Leads the Storm
Oh hush, begging Schema to make us a better catalog would be more effective. XD[Displeasure with server intensifies]
Oh hush, begging Schema to make us a better catalog would be more effective. XD[Displeasure with server intensifies]
Cleaning the catalog did not in fact help the server it seems, as the server failed and ghost crashed shortly afterwards.Oh hush, begging Schema to make us a better catalog would be more effective. XD
Accepted! Be aware there are plans to reset the server soon (More info on that later) so I wouldn't make any mega projects yet.Application form-
IGN- haserd2
Why you want to join the server- To have a nice spot to work on builds, get help with projects, and share ideas with other people.
Example of your work-
(Replica build of a Helghast Arc Cruiser from Killzone 3)
(Replica build of Jorhan Stahls cruiser from Killzone 3 [WIP])
Your favorite type of cake- Red Velvet Cake
Gotcha, wont insert the city build just yet thenAccepted! Be aware there are plans to reset the server soon (More info on that later) so I wouldn't make any mega projects yet.
Be aware there are plans to reset the server soon
From Saturday, 30th April, there will be a two-week period before a total server reset on the 14th May. All users are encouraged to save their creations to Local, otherwise they will be lost.We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused, however this will improve your user experience, so please bear with us as we carry out these essential maintenance works.
Thank you for your co-operation.
holy shit that sounded really businesslike
Ok. Thanks for the heads up.To clarify, you've all seen the lag that has been happening, so just sit tight and save your things (Clearing the catalog made it son that won't cause the server to crash every time you save something) and we'll be resetting the server like Jake said. The current world is nearing a year old if my memory serves me well, and that means it's about time for a reset given the sheer number of entities spawned or sectors loaded over the time it's been active. After the reset, the server should be back to normal function and we likely won't have to reset again for six to eight months at the earliest.
No, but the export folder won't be deleted.The last universe reset did quite a good job and with the recent activity of at least 5-10 people online simultaneously everyday this reset should boost the server's capacities again.
Btw. is it possible to export a sector to local?
OOhhh I also like lemon cake.Hello!
I would like to apply to the NFD build server
IGN: Broomsage
Im a fan of lemon cake.
Except bacon.Ive only tried glazed pumpkin bread with nuts.
But there is nothing that chocolate cant make better
Denied. Incomplete application.IGN- Dr_Robot
Why you want to join the server- I want to help work on projects and have fun.
Application form-
(Former SATURN members need only post their IGNs)
Why you want to join the server-
Example of your work-
Your favorite type of cake-
IGN- Dr_Robot
Why you want to join the server- I want to help work on projects and have fun.
Example of your work-
Your favorite type of cake-