Paying? New Idea?

    Aug 2, 2013
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    So I understand you need suport schema, but your not the only who's poor around here (hint) and I saw the buy feature, and if I understand correctly it's to upgrade your account so when Star-Made is actually released with a full version we can access it? If so I was wondering if maybe the people who have been with you through the beta and continuously helping you out, might maybe get it for... you know... uh

    I have been a long time lurker on this site, and only just made an account to say this, but I have been playing your game for quite a long time. I'm sure there are other people like me, right?

    (also if you don't already I suggest surfing every now and then, because not only do they post cool things but they also post suggestions and things that would be cool in the game)

    Okay I'll go now.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Beta and Alpha players already have the advantage of purchasing the game at a fraction of the full price. Besides, do you know how many people would get the game for free right now if this happened? I\'m sorry, but I\'m just against the very idea of such hard work getting completely unrewarded so many times...
    Jul 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    I actually hope that he moves the price to 9.99 soon. 3 dollars is just not enough for people to take you seriously.

    maybe improve the block editor slightly and make that the \'special bonus\' for people who purchase.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I have been a long time lurker on this site, and only just made an account to say this, but I have been playing your game for quite a long time. I\'m sure there are other people like me, right?

    Ok, so you completely shot yourself in the foot here. You\'ve only made the account so you can suggest that it be free for the \'beta testers\', but yet you haven\'t contributed anything to the process of development. So, not to be rude, but why do you deserve a free copy? Because you\'ve played it? Is that enough, do you honestly think?

    Now, as a developer myself, I HIGHLY appreciate people who help test - however, frustratingly, those who provide NO response whatsoever aren\'t really helpful. Even a single suggestion is helpful.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    Hey Racingspider, as a fellow developer, what sort of bonuses do you think should be offered for people who purchase a \'deluxe edition\'? I would cheerfully donate some original \'game art\' for decent contributors to an awesome project like this one.

    Personally, I think he would do well to set up a kickstarter account, but that\'s just me :)

    I donated to townsgame when it just got started, I donated to minecraft when it first started, and next week I am happily donating to starmade (I found the game on my \'rent paycheck\', don\'t get my \'supply paycheck\' until next friday) And I would be more than happy to work up some original starmade art if schema tells me what he wants.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Do you even realize how impertinent your demand is?
    You even confessed you didn\'t even contribute once to the game.
    did notch give away minecraft for free when people played the alpha or beta?

    Today you got the glorious idea: \"Hey dis guy shoud gimme dem game for freez. Cuz i alwayz suported him! ololo\"

    if you want it for free so badly then download the cracked version after the game\'s releas.

    btw. i believe you might be a troll
    Aug 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So make the game free for people who play right now forever? We may help him with glitches but he gives us more then we give him so he deserves our money when it comes to release day. TBH, If you cant give a guy 3.33 for his time im suprised you can afford a computer. Thats like an hours work. He has spent almost a decade on and off designing the core engine itself!