Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

    Nov 25, 2013
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    we can be sure because it's been tested; the answers are in the op, which you are clearly ignoring and at this point, i feel like you're disagreeing with it just for the sake of it.
    The answers for the OP concerns are in the first comment. This system is made in the way to not promote placing one type of blocks over the other (shields over weapon), because power drain and advantages of placing them are similar.

    Anyway OP does not give us more info than "big ships have plenty shields" and "smaller ships have disadvantage against big ships".
    And sorry, but let's be honest, CyberTao calculations are flawed, because they do not concern maneuvering (most important one), advantage of 1 mil e/s threshold, turrets, coring the ship, etc.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    Not at all, please, remind yourself this @ReasonKinetic : It is an ALPHA game. And some many mechanics incomplete. Also, why the fuck should a 500 meter ship defeat a 800 meter one? Just hear the thought, it makes NO SENSE. He said it himself, titans need swarms of enemies to be defeated, or another titan. That IS the way it works everywhere else (Eve online, anyone?) Why not here? I do agree shield need tweaks, but the flat rate he is suggesting is beyond madness. Commodore I agree, turrets are another issue. But that is why i am pushing heavily on the aspect that
    a) turrets should have their AI settings better defined to target intended objetives
    b) They should share a % of the motherships shields, dependent on turret mass, and either "withdrawing" these shields fomr the motherships pool, or nerfing its regen equal to the regen the turret should get based on the amount of shields it has.
    c) Turrets should move slower according to mass.

    That way, we are almost making sure fights get enough tactical depth. Many more things need to be implemented, and mechanics polished. Shields certainly isn't the one that needs that right now.
    No one said a 500m ship should defeat a 800m one, But with what the Devs say 2 40k mass ships should be Equal in power to a 80k mass. Which they Arent. hence the Problem.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    The answers for the OP concerns are in the first comment. This system is made in the way to not promote placing one type of blocks over the other (shields over weapon), because power drain and advantages of placing them are similar.

    Anyway OP does not give us more info than "big ships have plenty shields" and "smaller ships have disadvantage against big ships".
    And sorry, but let's be honest, CyberTao calculations are flawed, because they do not concern maneuvering (most important one), advantage of 1 mil e/s threshold, turrets, coring the ship, etc.
    Get Overdrive. Hold S. When the Thurster revamp happens, that -May- change, but I dont it will change much if that's your tactic.
    But at the moment, Once you get above 'Frigate' class everything moves the same anyways.
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    Jun 26, 2013
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    Let's see. Same power regen divided by 2? check. Same shield blocks divided by 2? check. Same DPS divided between 2 ships. Check. Same ability to deal full damage to their target: Oh well, here is where is gets interesting. Do think of that. How about power storage to keep your guns powered? Your shields working? The titan, depending on its size, won't be able to keep up if it can't hit a target.

    Small turrets getting you? Take them out First! he can't hit you!
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    Apr 25, 2013
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    You are missing so many factors into these merely numerical calculations, like ship movement and maneuvering, that it no longer makes sense.
    Numerical calculations my ass. I've played the game against these kinds of ships. The combat is extremely one-sided and I KNOW for a FACT that titan-vs-anything-smaller combat doesn't freaking work! The smaller ship is always finished off much quicker than the titan is.

    Have taken into account the amount of resources planned for having such ships in any actual server once economy kicks in? It has more drawbacks to it.
    Economy fixes are just part of the solution. Actually, they are a big one really, but shield scaling is another thing that needs to be worked around, because if that's not fixed but the economy is, it's still just another arms race, but more drawn-out.

    It is the incomplete mechanics that is making this fall into the ground as not helpful at all.
    Oh really? Like what? Air pressure? Ammunition? Cargo storage space? Are you seriously implying that titans can't be judged as OP until we have in a bunch of relatively unrelated and minor game features?

    You are assuming, by default, that a all ships are stationary and landing all hits on the enemy, Bypassing COMPLETELY ship design and the fact that that behemoth is 4 times bigger than my ship and MUST be proportionally slower to maneuver, allowing the smaller ships to dodge.
    Where did you get this from? I'm not making assumptions here, I KNOW from actual gameplay experience that a 300-meter capital ship is not going to be able to dodge cannon fire from a titan! And we are not talking about fighters here either; I already made that very clear. Projectiles move pretty fast now, they can easily hit anything bigger than 100 meters from a reasonably long distance. Dodging bullets is not an element in capital ship design. Blind spots aren't relevant here either.

    Also, the ship isn't dead when its shields go down.
    Actually it gets "dead" pretty quickly, if the ships are well-armed, which I think we can safely assume they are.

    And to the later CyberTao , Idea proliferation is my goddamn right, if it had nothing to do with this I'd give you the point, but it does matter.
    May I just say that since you first posted in this thread you've been acting like a condescending jerk? I've been trying to have an actual discussion here, but most of what i've gotten is you sidestepping my points and offering no other solution to the problem other than telling us everything we already know, and restating the problem as the solution.

    Making a titan behave like a titan, once thruster changes come in, will factor in more ways than you can think of. And mass is directly linked to this matter.
    Thruster changes are indeed a part of the solution to the gigantism problem too. I agree with you on that one.

    And why send 2 ships 2/3 in size, instead of just one of the same size? After all, what is the point of a titan if it weren't a wins-all, ends-all ship? It defeat the purpose itself of being a titan.
    That's entirely what the problem is! You can't kill a titan except with another titan! We want to be able to kill bigger ships with several ships of a smaller size! The problem is it takes way too much to do it! A titan should NOT be a wins-all, ends-all ship! You COMPLETELY misunderstand the purpose of a Titan if you think it's meant to be the ace in the hole for every situation. That's exactly what the problem is!

    You have no actual arguments, as the current game state is not at all ready for that claim. Give me full mechanics, and I'll share on this matter again. You can't be sure this far. Current values in the game are the result of incomplete mechanics. Yet again.
    You completely misunderstand the point of this thread. We have been waiting for this "fix" for giganticism for well over a year! These "incomplete mechanics" are rather a never-ending cycle of changes to the shield system that have never actually fixed the issue of shields being way too overpowered on titans! We actually came CLOSER to a reasonable shield curve for titans before this update, but that was mostly related to the way AMCs scaled.

    Anyway OP does not give us more info than "big ships have plenty shields" and "smaller ships have disadvantage against big ships".
    And sorry, but let's be honest, CyberTao calculations are flawed, because they do not concern maneuvering (most important one), advantage of 1 mil e/s threshold, turrets, coring the ship, etc.
    What the hell are you talking about? I gave you plenty of info! I even showed you how my own ship with the added shields of a low-end Titan was performing against 12 of my best frigates! You're deliberately twisting and dumbing down my post to make it sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. Actually play the game, against people like the DFN and the Vaygr. They can tell you how they win, and it's with their titans.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    Shield blocks and weapon module blocks are balanced against each other. The power use of both of them is ten units of power per damage point done/mitigated. The capacity of shields is balanced around just over a minute and a half of taking sustained damage. A ship with thirty weapon blocks will take just over a minute and thirty seconds to disable the shields of a ship with thirty shield blocks. There are multiple reasons for this, including: it's a nice round number that's easy to put into formula and tweak, it's long enough to give both players opportunities to create advantages, but not so long that those advantages disappear before the fight ends, and the capacity of a shield block is just a little bit higher than the damage per volley of a missile/pulse.

    The problems that many people are having with this is more related to them testing it with older designs that use many more shield blocks than weapon blocks. Before the weapons update, it was ideal to use shield blocks as a filler, as they required next to no energy and were required in massive numbers in order to counter an opponent's offense. Now the power disparity between a shield block and weapon block is much less, and it's prudent to outfit ships with a greater focus on offense than they had previously. A ship with perfect balance between offense and defense will have exactly as many weapon blocks as shield blocks... But due to people's personal preferences, I don't expect that to be a common thing. (Glass cannons FTW!)
    I've had this argument before, they are balancing for an ideal not practicality or real world applications. There is next to downside to spamming the hell out of shields blocks so you will ALWAYS have more shields than guns so balancing shields with a 1:1 weapons to shield ideal is misguided. I'm tired of hearing this, "oh you think it's too powerful? then put less shields on"... You can't choose how other people build ships and simply asking them to build balanced ships is a pipedream. If a balanced ship goes against a tanky ship you have a stalemate, the "balanced" guns cannot overcome the tanks shields and the tanks lower powered guns cannot overcome the "balanced" shields. Shields are also easy to spam when weapons need to be built in arrays, sure you can spam weapon supports but that is a bad idea when you may want to refit a ship.

    I don't even build "titans", I build RP style ships and last night I did a combat run with my light carrier against a clearly superior ship which was not equipped with a fully detailed interior and it was a stale made, I lost all my turrets but none of the guns on the enemy ship could overcome my 6% combat regen and my guns are pathetic as I didn't load my carrier specifically for combat. Do I expect to win this fight? No, do I expect to lose, Yes, but there was no way I could even lose.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    And hence, here I reveal my trump card, lads.

    See, this things, like ship maneuverability, are lacking SO much, RIGHT now, the game cannot be tested into those aspects properly, yet.
    Dodging is a vital part of this game, as outmaneuvering an opponent has always been. Also, in your little experiment, did you end up killing all the 12 frigs? That is an important value. Also, they are NPC's. In order to implement dodging, movement needs to be sorted out, and to sort out movement, mass, and thrust, need to be accurately represented in the game. We don't have those things yet. Not even close to it. So all your precious "battle" experience is actually worth next to nothing. EVERYTIME the game faces a mayor change like this, the process is to compare to previous state. In previous state, you could make regen so high you would never kill a ship. Now it doesn't do that. We are definitely moving forward. Battles are lacking so much right now, from proper handling and camera mechanics for ships to actual finished movement features.

    I do not intend to say your contribution with "experience" is futile, for that shapes the game. But shields ain't a problem now, not until Schema finishes movement mechanics, tweaks them and makes em feel right. Then we move into combat things like shields. I know you can't dodge shit now, and it ain't your fault. Just think of the whole pie, instead of just the slice you want. Becasue yes, blindspots should matter. Because his ship moving WAY slower than yours DOES matter.

    And please, don't dumb down stuff we don't need, nobody talked about the features you are suggesting(Air pressure? C'mon, you can do better than that). We have several more pressing problems. The ability of a ship to move and maneuver in space needs to be tweaked properly, for combat to even begin working properly. First you crawl, then you walk, then you run, and lastly you fire your gun.

    You can't solve the whole puzzle until you have all the parts of it. And that is really very important. I urge you to do so.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    Honestly, I think we need to re-approach this problem. We need to stop worrying about titan this and titan that. Now I am going to say something REALLY controversial here...

    Wait for it...

    A single fighter should be able to kill anything (Titan, Breadnaught, ETC).

    Now let me explain. If you build the game around "balanced" ideals for weapons and shields, "oh if you want to kill x number of shields then you need y number of weapons". That's a bad way to approach the problem. Now realistically a fighter will NEVER kill a titan, it's turrets would wipe that pathetic little craft out of space like it was nothing, but the fighter SHOULD be capable of taking down the Titan, eventually, if the titan is blind, deaf, and dumb. This way you will never ever end up with a stalemate situation. In combat the shields should always break, it's just a matter of how long. The game will be a matter of ship design, sure you can load more shields than weapons and be a tank but you may still lose to a shield buster, or just a ship with more powerful guns. The game becomes balanced for the entire spectrum, more shields less guns, balanced and more guns less shields.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    Extremely Arrogant condescending Post
    Ummm.... what?
    I CAN Dodge in a smaller ship, its not that Hard. Just have to keep ~800m distance and keep in mind your velocity. I once had a Fighter battle last over 2 hours, ended with me Giving up cause I was slowly Losing anyways~
    Large ships cant Dodge though, cause of their Shear size. As it should be.

    Shields ARE whats important. They are what keeps a ship alive right now, and determines how long a Battle is.

    And despite what you think, Experience is important, it tells what Systems work and what needs fixing. The problem with Most of the Devs and Testers is they lack true Server-side experience. They don't know how things work in Pvp, only what the Numbers gave them and Dry tests against NPCs and Targets :u Or that's what it feels like really.

    I really hate to admit it, cause I don't have fond memories of Planr, But he knows the Game. He knows how battle works, and he knows that this isn't right. That is How you spot problems, Experience and Testing. How will it be used is just as important as what it will do.
    Nov 25, 2013
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    Planr Bigger ships are winning because they are bigger, no matter if they've used their space on shields or on weapons. If instead of having majority of shield blocks they would have majority of weapons blocks, they would still have the same advantage in battle (maybe slightly different) with the same power drain.

    And i don't feel i've much dumbed down Your post. Info that 12 100m ships damaged aprox. 1/5 shields on 275m ship with total 100 mil shields within aprox. 100 sec and they've done that using AI doesn't really say much. I don't want to impute that You don't know a thing about a subject, probably You know more than me, but i see that You see a problem, when there isn't any and You want to fix it somehow.
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    SPICY hot dog child
    Apr 26, 2013
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    Planr Bigger ships are winning because they are bigger, no matter if they've used their space on shields or on weapons. If instead of having majority of shield blocks they would have majority of weapons blocks, they would still have the same advantage in battle (maybe slightly different) with the same power drain.

    And i don't feel i've much dumbed down Your post. Info that 12 100m ships damaged aprox. 1/5 shields on 275m ship with total 100 mil shields within aprox. 100 sec and they've done that using AI doesn't really say much. I don't want to impute that You don't know a thing about a subject, probably You know more than me, but i see that You see a problem, when there isn't any and You want to fix it somehow.
    Generally, in most cases, everything works under the principle of "the bigger they are, the harder they fall."
    That doesn't necessarily have to be the exact case here, but in StarMade with the shields working they way they do right now, it's basically "The bigger they are, the more invincible and completely pointless to go up against they are."

    You're saying that there isn't a problem when there is a problem. The reasons behind you saying there isn't a problem may possibly be because you haven't personally experienced, but Planr has and he is calling it out.

    also lol at admiral agreeing to your double post how desperate can a guy be kek
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    Jun 26, 2013
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    I admit i left myself carry over there, but rece ktore leczo just made it all clear, along with Sven_The_Slayer . So the real test is, if your ship eventually has no shield regen, and it is constantly under attack, it will eventually die. Which is what I've been trying to say all along. And how much time? Well, you are my guest to do the math. But i am guessing already a lot. It might even be so long it is not "feasible". Right now, all what matters then is how much shield regen gets nerfed in combat after x amount of time on it. Once we sort out the "I can't dodge shit" and "Oh wait but i can" problems. Coaxial mounted weapons should be totally unusable against smaller ships, albeit to what extent, that needs revision as well. Movement is just that much important, and it is in a very raw state right now, that both the ability to not dodge or dodge in the future might change a lot.

    Also, combat experience should radically change once both HP and thrust systems get overhauled. Because it is an Alpha game.

    ResonKinetic Thanks for the correction, english is not my native language. And thanks again, I tend to make plenty of mistakes, hence the many editions.

    And I do apologize If i sound like a condescending jerk. Not the intention, but it comes out way more often than I'd like. It is never my intention to hurt anyone, that is why i try not to use any blasphemies on anyone.
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    SPICY hot dog child
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    Also, combat experience should radically change was both HP and thrust system get overhauled. Because it is an Alpha game.
    sure combat experience will change but we need experience and input now to determine the best future for the game; for better experiences in the future.

    and damn you're sassy for someone with engrish as a second language.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Also, Commodore Large ships depend on Power Storage, as they always have (which is now Buffed to hell and back)
    I haven't finished my ship yet, but I am getting a very strong feeling, that by the time I spend 100 seconds shooting through a similar sized ship's shields, I will have used up my storage.

    Old powertank fomula = N ^ 1.75 N is the number of blocks in a group
    And I think new power tank formula = (1000 * N)^1.05 (is it right? I probably need to test it)

    With those formulas, the new one is worse than the old one starting at around 31,500 blocks. (74.5M storage in either case)
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    Nov 21, 2013
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    IMO, what should be -
    Thrust, top-speed, and turning all slow down as your mass gets higher.
    (Dimension-based system is cool in concept, but seems like there might be a drawba-WE ARE THE BORG. LOWER YOUR SHIELDS AND SURRENDER YOUR SHIPS.)
    Weapons are linear(some, though, are DPS>usability, others are usability>DPS).
    Shields are linear.
    Powergen isn't capped, and is the same per block no matter what size groups you use. Could be a bit stronger for small ships but nothing like now. Thus, we don't rely on turrets' reactors to deal damage.

    Right now, everything is locked except for a few stats you can change by selecting a modifier, and you can only select one modifier. What if you could attach all systems at once, except missiles/minelayers would be incompatible with each other, and maybe amcs/pulses too to ease calculations if it's a problem? I'm not sure what should be done about range and stats like it, both the static and the increasing range stats have drawbacks. Sliders could be nice to have back, too.

    but there's nothing to be sure of; shields ARE op
    For titan vs. titan, they can't dodge each other, but they are somewhat OP.
    For somehow beating a ship that cost 5x yours combined or more without being destroyed? Nah.
    For fighter vs. fighter? I think so, you should be able to dodge and zip, being very tough to hit, but fragile.
    Dogfighting should be fast and fragile, 50-70% of your effective HP being dodging. This is the case in any dogfight I've ever seen, sci-fi or otherwise. Doesn't mean it should be over in a second, but that the tanking ability should be largely from dodging. This does cause some unreliability with long-reload weapons, though.
    Not sure how to make this happen without some imbalance, though, or making everything a glass cannon.
    "Blind spots aren't relevant here either."
    That's true right now. Ideally in the future top-speed and turning would be affected by mass and scale up, where a giga-titan would be scouted by a small fighter zooming around, then outmaneuvered by 2-3 dreadnoughts. Of course at this scale, it's not something you do in the midst of battle, but something you show on a battle-board on the bridge/HQ and do over a matter of many minutes, rather than in a few seconds. Turrets might not be able to put out enough if not all of them can target you. Still, the shields are somewhat OP right now.
    "Do I expect to win this fight? No, do I expect to lose, Yes, but there was no way I could even lose."
    Sounds like a quote out of a novel or something.

    One balance problem I see with top-speed differences(even without it) is a smaller ship can equip a sniper cannon and backpedal to infinity. You'll probably need some kind of fast interceptors controlled by AI to launch from your hangar. Although, then you could easily have ships of your own guarding the backpedaler, and even a bunch of AI-controlled backpedalers causing confusion and luring ships out to destroy. Without small support ships, large, lumbering ones get turned to scrap.
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    Apr 25, 2013
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    I'll tell you what a titan's purpose should be: It should be both a combination of a carrier role and heavily-armed support ship for a fleet. They should be slow and expensive-to-build as hell, but at the same time their guns and shields should scale so that a fleet of smaller ships with a total combined mass count lower than the titan should be able to at least do a considerable amount of damage. Unfortunately, they can't, because of the way shields and weapons scale. Titans currently function on their own as solo ships, requiring no backup, as they carry all the firepower and defenses they need on themselves (rather, an overkill on both), which is what I think should be fixed. They should have to actually RELY on other ships, rather than being doomsday machines. They should have to require an actual crew of actual players to operate, due to their size. They should (in the future) be vulnerable to boarding, as their slow speed would allow them to be boarded by other people.

    And hence, here I reveal my triumph card, lads.
    My god, you are so snide and condescending. Cut the crap, would you?

    Dodging is a vital part of this game, as outmaneuvering an opponent has always been.
    No it's not? Dodging has never been an aspect of the majority of Starmade combat, which is big ships vs other big ships. Most of the time, ship-to-ship combat has been two ships flying through space like a rail shooter game, with one ship going backwards at full speed, and the other ship chasing it, both firing at each other like mad. Outmaneuvering an opponent doesn't yield any advantage except avoiding weapons fire, and it's only a small part of winning in small ship-vs-small ship combat. The way weapons work now, with cannons just spraying all around their targets, means its pretty tough to simply avoid enemy fire except to not fight at all, or to simply go all sonic-the-hedgehog style in a tiny fighter.

    Also, in your little experiment, did you end up killing all the 12 frigs? That is an important value.
    That was not the purpose of my experiment, the purpose was to show how ridiculously long it takes for a titan's shields to be drained by other ships. It was to show how much of an overkill shields currently are for titans. And because it proves how overpowered shields are, how much more does that say for that the small ships would need to be able to survive long enough (if the ship was armed) and for those small ships to still have enough of a ship left to drop the titans shields before they themselves were destroyed? Also, those 12 ships each weighs over 4,000 mass, and my ship with those added blocks weighed a total of 40,024.1 mass. 4,000 times 12 is almost 50,000 which means they well had enough strength in blocks there (and they do have very big weapons arrays and turrets on the ships too) to have taken down my titan, if these "calculations" you spoke of actually held up in the real game.

    And hence, here I reveal my triumph card, lads.
    Also, they are NPC's. In order to implement dodging, movement needs to be sorted out, and to sort out movement, mass, and thrust, need to be accurately represented in the game. We don't have those things yet. Not even close to it.
    For the hundredth time, frigates and capital ships are not and never will be dodging freaking bullets! Why is this so hard for you to understand?

    So all your precious "battle" experience is actually worth next to nothing. EVERYTIME the game faces a mayor change like this, the process is to compare to previous state. In previous state, you could make regen so high you would never kill a ship.
    This is NOT TRUE! At all! Before this update, shields still had crap regen in combat, and AMCs scaled so that capital ship turrets of roughly 25 meters around could actually really fight and almost kill titans, sometimes! The only issue was the titans also had exponentially more powerful and bigger AMC turrets that could easily wipe out the other ship.

    But shields ain't a problem now, not until Schema finishes movement mechanics, tweaks them and makes em feel right. Then we move into combat things like shields.
    You obviously don't play the game! You couldn't possibly have a realistic view on what is actually important when you aren't even having to deal with the problems yourself! Those of us who actually REALLY play the game know that titans scale badly with shields and are too OP! We know that shields need DRASTIC mechanic changes, and they should have them NOW. There is no reason to wait, at all. We know there is a problem. What kind of backwards logic is this to let massive gameplay problems sit and fester and boil and make combat unpleasant in the game while we divert our efforts to other things that aren't causing problems anywhere near as big as shields are?

    We are definitely moving forward. Battles are lacking so much right now, from proper handling and camera mechanics for ships to actual finished movement features.
    Those features are nowhere near as important as the basic functions of ship shields.

    I know you can't dodge shit now, and it ain't your fault. Just think of the whole pie, instead of just the slice you want. Becasue yes, blindspots should matter. Because his ship moving WAY slower than yours DOES matter.
    Oh my gosh, AGAIN, capital ships should never be able to dodge bullets, only fighters should. That's simply outrageous. We've already gone through this. Please, quit bringing it up.

    To your credit though, blind spots may play in a bit if you have a small frigate and a large titan, with the frigate both maneuverable and fast enough to hide right next to the ship. But really, the majority of titans do not have blind spots, because turrets have very low limitations as to the direction they can fire in! It's only around a 50% aiming area restriction, with them only unable to aim in the mostly-lower regions below themselves and a tiny hole of area above themselves.

    And please, don't dumb down stuff we don't need, nobody talked about the features you are suggesting(Air pressure? C'mon, you can do better than that).
    On the contrary, I'm not dumbing down anything! You're overcomplicating things! And we're not here to talk about the thruster features you are suggesting as a solution to a completely separate problem!

    We have several more pressing problems. The ability of a ship to move and maneuver in space needs to be tweaked properly, for combat to even begin working properly.
    Again, you keep bringing up unrelated features that don't solve the problem at hand! You think thrusters are more important right now than shields? Fine, you're entitled to believing that, but I can say from firsthand experience that shields are what need to be fixed right now. You want thrusters fixed? Fine, I do too, but shields should come first, and for all the obvious reasons I have already explained in this thread. Changing thrusters will not solve the shield issue, so stop bringing it up.

    You can't solve the whole puzzle until you have all the parts of it. And that is really very important. I urge you to do so.
    You're making this issue seem a lot more complicated than it really is. The solution is simple, and it's a few number changes in the code for shield scaling calculations. We don't need to solve a freaking jigsaw puzzle to figure out that shields don't work and it's because of the current game equations for how they are capped.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    I feel like a 3 stage system is needed.

    • Underfire, No regen.
    • Break in fire, combat regen
    • Longer break in fire, full regen
    The strength of the shields and the damage being taken should determine how long a ship is in the "underfire" stage So a large strike would take your regen off line much more than a bunch of tiny pin pricks to avoid playing favorites to using small rapid fire weapons just to keep shields from charging.

    The idea of no regen while under fire may be unpopular but I don't see anyway else to have strong shields and avoid stalemates/excessively long combat. This also adds pilot skill into the equation as skilled pilots may be able to avoid fire long enough to regen some shields. A skilled pilot in a corvette who can avoid fire for a ridiculously amount of time, taking on a battleship, I kind of want that universe.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    I agree with you on how shields should function in combat, Sven. Regen should be high privilege, and thankfully the issues with Regen being op were already mostly eliminated over 8 months ago.

    I think titans should always have more shields than other ships, but the way they are right now is going WAY too far overboard. They should give drastically less returns for shield capacity in relation to their massive size. Meaning each shield block on a titan at an eventual point is returning only like 10 shields per block, while that smaller 300-meter capital ship is getting returns around 80 shields per block. As different as those numbers are, take into account how the first several hundred shield blocks on a ship add thousands-per-block to the capacity and it's rather reasonable.
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    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    But it is, and your lack for development vision is made clear here, Planr. Your keep saying "unrelated features" And you are terribly wrong. Your game experience also comes from an incomplete game, For Christs sake! You are fractionating the game mechanics sorely in your experience of not being able to dodge things, Also, your scaling experiment doesn't work. Seriously, Keep thinking a ships half the size of another can feasibly kill its enemy being 50% bigger then the said ship. So much more depth affects your simple solution, rather than the simple game code change. The most agreeable idea here is Sven's. And i don't agree on the fact only fighters should dodge. You are entirely mistaken about how the game could work in future stages. I did explain that before. Gish, just realize what you are saying at all! I know all the problems you so presumably claim come from your first hand online experience, But I've made my good own share of in engine tests. Movement, is CRUCIAL. Keep saying i bring unrelated features. They are DIRECTLY related to combat. I will say it once again, Look at the big picture. Hitting targets reliably, based on the ships movement capabilities, is just as important as shields. Now, we only have one of those things to test (shields). Therefore, conclusions about the current "broken" shield mechanic,are in dire need of further testing. And Sven just added skill into the equation. which is remarkably important as well, yet biased, since skill cannot be controlled by in-game features.

    In order to set that skill bar, if we ever do, the game needs to be as complete as possible.

    And all your combat experience is terribly questionable. Where both fleets the same size? Did you have similar mass distributions? Was if a fight of them bringing way more mass to the fight than you did? On one on combat, maneuvers, and the ability to consistently deliver damage is more important. Or to simply deliver more than the enemy, if ships are similar. In fleet combat, the amounts of sheer firepower, and the combat skill of each participant is way more important to the engagement, than the amount of ships, and maneuvers are still terribly important, although less so than in one on one combat. I agree, to extreme measure, than Regen in combat should be 0. And then "combat regen" after a little while, to then proceed to full regen.

    In your experiment, also noted, we don't know how well the weapon/shield distribution is applied, therefore impacting energy (and in the future, i hope, mass). We don't know how many weapon blocks each weapons on your frigs size, nor how efficient they are.

    Also, you are skipping the point that shield buster ships are now a thing. Even less the reason to nerf shield, but the ability to overcome ship shields faster by making specialized weaponry. And the fact that right now there is no ship HP. therefore, once shields are down, you are dependent on design of how fast you will actually die.

    Last, Top speed isn't a figure we should look at. Acceleration, all ship angles, is what we need. A good example is Space Battleship Yamato (anime, look for it) On how ships behave. Linear thrusters
    in the opposite direction the ship IS going (or turning) are a must. Energy use of said thrusters should factor in heavily, as well.

    And this isn't complicating things, it is looking the at the whole cake, people. Complicating things is adding mechanics we don't need. Like air pressure and ammo (mods can do that). This is improving overall ship behavior, to improve combat, which is your current complain. *Enemy ship kills me before I can kill it because it has too much shields* is just your way to express the missing parts of this rather wonderful game.

    A skilled pilot in a corvette who can avoid fire for a ridiculously amount of time, taking on a battleship, I kind of want that universe.
    That... is the best way to put it.
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