New weapons and Jetpacks

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Along with AMC, you should add some weapons that are very rare and good that ARE NOT missles. You could possibly add in weapons that shoot bullets (fires faster than AMC but does less damage) , or a long range gun that fires every 2-3 seconds and shoots one bullet that explodes on contact (fires slower than AMC but does more damage). Point is, I just want new automatic weapons because AMC is getting kinda boring :P

    Next, Jetpacks would be nice. You would buy one from a store and it would go on your character. There would be a key to enable it on/off and it would make you fly through space alot faster. This could be useful when trying to get around a space station or your faction home, or the occasional TP glitch when you get out of a build block (I know the ship one is fixed). Also, it would look really bad-ass (if you made it show up on a character) and be super cool. Also, if characters could get guns (or maybe just a mining gun if you don't want to build a bunch of salvage cannons on your ship) , that would be pretty cool (however unlikely it might be).
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with the AMC thing but on the \"faster but weaker\" AMC part you do know you can redistribute power to on weapons systems among Power, Range, Speed, and Reload right?

    The weapon I really want to see is like a charged beam cannon fitting for a massive battle station. Something with massive power drain and the ability to hit multiple blocks by either piercing or splash damage.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    The AMC is the futuristic machine gun, the missiles are always there, MISSILES! But do we have snipers? You should add an option to allow for EXTREMELY far draw distance settings, and add a sniper like weapon to ships, perhaps a gauss cannon with a high damaging, high speed, but slow fire rate and large power drain, also this gauss cannon, if the damage it deals is great enough to destroy the target block, would trigger \"overkill\" and the the damage the block can take is subtracted from that projectiles total damage, and the projectile keeps going, hitting more blocks, getting weaker with each hit.

    This Gauss/Rail gun could also ONLY benefit from adjacency being in a straight line fashion, only getting a horizontal adajcency bonus if the horizontal Railgun is of the same length, so you could have a \"Giant Ass Cannon\" effect.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    ...where you build a circle of Anti-matter Cannons and place special energizer blocks inside the circle, the bigger the circle, the longer the range, size, damage and penetration of the death-star beam, one as big as the original one ( will no doubt ) one shot one of those-so-much-spoken nexus, BUT there is a Con, the bigger the beam, the bigger the power needed, and bigger the time needed to REFIRE it, ( means your gun can fire once easily, but then you have to wait for power/cooldown.


    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    M.A.C = Magnetic Accelerator Cannon

    Just another name for a railgun
    Jul 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    just make the mac out of d-1000 missiles.

    d-1000\'s are slow as hell, while mac muzzle velocity is expressed in fractions of lightspeed

    also, mac rounds don\'t explode, they penetrate:

    That MAC gun can put a round clean through a Covenant Capital Ship.

    —Sergeant Johnson, talking to John-117 on board the Orbital Defense Platform Cairo.