Orange Star Shipyards

    Aug 7, 2013
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    Hello everyone! Agent-Orange has had a little war server running for the last little while and as I am one of the few of us with even a tiny (emphasis on tiny) bit of artistic tallent, I design many of our ships. Since we are getting a good deal of models out there and blowing each other up I figured I might as well share them with everyone.

    One note, I generally don't use angled blocks as they are super annoying to replace after heavy combat and we generally try to do as much repairing and patching on our old and busted ships as we can. (also as much heavy combat as we can).

    If you guys like what you see I can keep the thread updated.

    'Grackle' Micro-Fighter

    Role: Personal transport and light scout

    Armament: Very Light

    Crew: 1

    Notes: The Grackle is built specifically to fit in to unexpanded internal docking bays, and because of this its usefulness as a combat ship is somewhat limited. That doesn't stop people from trying however and its miniscule size and high agility give them 'some' chance.

    'Finch' Light Miner

    Role: Salvaging and exploration ship

    Armament: Light

    Crew: 1-2

    Notes: The Finch was the second ship designed on our server, the first was tragically destroyed by pirate npcs before we had any shield blocks. The big spinal mounted flashlight salvager is as annoying to use as you might think. (but we still love it) The last remaining Finch is now safely enshrined on a neutral museum planet.

    'Sparrow' Heavy Fighter

    Role: Main combat fighter

    Armament: Moderate

    Crew: 1-2

    Notes: More or less our standard fighter. The ship pictured is the factory model before its pilot has stripped and replaced (or not) all of the angled blocks. Its small, agile and packs a good punch.

    'Pug' Medium Miner

    Role: Salvaging and transport

    Armament: light

    Crew: 1

    Notes: Since we have a house rule of not using building blocks and ship cores to quickly mine, we actually need a few half decent miners to keep our hulls patched and continually build new and interesting ships to explode. The Pug was the first dedicated miner. Of the two built, only one remains. The other was lost in an unfortunate missle related incident. It's also misnamed, it should be a bird.

    'Papillon' Heavy Miner

    Role: Strip mining

    Armament: moderate

    Crew: 2

    Notes: With bigger ships and structures being built by everyone we needed a new mining platform to sate our neverending lust for things with which to shoot each other with. While fully crewed the Papillon can, (and has on occasion) mine mid combat.

    'Mutt' Weapons Platform

    Role: Area defence

    Armament: Heavy

    Crew: 0 (I mean... you could man it i suppose)

    Notes: With far flung outposts and maticulously crafted structures scattered across creation everyone needed a good static defence platform to deploy en masse to keep jerks in Grackles from wrecking up the place.

    'Whippet' Light Frigate/Corvette

    Role: Combat, transport and exploration

    Armament: Heavy

    Crew: 1-3

    Notes: The ship pictured is actually a Whippet Mk II, the first was built with old style cubed engines/power. It is currently the biggest ship type that sees any combat with us. It packs a punch for its size, but its agility is somewhat lacking and without at least one escort, easy pickings for a group of heavy fighters.

    'Orange Star Shipyards'

    Role: Looking pretty.

    Armament: moderate

    Crew: Me

    Notes: Its really not much more than an overglorified warehosue and docking bay. If you look closely you can see my Papillon prime docked and my next project in mid construction.
    Jul 26, 2013
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    A vary interesting array of ships, keep up the good work.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    My frigate design is bigger than that shipyard...
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Hey guys, we\'ve had a few solid evenings of fights on my server and I thought I would post a little update of our progress.

    First off, we had a server crash which caused a few funky things to happen. The most interesting of these is that one of my sparrow fighters reverted to a VERY early design. It had terrible core, power and engine placement, an anemic armament and was slow. However it does let you see the overall evolution of ship design we\'ve gone through.

    Here it is beside a regular sparrow for comparison

    Next up a new ship in our fleets.

    \'Grebe\' Heavy Fighter

    Like above, compared to the regular sparrow.

    Role: Main combat/Base assault fighter

    Armament: Heavy

    Notes: For raiding heavily fortified stations (surrounded by clouds of \'my\' mutts nonethless) we needed a ship half the size of our usual corvette but with similar firepower and durability. With a nose of solid reinforced blocks it can survive a pounding with its shields down. This mass unfortunatley makes it sluggish and dumb compared to the Sparrow.

    Anyway, thats it for now, hope you guys enjoy seeing the screenshots, a few of us are putting the final touches on some big builds which i\'ll hopefully get pictures of before they are cut in half in a storm of amc fire.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Its been a busy few weeks for most of us on the AO server, so we haven\'t had much time to play. However I did manage to put out one new ship to exterminate eachother with.

    \'Labrador\' Cruiser

    Role: Heavy Combat

    Armament: Very Heavy

    Crew: 1-5 +0-4 fighters

    Notes: Our newest, and so far largest, operational combat ship, the Labrador is large, slow, and combined with turrets inability to hit even stationary objects, it is very vulnerable to fighters. However, It is armed with 8 light turrets, 4 medium turrets and 4 heavy turrets as well as two large hull-mounted AMC cannons which can reduce any target to ruin in seconds. The Labrador also sports two enclosed docking bays with a total of 4 slots. Usually only shuttles and repair craft are carried, but any of our myriad of micro-fighters can fit as well.

    So far it has worked well in combat. On our first run with it we caught a group of enemy players ripping up an NPC station. After a frantic few minutes of fighting our precious new criser was looking a little worse for ware.

    However, not nearly as bad as the other guys.

    Finally I\'ll leave you with a look at my latest project our new carrier currently called the \'Pharaoh Hound\'

    As always I hope you enjoyed the screenshots from our server.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    Nice designs, for not using angled blocks.

    I had not thought about the problems that would occur if you tried to repair an angled-block area - those things are a pain to get the right facing on when building...

    Which is why I would probably just buy a new one from the catalog, in my single-player game..
    Aug 7, 2013
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    We try to fix ships whenever possible and only certain people have access to blueprints. After a big battle this can take a pretty sizable chunk of time. If I had to add rotating and placing angled blocks it might double that time. We have a funky system to distribute new ships every week or so that keeps us in the fight so it generally isn\'t that bad.
    Jul 28, 2013
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    It\'s nice to see someone who knows how to build building \"small\". You don\'t need a flying planet to have a good ship. Have you thought of pushing max space efficiency designs in order to outclass larger vessels?

    Keep up the good work!
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Most of the fighters are pretty optimised, the Sparrow has a somewhat poor core placement when being attacked from below. I could make it a completley efficient deisgn, but we are more or less doing our server for vague RP and laughs so we like our stuff to look good-ish. However, for ships that aren\'t cubes, both the Sparrow and the Grebe are pretty good in terms of weight, shielding and agility.

    One of the other guys had a drone fighter that launched 6 or so 33 bobby ai drones which could pretty trivially solo anything medium sized and up, but it was a pain to rearm and left a lot of random drones lying around. I\'ll see if I can get a screenshot of it if any still exist.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Been a while since I last posted. We had some server troubles over the past two months which eradicated nearly everything we had built. However, now that we have gotten our server finally back up and running I thought I would post some tidbits of what we have been up to so far.

    \'Long Haul\'

    Role: Transport
    Armament: Light
    Crew 1+

    Notes: The Laung haul was built to ferry new fighters and turrets from shops to our new bases.

    \'Doberman\' Frigate

    Role: Heavy Combat
    Armament: Incredible
    Crew: 1

    Notes: The Doberman was built to order by one of the other factions leaders as a prize for winning a pvp tournament. It mostly sits docked at their homebase as they are afraid of getting its paint scratched. (the design is based off of a ship from some rts called Mankind that the guy liked)


    Role: Exploration (and blinding me with stupid white blocks)
    Armament: Light
    Crew: Many

    Notes: An Explorer was given each new faction when we started the new server to ferry us to our new homes. (inspired by a ship from the game previously mentioned)

    \'Puma\' Carrier Fighter

    Role: Moderate Combat
    Armament: Medium
    Crew: 1

    Notes: With the changes to docking, quite literally every turret and fighter needed to be redesigned. The Puma is somewhat smaller and, surprisingly superior to our previous carrier-launch fighters.

    \'Labrador-Kai\' Cruiser

    Role: Heavy Combat
    Armament: Very Heavy
    Crew: 1-5 +0-2 fighters

    Notes: Not just a snazzy red paint job but actually a significant redesign, the Labrador-Kai is faster, better shielded, and has expanded hangers to carry more useful fighters.

    Thats all thats worth posting for now. Hopefully in the next week or two I get some time to work on more ships. I have a few more orders to build which should be interesting to look at. So I will leave you guys with a picture of my new (and still very under construction) digs.

    As always I hope you enjoyed the screenshots.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    These builds are looking great, especially that very last carrier (or what I assume to be a carrier). I especially think your use of windows is really cool. It makes the ships seem more realistic than almost anything else could.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    There are actually quite a lot of wedges on most of the ships. I tend not to use many as they are a pain to repair after fighting and on our server we don\'t just run to the shop and spawn a new one when we scratch some paint off.

    But, everyone has their own taste.
    Sep 14, 2013
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    But for the most part, I just patch up the hull breaches with some gray blocks, solder whatever cables came loose, and maybe slap a turret or two on the hull somewhere and call it good. Standard operating procedure for dealing with dead enemies is to do the same, toggle the faction block in their ship and load up a bobby. End up with zombie fleets roaming around. Probably pretty demoralizing.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Was asked to build a mining ship by a friend from another server.

    \'Pug II\' Strip Miner

    Unfortunately beams seem to be broken so I can\'t show you the solid mass of salvagers firing.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Because nobody asked =P

    I\'ll upload some of the newer ones soonish.

    [Edit] Here is one

    One thing to not most of the ships I build are custom tailored to my server which has things like block buy, no non-player shops, etc. Orange Star Shipyards will not be held responsible in the likley event of them exploding in a massive fireball which kills everyone involved.