Well, my last project was a failure, so I decided to do something I'm good at, and what I like- floating islands (did a whole flying town in minecraft). There is also not much competition in the planet/ island- making industry.
Something I've been building for the past several days- rock base of a carrier- class floating island, it's about 350x450x400 blocks, mass 500.000. Has 200x200x200 dock space/ interior and a 100x100x50 (roughly) place for a planetary-siege cannon on the bottom. On top will be grass, trees, mayby some rivers, a mountain, and of course- a castle. Will post updates here.
Update: Added grass blocks on the top and some on the sides, more detail. Have to take a break again though, I guess my hand can't handle 300-600 apm for longer than 1h. And this project requires a lot of clicking.
On screen- the black hole is entrance to the hangar bay. There is a mountain on the right wich got chopped off due to draw distance, also the whole thing is 2x higher (cannon part is below hangar bay).
Something I've been building for the past several days- rock base of a carrier- class floating island, it's about 350x450x400 blocks, mass 500.000. Has 200x200x200 dock space/ interior and a 100x100x50 (roughly) place for a planetary-siege cannon on the bottom. On top will be grass, trees, mayby some rivers, a mountain, and of course- a castle. Will post updates here.
Update: Added grass blocks on the top and some on the sides, more detail. Have to take a break again though, I guess my hand can't handle 300-600 apm for longer than 1h. And this project requires a lot of clicking.
On screen- the black hole is entrance to the hangar bay. There is a mountain on the right wich got chopped off due to draw distance, also the whole thing is 2x higher (cannon part is below hangar bay).