New Logic Input Block and Logic Question

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    It would be quite nice to be able to send logic signals while flying without needing to head to building mode.

    Specifically I envision something like:

    Remote Input Block:

    Configure it for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 in the GUI, perhaps the option of the entire gamut of the number pad keys or just a certain set that is configurable in the normal key bindings as well such as RemoteInput Keys 0-9 or so that is by default bound to the number pad keys.
    When slaved to the ship core then pressing a defined key activates the Remote Input Block(s) that are listening for that key.

    However, if they are slaved to a system, say a salvaging computer somehow, then their bindings are only active when that system is selected on the hotbar, overriding the bindings set on the core. Players directly sitting in that system can also use the same key bindings that are bound to that system to activate the logic.

    (Side thought, would be fascinating to have no normal bindings, such as w/a/s/d/q/e for flying, just have to wire up the ships systems to thrusters pointing the proper way...)

    Also, have you considered making the logic internals a variant map of some sort, that way you could pass additional data, such as player(s) who are actually in an area field when activated so gravity blocks interact with the proper people if it is in the additional data, else have it do as it does now? Such additional data would be especially useful when passing, say, strings to display computers or to another new block that could be slaved to systems to display information on the screen when in the ship for example?