Passing through blocks in ships forward.

    Mar 30, 2014
    Reaction score
    For some reason I am passing through blocks at the front of my ship.
    My core, is at the moment, above everything else on the ship. the bays are built below and forward of the core. These are the first things that have been built, but now I am noticing this issue.

    So far...
    606.586 blocks
    397 meters long
    height 98 meters
    width 149 meters
    There were no shields, power, or weapons.
    ----> Replicating problem (really hoped a new world would fix it but... nope)
    Created new world...
    added power and thrust to see if it was an issue with the ship laying over the sector boundary. I think it is. When I collide with anything in sector 2 2 2. I am stopped by what I collided with. if I move myself forward into sector 2 2 3, I start passing through stuff. I can't believe that for all this time that I have been playing that this is the first opportunity this scenario. Also... I admin loaded another ship (425 meters long) and sat it next to the one with the problem and I did not pass through any blocks. strangely... this ship is setting farther ahead of the ship with the problems and I'm having what seems to be a longer way to go to get to sector 2 2 3. It Should be shorter based on where they are sitting. I have used the "c" key to ensure both ships are pointing the same direction. Is game and mapping somehow having a problem with this ship? Since there are much larger ships out there, is anyone else currently experiencing this?

    Does anyone know of a fix?
    Will this go away as I add more mass to the ship, since currently there are no blocks above the core?

    [/IMG] OK... I guess an image isn't going to work for now. Here is a link:


    Jan 19, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    I don't 100% understand your problem, what are you clipping through?
    Mar 30, 2014
    Reaction score
    in the image that is linked you will see a line of blocks with blue lights on the end. when I leave the bay, as an astronaut, I can pass through the bar. not the whole length though. if you see where it just begins to be just single blocks i would say it begins there. I can pass through the thicker blocks below it as well the lowest rectangle on the bottom can also be passed through. it seems as if you can collide more as you work your way forward. when you turn around and work your way back it seems some of the surface that was solid a moment ago no longer is. I believe it is because I'm already in the new sector and returning to the sector the core is in. It is almost as if there is a space that overlaps where one sector ends and another begins. I could be completely wrong, of course.