Oh no, a recon ship!


    Ex Torpedo Researcher
    Dec 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Oh dear! It seems like Dave in his unarmed green space-faring ship is fighting a ship with high recon, is his chambers and reactor doomed to get sniped?

    Not yet! Dave remembers the advice of a fellow player, and quickly puts down countermeasures:

    Well, at least Dave's chambers are safe for a bit longer, and his reactor is hard to see, although his opponent is not giving up yet! His opponent decides to just return to normal targetting:

    Holy crap! A Kraken! Where on earth in space did that kraken come from?!
    His opponent quickly retreats, deciding he best not be fighting a kraken.


    Now, this is mostly for shits and giggles, but I'll explain it anyway. First of, the plan:

    The image of the kraken is formed using trigger area. The blanket highlight is from the cannon group, active under a cannon computer.

    It turns out that since recon highlights weapon groups, a layer/mesh of weapon blocks can be used to obscure the signature of chambers/the actual important weapon group, or provide false signatures across the ship. The reactor is still visible, but needs to be eyeballed or it'll be easily missed. Although at range this is insignificant since our ships don't come with Hubble telescopes. In addition, this active weapon group can easily drain a lot of power simply being there (Remember now?), so it's advised to only connect the blocks when absolutely necessary.

    The trigger area can help provide fake outlines to mislead manual targeting at range, where the actual solid part of the ship is rather minuscule, although most people aim for center of indicator anyway.

    Bonus: Doors do not form an outline when they are off, but do form an outline when they are on. Could be used for signalling, idk.
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