NPC Colony Bare Bones Functional Concept

    May 8, 2015
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    I know that NPC factions are a great network burden so I thought this might make colonies work with less.

    If colonists were a random spawned byproduct of colony structures then they wouldn't need much besides a random movement path and maybe a death scream sound effect if killed. Limit 2 colonists per building spawned only when in atmosphere.
    A random colony would be city buildings, shield battery military bases, and an orbital defense station in the form of orbital defense platforms. If the colony was attacked it would send out a defense fleet like a trade or pirate station would. Defeat five fleets and the colony would surrender. A surrendered colony would produce and deliver a block type of your choice via single shuttle once per hour to your home station. Of course that could be done without the shuttle for decreased network burden.

    Custom built or upgraded colonies would come from building purchases on the world of the colony. All colony structures would be server prefabricated. Let's say on a world you buy a colony building like you would a station and the server decides the building shape and location. More city builds would mean more colony production. Require defenses like one new shield battery military base per 5 city buildings and one new defense platform per 2 shield battery military bases. I know this would help PVP and give worlds meaning. I'm sure there's something better already planned out by the development team.
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