turrets tend to have to be really big to be effective at all, many people have suggested in different ways that turrets have damage buffs(or not, i don't read the forms often, pls dont lynch),
i really hate that turrets have to be big to be effective, like, stupidly so, you cant really have a turret that looks good, or is small, or works, it's just really hard to find that balance and they have to be REALLY big to be effective at even killing small fighters, i propose a sort of enhanced overdrive block that would massively increase the damage of weapons it is linked to like 10-30 times(this isn't as big as it sounds especilly on really small turrets), with equally or nearly equally increased power consumption and other restrictions, i do think smaller turrets should get a bigger bonus with decreased addition power cons (still costing a lot more than it normally would, within reason to allow small anti fighter gunships to be able to power the guns without being op)
this would allow ships to be dedicated towards turrets without it only having say like two or four really big turrets, this makes gunships and anti fighter ships designed to rely on turrets much more possible than before
This could easily be created from existing code and blocks, and could be made to only work on turreted entities as an additional restriction, to prevent people from say, using it to supercharge their normal weapons and save space
Counterargument. ERMAGERD this would make turrets super powerful! a tiny ship with many turrets would instantly massacre my giant ubership! or a large ship could use this to supercharge their giant turrets and kill everything!
uh no, if the power requirement scales with the buff, then smaller turrets would have the same damage and power cost of a larger turret, allowing smaller or larger turret specialized ships to exist while being aesthetically pleasing, and if someone uses this on really big turrets with it to get a massive bonus to their turret, they're still limited by the massive power cost and would only be able to field one, two, or maybe three of them, and would be sacrificing their shielding, Armour, and space for other weapons, all for power generation for these weapons
this would allow smaller turrets to be capable of destroying small targets without being horribly overpowered against bigger ships(unless used en masse by an equally sized ship) this would allow for more ship designs with aesthetically pleasing(small) turrets that are actually capable of fighting of even small ships.
i really hate that turrets have to be big to be effective, like, stupidly so, you cant really have a turret that looks good, or is small, or works, it's just really hard to find that balance and they have to be REALLY big to be effective at even killing small fighters, i propose a sort of enhanced overdrive block that would massively increase the damage of weapons it is linked to like 10-30 times(this isn't as big as it sounds especilly on really small turrets), with equally or nearly equally increased power consumption and other restrictions, i do think smaller turrets should get a bigger bonus with decreased addition power cons (still costing a lot more than it normally would, within reason to allow small anti fighter gunships to be able to power the guns without being op)
this would allow ships to be dedicated towards turrets without it only having say like two or four really big turrets, this makes gunships and anti fighter ships designed to rely on turrets much more possible than before
This could easily be created from existing code and blocks, and could be made to only work on turreted entities as an additional restriction, to prevent people from say, using it to supercharge their normal weapons and save space
Counterargument. ERMAGERD this would make turrets super powerful! a tiny ship with many turrets would instantly massacre my giant ubership! or a large ship could use this to supercharge their giant turrets and kill everything!
uh no, if the power requirement scales with the buff, then smaller turrets would have the same damage and power cost of a larger turret, allowing smaller or larger turret specialized ships to exist while being aesthetically pleasing, and if someone uses this on really big turrets with it to get a massive bonus to their turret, they're still limited by the massive power cost and would only be able to field one, two, or maybe three of them, and would be sacrificing their shielding, Armour, and space for other weapons, all for power generation for these weapons
this would allow smaller turrets to be capable of destroying small targets without being horribly overpowered against bigger ships(unless used en masse by an equally sized ship) this would allow for more ship designs with aesthetically pleasing(small) turrets that are actually capable of fighting of even small ships.