New weapon ideas.

    Aug 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi everyone, I would just like to suggest a few weapons that (hopefully) wont be too hard to implement. I will even try to help you implement them by giving you ideas on how to make them that will (hopefully) make it easier to implement these ideas (if you like them).

    -Laser Beams: this would be an instant beam (like the scavenger beam) that does less dps than the antimatter cannon (AMC as I will refer to it for the rest of this post), but is instant and easier to aim on fast moving targets. An easy way to implement this would be to either make the scavenger beam a different colour and make it do damage or to take an AMC, make it fire very fast so that it is basically a beam, and change its colour and sound, also making its projectiles almost instand to hit their target. The nicer and more believable option is the scavenger beam replica, as it would be easier to implement, but your choice.

    -Bombs: These would dramatically improve planet/base destruction, as they will be dumb fire projectiles that fall downward from the ship. This suggestion, however, is not as good as the previous one, as this 'bomb' affect can be achieved by the current dumb fire missiles. Similarly, a good way of implementing this would be to create a missile launcher that shoots downward.

    -Disruptors/Hackers: These would be beams that can only target a ship when It's shields are down (if it has any shields in the first place). They will prevent a ship from activating cloaking, radar jamming and using their thrusters (and warp drive, if it is implemented). Once again, the beam from the scavenger beam can be used, with a different colour.

    Thank you for reading this and be sure to come back to this page, as I will be adding suggestions very soon!
    Aug 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I don\'t mind if you guys post constructive criticism or suggestions on these weapons.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    1) Make a ship with docks

    2) make a ship covered with disintegrators

    3) undock and watch as hilarity ensues

    It\'s a way to work around for now at least.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don\'t know about the hacker weapon being a good idea, just using a power drain beam to drain their ship gives the same result once the power is fully drained. The pulsator also stops navigation control on a ship for 2 seconds on every discharge, requiring you to get incredibly close to hit it though. If you can properly combine the two the effect is an almost constant disabling effect.