Oh Look. They removed the damn disagree button again.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    So what happened?
    • Too many kids have red-X related PTSD from grade school? (Plausible.)
    • People can't stand to be disagreed with. (Likely)
    • Humans are freaking stupid and a disgrace to their own creation, the internet?! (Definitely.)
    Anyway put it back. Make it freaking GREEN if you have to but put it back. It's a means of communication, not an insult. When forced to write a sentence to voice their disagreement, most of the community is far more abrasive than a colored symbol could ever be.
    [doublepost=1509502077,1509501930][/doublepost]False alarm. It's only in certain forums or something, but that's almost as stupid.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Wut is this post even.........
    Nothings changed as far as I know -_-
    I would see disagreeing being valid in General, Suggestions and News.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    So what happened?
    • Too many kids have red-X related PTSD from grade school? (Plausible.)
    • People can't stand to be disagreed with. (Likely)
    • Humans are freaking stupid and a disgrace to their own creation, the internet?! (Definitely.)
    This made my day. Thanks for that.
    Jun 11, 2016
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    pls cluze + rat me post funneh. kthxbye


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Wut is this post even.........
    Nothings changed as far as I know -_-
    I would see disagreeing being valid in General, Suggestions and News.
    You can't disagree in Schine members' threads though! I noticed when I was browsing Criss's thread. This is odd and silly.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    This really confuses me, honestly. Removing a disagree button on any forum section isn't going to make most people provide a detailed explanation as-to why they disagree. You just get single sentence clutter instead. =/

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    So what happened?
    • Too many kids have red-X related PTSD from grade school? (Plausible.)
    • People can't stand to be disagreed with. (Likely)
    • Humans are freaking stupid and a disgrace to their own creation, the internet?! (Definitely.)
    Anyway put it back. Make it freaking GREEN if you have to but put it back. It's a means of communication, not an insult. When forced to write a sentence to voice their disagreement, most of the community is far more abrasive than a colored symbol could ever be.
    [doublepost=1509502077,1509501930][/doublepost]False alarm. It's only in certain forums or something, but that's almost as stupid.
    "Disagree" appears to be applicable only to certain forum types. It appears in "off topic" and "suggestion" threads a lot. With that having been said, whether is stays or goes is kind of a moot point at this stage. Many people who use the disagree rating or its sarcastic counterpart (the "funny" rating) don't bother to state the reason for their disagreement.

    Notice how only one "disagreeing" member bothered to write something related to your post. That's 8 people who would rather click a button to take jab at you instead of replying with "It's only on certain forums".

    Ahh the internet. lol :LOL:
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    Aug 23, 2016
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    Notice how only one "disagreeing" member bothered to write something related to your post. That's 8 people who would rather click a button to take jab at you instead of replying with "It's only on certain forums"
    I think this case might be a little different to most though - it's amusing to put a dislike on a post that says dislikes no longer exist (well, it was for me...)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    When forced to write a sentence to voice their disagreement, most of the community is far more abrasive than a colored symbol could ever be.
    Sure, but only if the Shinestaffel are asleep and don't notice your post. If I had a dollar for every time I've had a mod/duke delete one of my posts for being "too abrasive" without technically breaking the rules, I'd have enough to bribe Schema to put someone who's not a total cuck at the forums helm.

    I personally dislike the disagree button because I like being able to smash crappy dissenting posts on my suggestions made by people who don't understand the game or meta. Now they just hit me with a disagree. That's so boring. They don't even usually respond if you tag them in a post calling them out on it.

    1-2 sentence "I disagree for X reason" posts may not be hugely interesting, but regular bumping of thread with minor talking points is what keeps a thread and the forums in general alive. Disagreement ratings just make the already ghosty forums all that much more inactive.
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    May 26, 2013
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    Disagree is enabled for certain subforums.
    General, suggestions and off-topic is what I set them to.

    TBH it was added to quell some of the 'funny spam...

    Well, you all know how well that worked.

    Suppose it was also to allow a way to disagree without forcing someone to explain why (as it's not totally necessary tbh)

    Anyway. It's still around, in some subforums. /shrug