Bug New Sun Damage Bugs


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Found some sun damage related bugs:
    1. Sun Damage can sometimes kill collision with a ship core
    2. Sun damage isn't damaging stations correctly based on their mass
    3. Sun damage causes waves to spawn from AI faction stations and the waves of ships think you caused the damage (EX: Shop next to sun takes damage from sun and thinks you shot it when you didn't and sends out waves, same thing with pirate stations)
    4. Damage scaling is a bit crazy at the moment so much so that a tiny ship can make it through a sun but a larger ship dies well before it makes it out of damage range.
    I'm likely to find some more later but these are what I've found so far. I'm guessing the one to do with stations is because they don't show their real mass only displaying as 0 mass outside of build mode.
    Aug 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
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    I parked Skylords venator in a sun and I got bored and deleted it before it was destroyed so I'm not sure what exactly the scale is when it comes to damage.