New Waypoints

    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    In Starmade you should make it so on the make you can create waypoints of your own that dont dissapear and you can label them how you want so you can return without having to remember exactly where it is.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with this suggestion.
    It would also be great if the waypoints were positioned so you never had to turn your ship when you crossed sectors.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    I don\'t know how good your math is, if you don\'t care skip to TL/DR.

    The problem of jumping and turning at sector borders is caused by the way sectors work. As far as I understood every secotr has it\'s own frame of reference. These sectors now move within the frame of reference of the SolarSystem which move within the VoidSystems. The Question after transitioning from sector A to sector B is: Where did you look at?

    It\'s a simple question and the crux is, there are 3 answers. The most simple one (as far as i can jduge) is the one used now. If your vector of sight in sector A is (x,y,z) it will be (x,y,z) in sector B... but seen from the frame of reference of the SolarSystem these are two completly different directions. A transformation of these vectors under consideration of the SolarSystems frame of reference could possibly stop this. But then you would still have the same effect when changing the SolarSystems.

    TL/DR: The incapability of lying straight to a targeted waypoint is caused by the way sectors are designed and the way transitioning between them works.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sry for only answering to Racr.

    On topic: I\'d like custome waypoints very much since i have a stack of little notes near my keyboard for that purpose atm. +1 for the idea from me