New AI target and engage range is making small mass ships nearly unusable.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    It would seem logical that radar detection range should vary with object size (edit stuff; radar range would be independent of emitter mass... should of made a new post stuff; I do like the idea of variable radar range now though. A scanner enhancer block with cubic power load increase when chained for range? toggled like cloak you could have long-range radar fleet capital ships or radar-dish turrets [scanner enhancer block chain bonus should be for full-perimeter bounded area to \'force\' dish-shapes] but it would probabaly cause lag to have big ships \'seeing\' into more sectors at once.), so why not have an AI dectection/ engagement range that\'s based directly off mass. Small jumpers and fighters could start at 750m and scale back up to 2500m for capital ships. Titans might ping the AI\'s radar from more then a sector away bringing dispersed pirate fleets to converge on super-capitals.

    Could also consider a ship\'s power output as a measure of how detectable it is.
    Sep 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is a bit game breaking if you\'re playing single player with default settings. I can\'t go 5-10 minutes outside of a shop area without getting mobbed by pirates. The AI always goes straight for the core and never seems to miss, and in the smaller ships I end up making (all I can afford), that can never end well.