Pirate/NPc ship creation contest?

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Pretty self explanitory. In an attempt to gain more pirate/NPC variety and firepower, I think you should have a contest to see who can come up with the best pirate ships. Cosmetic and fighting ability should both be the main focus. Either choosing the top ten, or hell even all of them, to impliment into the game as part of pirate generating. Perhaps have a size limit of 100 cubed or so, otherwise everyone will just submit their own battleship and new players will get anihilated left and right from pirates.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I\'ve added one ship to my server, the default seems more of a trade ship so I added a fighter. It\'s has decent firepower and shields but not enough power but the AI doesn\'t seem to care.

    I wish the game distinguished between pirates and trade faction. It\'s a little annoyong to see the trade faction to be flying around in Pirate_Interceptors
    Jul 3, 2013
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    pirates could be crews that are marauders from diffrent factions, that would explain why their ships are from the catalog?
    Aug 14, 2013
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    This is fairly easy to do yourself and actually I kind of think I prefer being able to choose what\'s on my server, but like I said there needs to be a separation between trade guild and pirates, and we need a way to set spawn weights so if you add bigger ships they should be rarer. I went looking for some pirates to fight and came across 6 gunboats, 1 Interceptor, and a single Isanth-VI and all I had was a heavy fighter, needless to say I ran home with my tail in between my legs. Anyway...

    Here\'s what I\'ve been working on, and you can probably see why I want a separation between pirates and traders:

    The Pirate Interceptor, while it cannot fire and fly full speed indefinitely it has fairly powerful guns and shields and is small enough to be a pain to hit in a dogfight.

    This ship started life as a standard \"Deep Space Cargo Hauler\"/ tow-ship. These haulers have reinforced frames so are a favorite of pirates to convert into gunboats. The downside is it is not a proper military ship so it lacks some crucial armor and armaments but the pirates always slap on a few more guns.
    Jul 28, 2013
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    I agree with the OP that we need more pirate/NPC ships. I have been working on making a range of ships for them to use on my private server. So far I have a Light Fighter, Heavy Fighter and a Corvette made. I plan on designing a frigate and maybe a destroyer for them to use as well. I wanted to give them a carrier but the AI does not launch docked ships so that made the idea of a number of large ships all designed to carry the smaller ones null. If you want I can post pics of the ships I have so far if anyone is interested and even up load them to the ship lists.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    In many Sci-Fi media formats, pirates will often have a vast variance of ships, many of which involve upgrade/modified ships that more lawful groups use.

    So for example if you wanted to make a pirate ship you might take that salvage or exploring vessel you made awhile back, tear out the salvage beams and put guns/power/shields in their place, and/or fill the cargo hold with fighters or weapons, weld a few turrets on the outside, etc...

    That kind of thing.

    Or do something like I recall reading about in multiple star-wars universe books - mix&match various fighter craft parts to make one fighter - so you could rip the guns off one fighter and put them on another design....make it look haphazard...

    This would be more RP-esque if you did it with the ships you already have on your server/in your singleplayer game, rather than loading up ships specifically for the pirates...
    Feb 15, 2014
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    Do player-made pirate/NPC ships ned a Bobby AI module in them, turned on and set to \"ship\" for them to function properly? The reason I ask is because I made a beefier and prettier ship for the pirates, checked the \"enemy\" box in the admin catalog section, but when I spawn them, they are recognized as enemy and will fly around, but they never fire their weapons. I have AMCs on them, and they were tied to the \"1\" hot key prior to saving in the catalog, so I don\'t know why they don\'t fire. Even if I spawn a ship and use (/start_ship_ai -1) it still doesn\'t fire. I\'ve used every version of spawn commands, and the ships operate and are enemy, but they don\'t fire.