I would like to see NPC factions build up their own ships instead of just spawning them in.
Yes, this. It would be very cool if you could hire the NPC shipwright-guild to come to your base like hiring a contractor.
You agree to their fee (or provide access to your materials), then tell them where to start. Then a large construction ship arrives filled with workers (SCV's?) and they swarm over the build while it gets assembled exactly like the shipyard does. The whole thing is played for RP value so it's not vital that each welding torch match each block being built. The point is that it takes time, gives the impression of an actual job-site (not waiving a magic wand) and gives you something to watch in your lonely base. It may make things easier as well:
EG: tell the workers to use your own materials until they run out of the required blocks then the guild will simply charge you for needed parts and put them on 'back-order' causing further delay as the guild send out a team to obtain said parts and stock up on coffee and donuts. (Just make sure you have filled out your 27B/6 form

This should get some Love from the Nomads out there too.
*For realism the guild could consistently bill more than the agreed upon price. :p