Physics Related Blocks & Physics changes to existing ones?


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Figured this would be interesting since chat got talking about adding blocks for things like blades, rubber, springs, and even directional gravity-wells. Lets see what we can cook up in here.

    Directional Gravity Well Unit (In/On Structure): Like the normal gravity unit is generates in structure gravity but this is automatically applied without having to interest with it. The top of it is the top of the column of gravity and the bottom of it is the bottom of the column. The sides will have arrows pointing down from top to bottom telling the user what direction the gravity of the structure it going in. This can be activated and deactivated by logic without the current issues the normal gravity unit has because it puts any creature entity be it player or NPC on or in the gravity generating entity into gravity of it.

    Gravity Field Unit: Unlike the Directional Gravity Unit and the normal one we've got this one generates spherical gravity pulling from all directions within a sector radius of the entity with an active one. it can be turned on and off with logic as well. :)

    Blade Blocks: This includes both the blade edge blocks that are a cutting force but also blade part blocks to extend the blade as large or long as you want it. Collision with these blocks cuts into blocks colliding with them causing damage like warheads do, but instead of losing the blade blocks outright they take damage over time as well just not as much.

    Rubber Blocks: These could add contact friction and a springy type of collision so there might be two or more versions of these. They could be handy for making wheels and the feet of mechs. :)

    Springs: Blocks placed on top of these would move back and forth in the direction the spring's spring side is facing. It also has an anchor side on the opposite side of it and they'd be slightly different textures. They'd be a sort of sub for rails where rails couldn't fit but not as controllable. There'd be catcher latches to grab them and stop them but outside that they'd continuously move once triggered. Logic could triggered by logic but without a latch to catch them or something else to slow or stop their movement they'd keep going. While in gravity they could throw creatures of any kind into the air otherwise they just push them around.

    Cables: Cables are rope in a sense and are a type of block that only forms from an emitter block. When used in combination with things like the springs you can shoot cables at enemies to try and tangle them up in them. Also when used with things like Suction cups you could grab onto enemies and force them to stop but at this point it turns into a game of Tug-of-War since you are and aren't docked with them at that point. The cables can break or be shot causing direct damage to the emitter block for them no matter where it is. You'll also have pulley blocks to help change the cable's direction and help with different mas loads.

    Suction Cups: These let an entity stick to another one but unlike docked entities suction cupped ones aren't made into one big entity when docked by a suction cup. So if one or more of the entities connected this way fights hard enough it can break free. These could be handy for those mechs of yours that you want to use on enemy ships so you can move around connected to them and jump off at any time. Also Springs + Cables + Suction Cups = fishing. :P

    I'm sure there are other ideas so what can you all think of. :)


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I'd like more gravity control.

    Springs could replace stairs or require just 1 block rather than the 7 logic/rail blocks you would else require for moving doors.

    But I am not sure if the others are a good idea to implement right now aswell.