Read by Schine Paint Gun and Custom Color Maker

    Sep 5, 2013
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    okay this idea has been bugging me for awhile, so time to get some feedback on it, we need a paint gun so we can paint in colors not offered by the game currently, i have several colors that i would love to paint my ships but cant due to the lack of a custom color menu as follows :
    Custom Color panel.png
    This is all we really need to make it, anyone that has played with Microsoft paint has seen this before and has most likely used it before to make there own custom Epic colors for there artwork. i would think people like kupu , Saber , Bench would like this idea, since they work on Art or creative parts of the game might like this idea.

    ( not all ships are grey or the other pre-programmed colors ;), just trying to add in some variety to the ships that's all )
    Tell me what you think and keep the comments constructive.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Custom colours have been suggested a few times, and there response has always been it would be too memory intensive with the way the game works.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Having hundreds of colours at the players disposal would be great. However...
    Custom RGB sliders or colour pickers for blocks has been consistently rejected because of performance reasons. It uses more data per block to achieve this.

    A slightly tangent conversation that has taken place because of this has been "how do we add colour to the crafting tree without it being a chore". Idea's on that have been, and still are being discussed as we have taken steps to streamline the production of Hull blocks recently (ie; the addition of Hardener).
    Jun 23, 2013
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    My uptake would be to remove all colored hull versions and leave only standard grey, in build mode then one could choose the color of the hull. It simply consumes the color phial along with the block when placed. the paint tool then would only consume the phial.

    I still think itshould still be numerically limited colors to prevent too much of an performance issue.
    Each block only may have a byte or two more if colors were to be restricted to 24 or so.

    I think the preformance impact will be only noticable at enormous builds, then again having alot diffrent blocks in a big structure has the impact simply somewhere else. The game does still need to know wich block is what kind.with this more modular approach it may be less impact in that sense.

    Same may be applied to colored lights eventually, this would also make space for more block Ids.
    Aug 31, 2016
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    Having hundreds of colours at the players disposal would be great. However...
    Custom RGB sliders or colour pickers for blocks has been consistently rejected because of performance reasons. It uses more data per block to achieve this.
    I'm not into programming that much but why should changing the color affect the performance? If you recolor the actual textures or link different color codes to different id's (like load textur id 255255255 with r=255 y=255 b=255) it migth affect the hard drive space a little bit but an engine shouldn't care which texture it is supposed to load.

    However this way the interface would be optimized because there is only one multislot per armor type and colors would be reduced to red, yellow and blue (the amount needed depends on the color you are mixing then).
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Arci, first off, please don't unnecessarily resurrect dead threads.

    Second: The reason is in the way the game works. The game uses BlockIDs to track each block, every one of which has a set amount of health, armor, logic functions, other functions, everything. Right now, it's all crammed into 3 bytes of data per block. This includes, to my knowledge, the texture attached to the block. The texture is a certain color and has a certain appearance, and these can't be changed readily. I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.

    In order to get more BlockIDs, moving to 4 bytes per block has been suggested. However, that would likely increase block-based load on the game by at least 133% (4 bytes where there used to be 3 is 4/3, or 1.33). Four bytes per block has advantages, but, as I stated, it's just a suggestion that Schine seems wary about implementing----and with good reason, since it'd require a rewrite of the block-based portions of the game (99.99% of the game) and a lot of work, that likely wouldn't be worth it.


    Apr 1, 2015
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    Just to add to what Madman198237 said:
    We have 4 types of hull: Basic Hull, Standard Armor, Advanced Armor and Crystal Armor
    We have 8 shapes: Full block, 1/4 slab, 1/2 slab, 3/4 slab, wedge, corner, tetra and hepta
    If this feature was introduced we would have 256³ colors.

    256³*8*4 = 536.870.912

    Do we really want 536.870.912 ID's for armor blocks only?
    Dec 10, 2014
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    As others have said, Id love to see all the different colored blocks removed from the game, and only have grey blocks. Id love to be bale to just float around my ships with a special painting tool that can color large or small areas along the XYZ axis like placing blocks in build mode and color everything that way.

    Just make players still have to gather materials to produce paints.

    Both Robocraft and Empryeon use a similar system where you just have armor in a basic color, and it can be painted whatever you like after being placed down, and I find it VASTLY superior to having to craft all these different armors, in different shapes and colors.
    Last edited:


    Apr 1, 2015
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    Id love to be bale to just float around my ships with a special painting tool that can color large or small areas along the XYZ axis like placing blocks in build mode and color everything that way.
    If this was added (I'd like this, I just don't think it's easily implementable in a way which doesn't increase Block IDs by a ridiculous ammount) I'd want the alternative of picking color in advanced build mode.