Onboard Artillery/Alien Life/Derelict Ships/Transporters/Warp Drives/Thrusters

    Jul 14, 2013
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    I'm not sure what all is planned for the future but here are a few things I think would be great additions.

    Onboard Artillery

    This would be a new weapon for ships and stations. It would idealy be a large, slow firing (1 shot per 2 seconds or slower) laser or plasma weapon that has a mid sized splash damage and fast moving projectile and very high damage. Similar to the ones on the Clone ships in the opening space battle in the 3rd Star Wars. It would compliment the strengths and weaknesses of the missile and antimatter weapon systems.

    Alien Life

    On some planets there should be various forms of life, some hostile some not, at various stages in technology, ranging from spears and stone temples to plasma AA guns and cities. This would add a huge diversity and level of depth in exploration of the universe.

    Derilect Ships

    This one is simple. Just like there are stations have ships that are derilect as well with various loot items. it would be cool to see damage on the ships or some form of Dead Space or husks in Mass Effect senario that lead to the ships vacancy. Or even a rouge AI that waits till players are onboard before springing the trap.


    Have teleporters to transport people or objects from points in the ship or to other faction ships.

    Warp Drives

    Have warp engines that take up a lot of room and tons of energy but allow light speed travel or even jumps to specific cordinates. You could call them FTL drives, warp engines, hyperspace drives, whatever you prefer.


    Also it would be helpful to have higher speed thrusters on the sides, tops, and bottoms, to ships so you could turn quickly if you had to.

    Hope you all like some of these ideas! I'm sure they have been suggested before but it is just my opinion
    Jun 24, 2013
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    most of those ideas are great! but there is always a downside sadly :(

    AI atm wouldnt wait to spring a trap.

    Transporters/teleportation would be OP especially with the personal weapons update, teleport inside another sship and overheat the core.

    But i really like the Warp Drive idea. but they would only probably be used to jump from 1 sector to another, like you said.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    1. Ai can be changed

    2. maybe point a to b teleporters that one has to manually link, cannot just set a coordinate it has a specific destination

    3. Warp drives are cool
    Jun 28, 2013
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    There should be some sort of slow-firing \"big gun\" that scales in such a way that it only makes sense on big ships. This would massively improve battlefield FPS because capital ships wouldn\'t put out thousands of AMC rounds and would instead fire a couple of giant cannon shells. You can turn the firing rate on AMCs way down but that\'s not the same.

    Railguns and phasers are staples of science fiction. For aesthetics alone, Schema, pls.

    I also like derelict ships. Take stuff from the catalog and from pirate blueprints, give it simulated missile damage appropriate for its size, and place it randomly in the universe. Scavenging player-made derelicts on multiplayer is a lot of fun (you never know what you\'ll find if you keep searching, infinitely large Skinner box etc) so a game with more derelicts equals more fun.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    PvP capitals would use AMC over slow Cannons. Slow cannons demand accuracy, AMC allows for loose spray at a target until you get the right amount of arch to your shots while both are moving at 125m/s often not in straight lines.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    AMC travels slowly. Railguns move fast.

    Little ships have short shield recharge times and are harder to keep in your crosshairs so you would still need to engage them with AMC and you\'d probably keep AMC turrets. Big ships would fight eachother with futuristic artillery.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    How about just making AMCs slower firing as the group gets bigger, so huge cannons are only effective against bigger, slower ships, and smaller cannons are more effective as anti-fighter weapons, like how weapons are balanced on Eve Online. A battleship can still try and shoot a frigate, it\'s hard to land a hit, but would easily wreck the frigate in a few shots. A frigate can shoot a battleship, it may hit every time, but the guns are near inneffectual against the sheilds and armour.
    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Reload speed and damage should be a function of number of blocks in the cluster. Damage should be arithmetical, a direct function of the number of blocks. Reload speed should climb along a y=x^2 type curve, but decend along a y=SQRT(x) curve. (no pic, my mathcad is kaput right now.)
    This system would result in an optomized peak for performance of AMC, and I would reccommend it be quite low, hopefully below 25.