New weapon system: Volt Charge

    Dec 10, 2017
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    This weapon will be very different from the other weapons.

    For starters, the weapon involves an arcing bolt of electricity that jumps between Volt Charge Modules. When a ship is hit by this bolt of electricity by crossing its path, the ship's responsiveness drops, much like when a ship nears overheating (but likely to a lesser extent). The Volt Charge Modules, when activated, will send out a single bolt of electricity that travels between them.

    This weapon does not increase in strength when more modules are added. In fact, modules cannot be grouped together. Instead, the player defines a path for the bolt of electricity to travel by linking Volt Charge Modules in the order in which the player wants the bolt to travel between them (performed in the same way players slave weapons). Also, if the player links Volt Charge Modules in a loop, instead of a single bolt of electricity, the electricity will continuously arc between the modules in the specified order. In this case, the weapon computer will remain active until the player deactivates it, terminating the bolt of electricity.

    The power cost and reload time increase proportionally based upon the number of Volt Charge Modules linked to a single Volt Charge Computer. In the case of a loop, the power cost will be continuously deducted after each full loop the bolt of electricity makes.

    This weapon causes no damage.

    Secondary and Tertiary systems cannot be linked to this weapon system.

    This weapon may seem a bit overpowered at first, but it will likely have a significant power cost and also requires opponents to pass through a specific one block wide space for the weapon to have any effect. Its main uses will be for weakening ships and occasionally aesthetics in large ships with enough power to spare.

    Please feel free to reply with any suggestions, changes, or additions you have in mind.

    NOTE: See comments for an alternate version of this suggestion. Special thanks to Cluwne!
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    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    So it's basically a ramming stun weapon? Well, that's original at least.
    Aug 3, 2016
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    On one hand, I love how "tangible" this weapon system is — you don't just dump blocks, you actually build your weapon, kinda.
    On the other, it seems like a mechanic too good to waste on a "melee" weapon that no one will ever use. Ever.
    Maybe instead we could turn it into a usable discharge-type weapon?

    Range is similar to beams, probably a bit on the short A space Tesla coil, if you will. side.

    The discharge itself is hitscan for easier implementation.
    The damage is dealt via an explosion that appears at the point of contact with the lightning bolt.​

    Damage dealt — that's the interesting part.
    It grows, as is with other weapons, per module, however, the way you build it makes all the difference.
    Like in OP, you chain the modules and "charge" your soon-to-be lightning bolt (I know physics doesn't work that way, but muh rule of cool.)
    The size of the discharger group determines the energy (read: damage) they add, the resulting energy cost (and capacity), and it's cooldown.​

    Generating a charge takes time, so you have to hold down the fire button to let it build up, presenting you with a choice:
    Either build a few huge groups for curing the gay out of your enemy quick massive discharge with a noticeable cooldown.
    Build several average-sized groups and go be boring in a corner.
    Or build hundreds of single block-groups for UNLIMITED POWER a continuous zapper with logic.​
    Bonus points to Schine for sensor compability.

    Last but not the least: besides feeding the monster charge coursing through the chain, the weapon also draws energy to contain it. Bigger charge — higher upkeep cost.
    Should your chain take a hit, or your ship run out of power, the charge will escape and target a random block on an object closest to you, friendlies included, and zap the hell out of it.
    Dec 10, 2017
    Reaction score
    So it's basically a ramming stun weapon? Well, that's original at least.
    It's not necessarily a weapon for ramming. The design is meant to focus on the enemy ship passing through a certain area. It is meant to be a weapon that is difficult to use, mainly because decreasing the enemy's ability to dodge and move their ship becomes so advantageous in a fight.
    On one hand, I love how "tangible" this weapon system is — you don't just dump blocks, you actually build your weapon, kinda.
    On the other, it seems like a mechanic too good to waste on a "melee" weapon that no one will ever use. Ever.
    Maybe instead we could turn it into a usable discharge-type weapon?

    Range is similar to beams, probably a bit on the short A space Tesla coil, if you will. side.

    The discharge itself is hitscan for easier implementation.
    The damage is dealt via an explosion that appears at the point of contact with the lightning bolt.​

    Damage dealt — that's the interesting part.
    It grows, as is with other weapons, per module, however, the way you build it makes all the difference.
    Like in OP, you chain the modules and "charge" your soon-to-be lightning bolt (I know physics doesn't work that way, but muh rule of cool.)
    The size of the discharger group determines the energy (read: damage) they add, the resulting energy cost (and capacity), and it's cooldown.​

    Generating a charge takes time, so you have to hold down the fire button to let it build up, presenting you with a choice:
    Either build a few huge groups for curing the gay out of your enemy quick massive discharge with a noticeable cooldown.
    Build several average-sized groups and go be boring in a corner.
    Or build hundreds of single block-groups for UNLIMITED POWER a continuous zapper with logic.​
    Bonus points to Schine for sensor compability.

    Last but not the least: besides feeding the monster charge coursing through the chain, the weapon also draws energy to contain it. Bigger charge — higher upkeep cost.
    Should your chain take a hit, or your ship run out of power, the charge will escape and target a random block on an object closest to you, friendlies included, and zap the hell out of it.
    I personally like your idea of a chargeable discharge weapon. I'm not going to change my post over it, but the idea of an instantaneous bolt of energy causing significant damage does sound enticing. Another possible addition would be allowing the attack to be used on a partial charge in exchange for causing less damage.

    And another thing, you were not inaccurate in your idea to charge the lightning bolt. Believe it or not, when recreating lighting in a controlled setting, all you have to do is send a massive electrical current to a metal ball until it releases it as a big bolt of energy (watch the Mythbusters episode about golfing in a thunderstorm).
    Aug 3, 2016
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    I would like to see devs trying out more powerful, but also more complex weapons that can also be customized by the way they are built.
    Something flashy and destructive — something you'd put on your flagship next to the "I win" button.
    Another possible addition would be allowing the attack to be used on a partial charge in exchange for causing less damage.
    That was kind of implied to be possible, what with the whole "letting the charge build up"-thing. And the logic-powered zapper.

    Assuming it would be compatible with existing weapon types, I wonder how would they alter discharger's behavior, and what would it do to them when slaved.
    Dec 10, 2017
    Reaction score
    I would like to see devs trying out more powerful, but also more complex weapons that can also be customized by the way they are built.
    Something flashy and destructive — something you'd put on your flagship next to the "I win" button.

    That was kind of implied to be possible, what with the whole "letting the charge build up"-thing. And the logic-powered zapper.

    Assuming it would be compatible with existing weapon types, I wonder how would they alter discharger's behavior, and what would it do to them when slaved.
    Actually, the slaving effects are really easy to figure out. Cannon gives reduced charge time + reduced damage. Missile gives multiple bolts and distributes the damage among them. Damage beam gives increased range + longer charge time. Pulse gives increased area of effect + longer charge time.