Original Idea: Sitting Down


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    something so simple yet not even minecraft has this feature. sometimes standing just doesn't allow us to take in the sights so we should be able to sit down. theres nothing more immersive than just chilling in the observation deck watching the universe go by while the ship flies from planet to planet.

    Invisible Chair Block

    the mechanics are already in there with the ability for a player to occupy a module's computer. and currently players walking inside the gravity of a ship in flight in a little buggy so why not add a special invisible block that can be accessed like and other module (press R) to initiate sitting down. the block will not be completely invisible, only in build mode will you be able to see it but in astronaut mode it will remain invisible and transparent like an "open" plex door. mousing over it will give the player a prompt to

    "[R]Sit Down".

    when the player presses R then your view will snap to the spot like u were occupying a cockpit. unlike a cockpit your player model will be visible to everyone in a sitting pose. the direction that the player can sit will be determined by the orientation of the chair block.

    this simple addiction can add an extremely wide array of possibilities as we can now give observation deck an actual purpose rather than just making them for decoration. shuttles can have seats for actual players to sit in, drop ships/pods can have a more realistic feel where players can physically jump out of their seats into battle
    Jul 25, 2013
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    I cracked up upon reading the title of this thread. Good Idea, but \"Chairs\" have been suggested before. Still, I do want to see it implemented.