Option to be able to delete the whole ship

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Heres the story. I found and took a huge battle cruiser-like ship called the SIM Helios from a Traiding Guild and currently I am taking it apart for credits. It is a pain in the ass to take it apart because it's so huge. So I think that there should be a option when you right click to delete the core, instead of it saying that it needs to be the last piece to be deleted, it should have a little pop-up window in-game where it asks, "Are you sure you want to delete the whole ship?" or something like that. And when you remove the Core, the whole ship disapears and you get all the parts it was made of. I personally think that if this were to be added/implimented, it should go with the update where there will be more inventory space or after, so you know you have every part of the ship without the space getting full and deleting any pieces.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Ever watch the movie \'Click\' with Adam Sandler? If you simply fast forward things like that, the bigger picture starts to lose it\'s fun.

    Large ships should take more time to disassemble. Think of it as a scrap yard if you\'re salvaging it. I don\'t see why you\'re upset with it though, it should be a bit of fun really, knowing that you\'re getting credits/resources with every block you remove from it.

    Also, that would introduce a problem. If there are more materials on the ship than you have slots in your inventory, you will lose them. Currently you do still lose them if you don\'t have space, but at least it\'s giving you a warning to sell them, drop them or get rid of them somehow as you\'re only removing a few at a time. On that note, if you don\'t have space for blocks in your inventory, they shouldn\'t get removed. If you don\'t want to pick them up, and don\'t want to go to a shop to sell, then you can simply shoot that piece to destroy it.

    If the salvaging is taking too long for you and not worth the effort, leave the ship there. If you\'re removing blocks one by one, try out the advanced build mode. It\'s a shame you can\'t use salvage ships to do that at the moment, but I hope that will be changed in the future.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    but srrsly, the SIM Helios is FUCKING HUGE!! everytime i start taking it apart, i get intimidated by how masive it is and i just quit. think of how fast it would be. and no i havent seen the movie click
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I definirely second this idea. I started building a ship and after being 75000 blocks in, i realized a fatal flaw and wanted to redesign the entire thing. Maybe something like, \"if a ship is in your faction, you are able to deconstruct instantly\" or at least increase the removal tool from 10x10x10 to 100x100x100
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Instead of insta-scrapping a ship, you could sell it to a shop for 75% of the value of the assembly. Let the trade guild pay their shipyard workers to run the blow-torches.


    Jul 1, 2013
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    Use salvage ships. Problem solved.
    I have a dedicated salvage ship. It\'s a cube with 25 salvage beams each 25 blocks long. It eats up asteroids and ships pretty fast.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I ran into the same problem. This solution, though unconventional, worked for me.

    1. You need to be enabled as a server admin. Make sure you nab the first few characters of the name of the ship you\'re trying to delete (capitalization matters, methinks).
    2. Press [Enter]
    3. type \"/despawn_all [The-first-few-characters-in-your-ship\'s-name] all false\"
    4. Press [Enter]

    For example, I was wiping the massive HMS_Celestia, so my command would be:

    /despawn_all HMS all false

    Hope this helps!
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    The idea of selling whole ships is a really good one. Its simple but if you spend the time to take it apart you get more money for your time. And yeah a dedicated salvager is simple and will solve your current problem with out makeing any changes to the game.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    I\'d just use advanced build mode, activate symmetry, expand to a 10x10x10 area, and click away... but I certainly think a faster deconstruction process would be useful.
    Sep 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Or , or or you could just exit it , go around 300m away from it or more and click F so its highlighted and type in chat /destroy_entity , this needs admin commands i believe

    but if you are wanting to reclaim all blocks then im unsure , then again there is noting wrong with doing console commands to gain them back

    unless you want to do this all legit and all etc