New building utilities

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Hey, while building this shipyard, I've come to realize some of the shortcommings of the building system. The main issue being that the current limitations make large projects very tedius. I'm over 50k blocks in and mayby only 10% done with the hull.
    So, here's what I think is a -need- right now:

    • An easier method for laying large sheets or blocks of material. Perhaps something like Blocade Runner's click-and-drag method.

    • A way to do mass deletions in the same maner as described above. Deleting 1000 blocks one at a time is killing my index finger.

    • More angle blocks and block orientations. I really want to make large corners, but the diagonal orientation is limited to a mirror on the XZ plane wih rotation on the Y-axis.

    • [ADDITION] Feilds of symetry: I feel like I'm doing twice the work that I need to be doing because most of my ships have symetry on at least one plane. In addition, my larger project suffers alot of inconsistencies between the left and right sides that I have to hunt down and fix with careful measurement, which would be handled much more efficiently by a symetry feild for a quick mirror operation.
    And here's some -wants-:

    • A way to make on-off structures like landing struts. I could be done like doors, but insread of making special blocks, regular material blocks could be linked to a special control block that allows them to function similarly to the way door blocks do.

    • A way to define docking areas with custom dimentions. Docking enhancers could control the total -volume- of the docking area, but I want to be able to confine that volume to say a 50x50x100 area.

    • The ability to allow blocks inside of the docking area so that a disembarcation platform could be placed near where airlocks will be.