New Principles to how my ship moves

    Jun 24, 2013
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    First of all yes this is a Project, just lacking a nice name for it, but in any case, I am designing a brand new ship, which follows a completely different principle that most ships i have built in the past, you have your standard inertia type thruster engines (which are the only thrusters in game, but I make the design look so revolutionary that you wouldnt realise it) and went for a more theoretical approach (looks only D: )

    I preasent my newest ship, it used gravitational engines to propel the ship through space, instead of the engines trying to push you through space (inertia based thruster engines) the gravitational engines move the space from infront of the ship so it can glide through, the various engine reactors project gravity waves in certain directions to manipulate local space and to either 'weaken' or 'strengthen' the space around it, weaker allows the ship to move through the section easily, where as strengthening the space has the same effect as pushing the ship away, so by having these engines do this, the ship can move, as an added effect, the gravity waves have a way of hiding the ship better as it distorts its em waves making it harder to detect by radar or similar equipment.

    I shall post more pics on this ship as it reaches various stages of completion, I thought i would share the basis to it, and who knows i might start a trend (if it dont exist already) of using this type of engine systems. and to be clear there isnt some new type of thruster blocks, its purely all decorative and lore based. thanks for your time :)


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Did you use Pulsors?

    It would be more clear if the post is separated into facts and \"description\" ...

    What is it that makes the ship unique?
    Jan 1, 2013
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    Yay for original warp drive designs! Everyone likes to default to Star Trek naccelles, its great to see a different interpretation of this style of movement!
    Aug 10, 2013
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    For the record Star Trek didn\'t coin the term \"nacelle\". A nacelle is simply the housing for an engine and not necessarily the engine itself. The use of the term in aerospace predates Star Trek by several decades. Additionally, I can\'t see how the use of nacelles in anyones design could preclude them from using the gravity well drive that the OP describes. Not trying to pick on you, just trying to share information.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    this ship is built the exact same way as every other ship is for this game, it has to use thrusters to move around, that part is inescapable, the thing that makes this ship \'different\' is that it doesnt have visual thursters but instead use the \'theory\' i stated above. sorry if it wasnt too clear.

    Also the drive system (how i imagine it to work, not how it actual works ingame) applies to normal space and warp space it moves the ship through both.

    Also I do hope to move as far away from startrek tech as i possibly can, the ship uses a variety of different orientated gravitational lenses on each engine segment to better manipulate the gravity fields and help the ship do more complicated manuevers in battle and such, without them the drive would only be useful for something like warp drives, as it would just need to go long distances. so ar the ship has 5 of such lenses and i am unsure if i am going to need more at this time, depends how the ship evolves as i work on it XD
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Are you suggesting your theory as a plausible REAL LIFE one, or just a fantasy system you\'re making up without scientific backing?


    Nov 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 8
    Heh, I always use (Vulcan) ring and oval drives, wing-shaped or tentacle-shaped warp nacelles... :P