Pirate invasions and Homebase Vulnerabilities


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    with the addition of NPCs and a new character model i was wondering if there could be more uses for crew members since atm they dont have any job other than to add atmosphere.

    then it hit me.


    and Pirate Invasions too.

    in addition to the normal pirate attacks we can have Pirate invasions where they will attempt to take out your space station.

    however this will require that we change the nature of space stations as well as home bases.

    1. Faction Blocks are now Space Station Cores

    instead of a grey hull block appearing when we start a space station we get a faction block and this block will act like a ship core and be the thing that must be destroyed in order to destroy the station. but other than that it act like a normal faction block.

    2. Faction Blocks/home bases are most vulnerable to HANDGUNS

    this might sound crazy but whats the point of having handguns if anything that we can shoot with it can be better destroyed with AMCs? this way Handguns have a point and can be very dangerous. of course faction blocks can still be destroyed with large amounts of damage but they go done faster and with more ease with handguns. A similar principle will be applied to home bases, handguns will be able to destroy blocks where ship weapons can't.

    "But Crimson! thats stupid. how will ppl destroy stations with their pistol if they have 10212893298236986 in shields!?"


    3. Hand Held weapons Ignore shields

    I said Handguns should be dangerous. perhaps this will make more hand held weapons necessary like shotguns, rocket launchers, ect. think drop pods being fired at planets/stations filled with ground troops and then said troops blast there way in. now here is what im getting at.

    NPC Crew Members can defend the Faction block since they already can fight back.

    Wont that be epic?

    Back to pirate invasions, For these one or more of the pirate ships that spawns will attempt to ram itself into the station/home base when it gets as close as it possibly can it will start to spawn pirate NPCs who will start to shoot their way to your faction block. The Mass of the pirate ship will determine how many pirates spawn from it. bigger ships will hold an army of them but will be bigger targets on the way to your home bases. Your job will be to destroy the ship thats trying to ram into your station before you have a fire fight on your hands.

    with these changes hopefully station design will become more important and the ground game will be more exciting.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Well this would be interesting. I like it, but a few thoughts.

    a) Having the faction module be a core is kinda weird. Better just to keep it as a faction module and have it be the target.

    b) Maybe the pirates shouldn\'t automatically go to the faction module. Maybe they have to search for it. Of course, once the pirates find the module, they would automatically make that the target.

    c) Having handguns damage the station might be a bit much. Imagine the pirates just pointing their pistols at the faction module and firing all the way through the hull in between. Maybe the pirates have breeching charges, which can destroy factioned blocks. Of course, they would have a ridicoulous attack time, so that way pirates would attempt to use the smallest number of charges possible.
    Jan 25, 2014
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    Yes that would be like the only use for the current laser guns we have other then sniping people off and get attention.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I agree on everything, but I want to not add a new core-drilling !!!

    Here are my improvements:

    Destroying a faction block should not kill the station, but disable ALL AI, power, weapons on it. Then you have some time to take it back, or pirates repair the station, place faction blocks at exactly the same positions and it is now a pirate station.

    You should be able to make at least 2 faction blocks (or maybe dependent on weight : 1 per 10000 mass? + 1 default). Peoples already complain about not being able to move the ship cores.

    There should be a per-block shield against hand-held weapons. Regen = 1/10 normal handgun dps. max hp = block armor + 10% per additional block in the array.

    One interior-shield-array can only protect one block at a time (have to regenerate this one first and only in the octree it is in and the 3x3 around. It also does not recharge 5 seconds after taking damage.

    • You will not find a single 10-damaged hardened block !!!
    • You will need many arrays to be completely safe and many in one array to double the shielding.
    Oct 20, 2013
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    This idea would also encourage player vs. player boarding actions, as a titan could be killed (eventually) by a team of players on the inside. Especially if there was a way for them to open up a hole in the enemy so they could infiltrate it. Definitely should be implemented. Neon, I like those thoughts as well, especially the anti-small arms shields.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Very iffy on the entire \"handguns can destroy anything\" part, I would prefer some sort of breeching charge mechanism (slow, blast radius, limited range) to do that instead, Possibly even limited ammo for that. Basically I don\'t want pirates or players to just bypass every single corridor with their handgun. Making a seperate weapon for going through walls would prevent that, as a boarder placing a breeching charge is vulnerable to attack, forcing a choice between fighting through the corridor, and risking getting shot with a turret, or placing a breeching charge, and risking a player popping out and shooting you. You can\'t just use your handgun to do both.

    Also a hacking device should be added, which allows bypassing of faction-locked plexdoors. This would allow you to bring down a door without using a breeching charge.

    On the other hand, I would definitley love the oppurtunity to fight pirates boarding my station.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    wouldn\'t the infantry immediatly get shrekt by land to air turrets,

    Unless you make turrrets ignore players

    but then again people could just cover their faction block in hull

    this sounds like a good idea, but the current system doesn\'t work with it


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    thats the point. station design will play a role. its a little hard for players/NPCs to core drill if theres 200m of hull in their way not to mention turrets are blasting away at them. i expect for players to encase the faction block in hull. its the core and has to be protected.

    i also said that more hand held weapons will be needed. rocket launchers and C4 charges will help breach the outer hull better than a pistol


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I would like personal shields like in Halo too.

    So you don\'t actually lose (real) hp from scouting a new corridor. and getting 1-shoted by some turret.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Let\'s also add energy to characters, which is used fire weapons. Adds some stratergy to using weapons, instead of just slamming fire continously. Could also be used by running and shields.


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    A while ago the devs did mention that the daves will have customizable abilities. Personal shields as well as other ground game stuff could be one of those