Not sure if this is overkill or not enough....

    Oct 22, 2013
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    I have spent my time building myfrst serious ship, and it's nearing it's end. It's a serious mining platform, but that doesnt mean I don't want it to function without form. I have spent a lot of time tooling it up and making it look the part, but before I call it finished I want to check with you guys with some of it's stats to make sure it has what it needs.

    Mass - 2,500

    Power - 20K - 231K e/sec.

    Thrust -2K (I originally wrote 19K because I didnt bother to read the proper numbers).

    Shields -100K

    Weapons -4 cannons with 500 damage - 650 distance - 125 reload - 50.5 speed

    So I guess my main question is do I have enough or too much power, thrust and shields? Thanks :)
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Replace some of the thrusters with power tanks.

    Other than that looks fine. Post us some screenshots ^^
    Oct 22, 2013
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    I will take some screen shots today, so I should run power tanks over generators at this point?
    Jul 11, 2013
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    You didn\'t list how much enrgy your gens produce per second (it\'s the number in (brackets)). I think you have far too much thrust for the mass of the ship - ideally thrust should be twice the mass for good performance but not excessive energy consumption. As it stands it looks like the power will drain away quicker than you can replenish it - hence why you could replace thrusters with tanks ^^

    Let me know how much energy you actually produce.
    Oct 22, 2013
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    Edited OP for energy per second:

    It\'s 231K e/sec.

    When laying down on the thrusters my last two bars fluctuate a bit, while flying and holding down my cannons the last 5-7 bars fluctuate.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Truth: How many guns you need to have enough is more than you have and less than too much
    Oct 22, 2013
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    To test out the platform (remember, she is not a military vessel) I attacked a pirate station, I suffered light damage to the nose (maybe 12-15 blocks) after my shields were shut down. Not sure if they got overloaded or I lost power, but my cannons and thrusters were both working so I think I just lost shields. On a side note my 4 main guns are scary, I cut the stations defenses to ribbons and dispatched their 6 ships with extreme effeciency at range.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    If you\'re building a dedicated mining platform, I\'d suggest doing away with main guns entirely and switching to using turrets. That frees up space that would be used for energy/weapons. Salvage cannon\'s don\'t use that much power to begin with, so the primary usage will be thrust and turrets; and turrets can have their own power supply.

    Turrets don\'t target other turrets though, I don\'t know if that\'s been fixed in the latest version.
    Aug 23, 2013
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    For power storage on smaller ships, I normally aim to have enough power tanks to store whatever gets generated in 1 second; so for 231K e/sec I\'d want 231 K storage. For large ships, once you reach 1 million e/sec it\'s better to have more storage (e.g. for 2 million e/sec I\'d probably want 10 million storage).

    Note: As far as I know, currently salvage cannons don\'t use any power at all. I\'m hoping this will be fixed one day.

    For thrust, I\'d want double the mass as a minimum. For 2500 mass I\'d want 5 K thrust at least. This depend on the purpose of the ship though - e.g. for a fast/small scout or shuttle I\'d be tempted to try for 10 times as much thrust as mass (e.g. 5 K thrust for 500 mass), but for a mining ship the main priority would be salvagers (mining speed) rather than thrusters (acceleration), so (for 2500 mass) between 5 K and 7.5 K thrust is probably plenty.

    You can almost never have too much shields; but there are a few cases where a very small number of additional shield blocks push you above a limit into the next \"recovery bracket\". For an example, if a ship has 16386 shield blocks then it\'ll have a 4 second recovery, and by removing one shield block you\'d lose an (insignificant) amount of shield and end up with a 3 second recovery instead. I don\'t know how many shield blocks \"100 K shields\" works out to, so I\'m not sure how close you are to one of these limits. Try removing about 5 shield blocks and see if that improves your recovery time, and if it doesn\'t then put the shield blocks back.
    Oct 22, 2013
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    Good advice guys, thank you. My recovery for shields is 2 seconds, right now, so I will add until I hit 3 and then remove one and see what that does. Also for the 1:2 mass to thrusters ratio looks like I need a bit more punch.

    I hear you with the removal of the guns, but I had a lot of fun routing the cannons through the empty belly of the ship and it\'s simply to many hours of work to delete at this point. I have one turret on her right now as well.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    under powerd my turret i am forking on has about 30 cannons each doing 1500 dmg and 2mill shields and the sad thing is it is only 1/20 done
    Jul 11, 2013
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    OP made a mining ship, the guns took the back seat on this one. Aside from that, the mining ship displaces about 2.5k mass as opposed to whatever the hell your\'s weighs.

    BTW OP, It sounds like a good ship. for uploading images, press either F5 or F6 (its FN + F5/F6 on a mac) and get the screen shots from your starmade folder (its in the screenshots folder). once you have your screenshots in an easy to reach location, go to and click on the little cloud with the arrow in it. Select browse your computer, and find the folder with the files, from there, upload and then post the URL here.

    My instructions are vague, but its pretty simple to do.
    Oct 22, 2013
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    teoboxteo, thats a big gun! What\'s you\'re mining speed? I can clear a space station from all it\'s plex glass in under 1 minute. Since this is a mining ship, thats my primary concern....

    Here is the start of the background for the ship:

    The Sovereignty class mining ship is one of the oldest designs produced by Verne Shipwrights, yet despite its age, it continues to see a high volume of sales. The ship\'s proliferation and sustained success are in no small part due to it\'s ability to operate with autonomy in sectors far outside of the protected zones of space. The Sovereignty achieves this reputation with the use of exceptionally powerful weapons and shields for its class. While the chassis is nearly a century old, the mining and computer systems have consistently been updated whenever possible over the years.