. Then you need to add some of a different size mass as enemy usable.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I wonder if Schine will re-engineer the pirates to behave more like scavs but more agressive and unprovoked. So you might see pirate transports and miners at some stage.