New and Improved Celestial Bodies

    Of all the ideas outlined here, which ones appeal to you, and how much?

    • I like the idea of new planet types.

      Votes: 15 88.2%
    • I like the new types of celestial bodies.

      Votes: 14 82.4%
    • I like variation between star systems.

      Votes: 16 94.1%
    • I don't like any of these ideas..

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • I'm very enthusiastic about these ideas!

      Votes: 13 76.5%
    • I only read TL;DR but it sounds cool.

      Votes: 0 0.0%

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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I saw a thread recently outlining an idea for changes in star systems, but didn't like the suggested changes at all. However, my ideas are so different and extensive that I thought it appropriate to make a separate thread.

    TL;DR: Star systems are kind of boring, so we should add the possibility of multiple stars in a system, add nebulae and proper asteroid belts, and add more planet types. Different circumstances should also affect the likelihood of planets to spawn, or for a particular type of planet to spawn.

    New celestial bodies (some of which have been suggested elsewhere)
    • Nebulae: Clouds of gas, dust, and debris.
      • Can be small, filling a few sectors or less than one sector, or envelop an entire system.
      • Could be a source of yet-to-be-added resources like ammunition, coolant, or such things
      • Reduces the overall likelihood that a planet will spawn within it (except gas planets)
      • Large nebulae slightly increase the chance of asteroids forming
      • Should not be made of blocks, but set as a zone in space where special haze/dust/cloud effects and collection of particular gases are enabled
      • Small nebulae should shrink over time as they are harvested, but ones over a sector in size should ignore this to reduce CPU load
    • Asteroid belts: Numerous asteroids scattered across multiple sectors.
      • Asteroids should not spawn too close together (due to performance issues), but should still be quite numerous.
      • Drastically decreased likelihood of a planet spawning inside of it
    • Comets
      • Asteroid-like objects
      • Move in an approximate orbit around star(s) when in loaded sectors
      • similar to ice-type asteroids, but contains a lot of ice crystals and a lot less rock
      • draws a thruster plume-like effect pointing away from the star which varies in intensity based on proximity to star(s)
    • Multiple-star systems
      • Should be somewhat less common than single-star systems for gameplay reasons
      • Two or more stars may spawn in one system, orbiting each other
      • Decreases overall likelihood of planets spawning the more stars there are
      • Increases the chance of a nebula-enveloped system the more stars there are
      • Even in the worst conditions, at least one planet should spawn per system (artificially imposed over probabilities)
    • Moons/dwarf planets/planetoids
      • Small planet-like objects. It may be more feasible to generate them as single-segment approximated spheres. Gravity is less noticeable than on planets, so it could be omitted for now until a good solution is found. Place a grav module if you want.
      • Occasionally spawn orbiting planets.
      • More likely to spawn in asteroid belts than planets are, but rare elsewhere
      • Do not share the same types/ecosystems as planets
      • Three main types: rocky, frozen, and volcanic
        • Frozen: Similar to ice planet but without deep rock formations/chasms
        • Rocky: Rather boring, like Earth's moon, but still good for building something on.
        • Volcanic: So... much... LAVA! Oh, and a lot of minerals too.

    New planet types and generation mechanics:
    The likelihood of a specific planet type should be affected by the proximity to the star or stars and other objects.
    • Ice (already existing): Rarer near a star, more common far away. May spawn very rarely outside of star systems (rogue planet). Slightly more common in multi-star systems.
    • Grassy (already existing): Most common at moderate distances from stars. Rare in binary star systems, slightly less rare in trinary star system.
    • Purple (already existing): If a planet spawns in a nebula, it is more likely to be purple. Make purple planets slightly rarer elsewhere to compensate.
    • Red (already existing): Works fine; leave as is.
    • Desert (already existing): Rarer far from stars, more common spawn close. More common in multi-star systems
    • Volcanic (new): More common close to stars, slightly rarer farther away. More common in multi-star systems
      • Igneous rock
      • Lava is common on the surface and very common just under it.
      • Dangerous, but somewhat richer in minerals
    • Oceanic (new): Most common at moderate distances from stars.
      • Mostly or entirely covered in water.
      • Should be implemented alongside swimming mechanics and ability for ships to sink partially or completely in water, with slight upward force applied to the ship the farther it submerges.
      • Note: I'm not worried about performance issues with this planet type as it need not have any more volume than other planet types.
    • Rocky (new): Equally common throughout star systems, but otherwise unremarkable
    • Gaseous (new): Slightly less common close to stars. Increased chance that if a planet spawns in a nebula, it will be a gaseous one.
      • Gas surrounding a core.
      • Some of the gas may be caustic, damaging players and ships that enter it.
      • Approaching its core should kill a player outside of a ship.
      • Like nebulae, may be a source of resources yet to be added to the game.
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    DANGIT! I manually indented lines with spaces to separate topics and subtopics and this lousy forum software ignored the spaces. I'll have to edit this later to make it make sense.

    EDIT: There, I fixed it. Thanks for the info, Megacrafter. I hadn't noticed the buttons.
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    Jan 14, 2014
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    To be quite honest, but with nebula, there should be different effects.

    Exe: Ion, anti radar, constant damage, decreased thrust, increased shield power, low visibility, missiles don't lock, longer weapon reload.

    However, there might be alot of demand from this.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    DANGIT! I manually indented lines with spaces to separate topics and subtopics and this lousy forum software ignored the spaces. I'll have to edit this later to make it make sense.
    There are:
    • enumeration
      • sub-enumeration
    Nov 21, 2013
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    I like this. Very much.
    I would really like to see certain trends for AI factions depending on the traits of an overall area of space. More "weird/alien" traits being more common in nebulae/asteroid-heavy areas, that feel like "deep space"(fewer planets in a system, farther from more developed/inhabited areas, etc).
    You could have bio-ships, cyborgs, hive-minds, high population, high hostility, etc. be some of these traits using a custom config. Then -
    Venture into these areas, and encounter tons of very alien hostiles!
    Nomads, Borg, and more!
    To be quite honest, but with nebula, there should be different effects.

    Exe: Ion, anti radar, constant damage, decreased thrust, increased shield power, low visibility, missiles don't lock, longer weapon reload.

    However, there might be alot of demand from this.
    The heavier the nebula/asteroid field, the less and less effective your sensors should be(perhaps more with certain elements). I'd like to see scanning into it from outside be more difficult than scanning outside of it from in, just for the added strategic value of hiding in a nebula.
    A large variety of fields would be nice: even scrap fields near large battlefields/shipyards. Then we can have Junkers!
    Last edited:
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Here are a few things i think could be added to the list

    -galaxies like the cartwheel Galaxy(galaxies that have been hit by other galaxies)
    -Moons like Europa (frozen moons(may contain life))
    -Magnetic suns(suns that cause magnetic disturbances to, power, shields, guns, cloaking, and MAYBE life support)
    -"earth"quakes on planets
    -asteroid belts around planets (useful for preventing large ships from reaching the planet)(and any bases built on them would look cool)
    -Oort clouds?
    -large asteroids orbiting planets separate from asteroid belts (useful for tactual warfare)
    -dark nebulae(s) Perhaps they could be cosmic beings?
    -pillars of creation
    -plasma stars, small stars that shoot out deadly beams of plasma (yes, like a plasma globe)
    -neutron or pulsar stars (stars that emit directed pulses of radiation at random or regular intervals)
    -something like (not making up the name) the Sombrero Galaxy
    -regoliths (on just a few planets)
    -(not making this up ether) Starburst Galaxies
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    Jul 10, 2013
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    All good ideas, but it's to be reminded that any volumetric objects (Nebulaes, Gas planets, Ocean planets) would cause extreme CPU and VRAM/RAM load on the clients.

    Perhaps, Nebulaes should be more like "space biomes", which would become a parameter for the generation of certain objects, instead of being an object itself.
    Similarly for gas planets, they should be considered as a "sector biome" (and this mechanic would also ease the implementation of asteroid fields), where visibility would be forced at a very low range, and crushing damage would be applied in relation to the distance from the sector's center.

    For other things like planetoids, they should spawn just like asteroids, but instead of being their own category (and thus requiring dedicated implementations) they could be considered a bigger type of asteroid, where if an asteroid spawns of a size bigger than a X radius, it turns into a pseudo-spherical object, while still retaining all the usual asteroid properties (movable, mineable).

    The rest of the list is quite good, and i like the ideas in it. :D


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    When I have a bit of time, I'll start editing some of these ideas into the original post.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    As for multiple stars, I'll support if the range of star damage drops to a fixed value instead of being sector-based.
    Also, could we have empty systems (no star, few planets, mainly empty sectors) with more dangerous enemies in them?


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    hmmmmm, destroy able stars?
    Uh... Might be just a little excessive, but cool idea.

    Also, could we have empty systems (no star, few planets, mainly empty sectors) with more dangerous enemies in them?
    Well, it wouldn't be a star system if there's no star, but I guess having a nebula out in the void with a rogue planet and some creepy freaks would be cool. I did mention the idea of rogue planets, and I know there's a creature system planned somewhere down the line of development, so nebulas would be a great place to hide some creeps.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    All good ideas, but it's to be reminded that any volumetric objects (Nebulaes, Gas planets, Ocean planets) would cause extreme CPU and VRAM/RAM load on the clients.

    Perhaps, Nebulaes should be more like "space biomes", which would become a parameter for the generation of certain objects, instead of being an object itself.
    Similarly for gas planets, they should be considered as a "sector biome" (and this mechanic would also ease the implementation of asteroid fields), where visibility would be forced at a very low range, and crushing damage would be applied in relation to the distance from the sector's center.

    For other things like planetoids, they should spawn just like asteroids, but instead of being their own category (and thus requiring dedicated implementations) they could be considered a bigger type of asteroid, where if an asteroid spawns of a size bigger than a X radius, it turns into a pseudo-spherical object, while still retaining all the usual asteroid properties (movable, mineable).

    The rest of the list is quite good, and i like the ideas in it. :D
    Umm, I would hope that no actual volumetric rendering would be involved in these (Yikes!)... They would just be part billboarded textures from outside, and skyboxes/filtersphere things from within.
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Umm, I would hope that no actual volumetric rendering would be involved in these (Yikes!)... They would just be part billboarded textures from outside, and skyboxes/filtersphere things from within.
    I don't think there's a way to do that with volumetric rendering without lagging the snot out of most people's computers.
    Oct 20, 2013
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    Improved variety again, always nice. However, these may get implemented as the game progresses. And as always, having different field types would be awesome (and require better hardware to handle!), especially the debris fields from battlefields.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Man, this forum scrolls fast. I create a thread, and a few days later it's buried.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    +1 just for multi-star systems and volcanic planets. Tartarus is a volcanic planet in a binary star system.