New tertiary effect?


    Jan 10, 2015
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The rebound effect.
    Modules, computers the normal stuff.
    When activated by yourself in your weapons hot-bar it simply increases your shield strength (maybe have the amount it increases by something to do with mass, therefore making smaller ships with this much more powerful).
    When attached to a primary weapon it making the damage keep on destroying the area hit but weaker each time ( so say if you shot a cannon with a damage of 100 the when it hits it does 100 damage then a second or two later it damages the block again doing 50 damage. Then in about 5 seconds after that 25 damage. Then about ten seconds after that 12 then 15 seconds 6 20 seconds 3 then 40 seconds 1 with one rebound effect module. With more maybe have the time in between lowered or have the damage decreased each time. I don't know about this though). Obviously with powerful missiles this might be op so I'd suggest slightly different effect for missiles (maybe).
    There isn't much here but its an idea. Please contribute.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1435588788,1435588358][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe have the missiles effect make the damage diffuse over the blocks after taking down the shield?

    (Liked this suggestion)
    From the thread title I would have thought this would be about a defensive effect that deflects some projectiles that hit the craft. Working off angle of incidence/reflection, as reflected light bounces off a surface, so yes if the shot was perpendicular to your hull it would rebound back to the source. The effect % would then, like, decide the chances of a given projectile rebounding, and maybe also what percent of its damage goes to you. So, say, the max % is 30, you get 30% of missiles and cannon rounds ricocheting off, but each ricochet still transfers 30% of the projectiles' damage to your ship, the other 70% is saved for whatever else it hits. A projectile will only ricochet once, and it might hit another part of your craft anyway.
    Last edited:
    Jun 10, 2015
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    Had a similar idea for a plasma effect, which basically sets the blocks it hits on fire. Doesn't affect shields at all though, but once it hits a block it keeps burning (with diminishing returns) until it burns itself out. Missiles would hit multiple blocks, but the burn time would be significantly less than it would be with a cannon shot.

    You beat me to it, so I'll let you have it.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Using this as a plasma burn effect sounds wonderfully fun. idea for missiles; this effect concentrates explosions on a smaller area, focusing the damage instead of permitting it to go out as splash damage. The recurring burn affects blocks that survived the blast.
    For cannons/beams: the burn damage applies to blocks adjacent to those that received direct damage, and blocks that received direct damage but survived and can also spread to another adjacent block if the initial burned block is destroyed before the burning has run its course, but each spread action cuts the remaining damage to be dealt by 25%. This includes the blocks adjacent to those damaged by the native pierce/punch effect of the weapon. I suggest this for extra utility compared to missiles; missiles, even in the current dev build, have a huge advantage against hulls, and higher alpha damage against shields.

    From the thread title I would have thought this would be about a defensive effect that deflects some projectiles that hit the craft. Working off angle of incidence/reflection, as reflected light bounces off a surface, so yes if the shot was perpendicular to your hull it would rebound back to the source. The effect % would then, like, decide the chances of a given projectile rebounding, and maybe also what percent of its damage goes to you. So, say, the max % is 30, you get 30% of missiles and cannon rounds ricocheting off, but each ricochet still transfers 30% of the projectiles' damage to your ship, the other 70% is saved for whatever else it hits. A projectile will only ricochet once, and it might hit another part of your craft anyway.

    Beams/pulse you still take the hit. Always feel bad for them being so neglected.


    Jan 10, 2015
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Beams/pulse you still take the hit. Always feel bad for them being so neglected.
    I don't know it would be pretty cool to see beams bouncing of the ship in different directions