ordinary text on a ordinary block

    Jun 1, 2015
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    I know we have the displays for showing text
    but these are on a display and the text is full bright and have a lined display effect

    lets say I like to make a label on a white wall and I want the text to be in a ordinary black or red paint color
    with a selectable size where a single character might surpass the block size

    (by doing so you can also add patterns with asci code to the hull)

    could something like this be achieved?

    best regards
    Jul 5, 2015
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    Aside from removing scanlines (the display effect you talk about) this is possible to achieve through manipulation of the text in a display. You hide the display in the wall you want the text on (the display will have to be flush with the wall) and then use control codes to change how the text looks like (color and font size can be changed). You can use ASCII text characters and such to offset the text from the display onto the wall (the text offsets to the right so make sure the display is on the left side of the wall you want the text on), so that it looks like it's on the wall rather than on the display. One display can be offset for a maximum of four blocks off the display itself (that's the display block and three blocks right from the display). so you can have text on a wall, or even floating in mid-air as a "holographic" sign.

    Because displays are full square blocks, creating sloped labels (for wedged walls) is a bit odd, since you have to use docked parts to get the display in line with the wall, but it can be done too.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    In short, no.

    Your best recourse is to "draw" the text in hull plating.

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I don't know. It's technically possible, and there is really no super compelling reason why not (it would be nice to be able to put signs on doors and in corridors. signs that don't look like a ghost spray-painted them with ectoplasm). Allowing players to press "r" on a hull or door block and add like 32 characters with color and good size variation would allow a lot of additional atmosphere/decor and ability to better detail directions and instructions for many things in-game.

    I think the main issues are 1) there are fundamental gameplay issues, major bugs, and major features all constantly being patched and updated and that takes a far higher priority, 2) since it's possible to make crappy signage using displays or write crappy big signs using whole blocks, the priority on being able to add decorative text to non-display blocks is reduced even further, 3) I'm guessing that some people think allowing signage on non-display blocks would eat up too much memory, although in fact it ends up the same if you instead add more display blocks to achieve the same result (but in a horribly-looking way).

    But mainly it's about #1:

    Entirely new planets are incoming.
    Entirely new power & systems are incoming.
    The entire galaxy generation and resource distribution system is being overhauled.
    Fleets are still buggy-tech.
    Player advances in docked hull, docked power, and non-colliding block compression (lamination) through docking technologies have completely diverted the combat meta into a dead-end line of "technologies" that rely entirely on bugs and yet cannot be avoided or you will simply be destroyed, not to mention the way all that over-docking seriously destabilizes multiplayer servers.

    There's so may more critical issues besides these that it is hard to keep track of them all. They all take priority over painting blocks for a game in this stage of development. That's kind of a 'finishing touches' sort of thing.
    Jun 1, 2015
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    tnx for the response

    and yes, I do have some graffiti that resemble demo platforms
    yet, tnx for posting them
    mby if the character size has a few more steps

    and using blocks to make text I am also familiar with
    the side of my ship for example

    the problem with pixel like art is that you need at least 5 X 3 blocks to express a single character