Negative Review: Mikelands AUS Server - My Experience

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    Sep 14, 2014
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    Playing the game on an admin account is a very bad idea tbh, that's basically asking for power abuse. It's WAY better to have an account for playing the game and an admin account, with the admin account only being used under active admin duty.

    There's a server setting to enable multiple names under the same starmade registry account, I suggest that you use it @mikeland admins
    He does use an alternate account when playing the game, it was used to taunt me into coming to his base alongside a friend of his who owned the faction.
    Jul 9, 2013
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    Playing the game on an admin account is a very bad idea tbh, that's basically asking for power abuse. It's WAY better to have an account for playing the game and an admin account, with the admin account only being used under active admin duty.

    There's a server setting to enable multiple names under the same starmade registry account, I suggest that you use it @mikeland admins
    This is exactly what is done keptick. The admin account is for admin tasks only and is not used for playing. I use a second upgraded starmade-dock account to actually play the game as a regular player.

    Multiple names on the one account has been banned due to abuse of the setting.
    Sep 14, 2014
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    Since the other thread where the docking glitch discussion was going on was locked, I'll put my word in here. I did not in any way, shape, or form, hack or exploit to attack that ship. I arrived, it was undocked and vulnerable, and I took advantage of the situation I was presented with. It wasn't as if I was intentionally taking advantage of a glitch either, since at the time I thought that someone had just been stupid and left it undocked. The video of the glitch that Rabid made was to show that docking glitches WERE possible, and that it could easily have just been something as dumb as that which caused the ship to undock before my arrival at the base. We only knew of the glitch Rabid showed because it caused everything we built on our base to revert whenever we all left the sector (and it was super annoying), otherwise we would have been oblivious to glitches with docking entirely.

    Links to both parts of Rabids video:

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    Feb 19, 2015
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    MikeSheen said:
    You - or anyone else - are not entitled to play on my server. You are permitted to play by myself and my staff. It is a privilege - not a right. You can have a difference of opinion, or a complaint - but once you start introducing vitriol and attitude to your comments it erodes the credibility and weight of your comments, and I stop reading and start banning.
    Jeez, as long time admin of various game servers and networks, i can only say: Get that thinking out of your head quickly.
    Without players, your server is nothing but an empty place where you and your few buddies might play on. And that way of thinking youve demonstrated with that post, "permitted to play", is one of the fastest ways possible to alienate any good playerbase, as you essentially just told them that you dont care about them at all.

    Secondly, work on your social skills and own attitude, thats a very important thing for any staff member that interacts with players. In subjects like this, small cases of bad temper might occur, as out of those players view the follwing is the case:
    1: One of their friends has been banned without solid proof.
    2: Their faction gets harrased.
    3: Youve just told them that you dont care about them.
    4: Youre defending a possibly corrupt staff member.
    So to be frank, they have a reason to be pissed, and that might reflect in the way they speak about those topics. So a one week ban for someone who is simply listing their experience and thought, as well as saying that they are sick of the way your staff has been treating them... well keep that up, and Kim Jong-un might ask you for private lessons on dictatorship.
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    Jun 18, 2013
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    Jeez, as long time admin of various game servers and networks, i can only say: Get that thinking out of your head quickly.
    Without players, your server is nothing but an empty place where you and your few buddies might play on. And that way of thinking youve demonstrated with that post, "permitted to play", is one of the fastest ways possible to alienate any good playerbase, as you essentially just told them that you dont care about them at all.
    Thanks for your advice. I disagree that my policy conveys an attitude of not caring about players. If I didn't care, the players who contributed to this negative review would never have been banned. Some players have an attitude that they are entitled to play on my server, and when rules are broken and they are banned they get abusive. This is what I meant by privilege - it can be taken away at any time if you do something which has breached the spirit of my community. It was a simple statement to make it clear that the rules should be followed, and there are consequences for transgressions.

    I've been running game servers for a while myself also, and I've found it best to be clear and firm when it comes to behavioural boundary setting.

    I see many people seem to view my policies and actions negatively, but you only have one side of the story. I've tried to state my side here, in a polite and respectful manner - but those posts were removed. If you look hard enough, you'll find my viewpoint - and if you were in my position I doubt you would have let these players continue to play on your server either.
    Sep 14, 2014
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    I see many people seem to view my policies and actions negatively, but you only have one side of the story. I've tried to state my side here, in a polite and respectful manner - but those posts were removed. If you look hard enough, you'll find my viewpoint - and if you were in my position I doubt you would have let these players continue to play on your server either.
    I've linked the thread that shows both sides of the story already. If people still view your policies and actions negatively after reading that, then perhaps there's something wrong with your policies and actions.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    wow this is still going?

    Policies mikesheen ? Like the policy YOU will review complaints made via the ticket system, but where the admin the complaint is about actually replies and you do not? Which means if a complaint may be valid it will go no further. Most of the concerns were not addressed at all, except the cloak ship issue. Still by the admin and when the ship was built to the rules. YOUR rules.

    Here is the comment you made, and the ticket I lodged after. This is before the ban. Do note the whole faction being banned for a single players ALLEGED, and still unproven rule breaking being mentioned.

    I'd also ask you stop posting here or elsewhere that I employed a hacker against you. Which is a blatant lie and libel.
    And it breaks at least 2 rules of this forum.

    2. Do not behave in a Malicious Manner

    4. No flaming, inciting hatred or instigating flame bait is permitted.



    Nov 10, 2013
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    I really question how you people can use that forum.

    Oh, and just let the fucking thing die already. Seriously, dead horse much?
    Jan 16, 2015
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    I don't make such accusations without proof - which I've provided.
    I'm not going to go into the hackusations and defending myself further, I've done that enough ad explained I have no knowledge of it. I am just going to ask once again that you refrain from making them, as again I feel they are a breach of this forums rules.
    Also it's a bit biased to be linking to a locked forum thread where posts have been deleted.

    Also how about the ticket I lodged and mentioned and posted a screenshot of in my post? I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.
    These queries to you after all are very straight forward and simple.
    Jun 18, 2013
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    Like the policy YOU will review complaints made via the ticket system, but where the admin the complaint is about actually replies and you do not?
    No, that was never my policy, I messaged you saying I would personally look into this one particular incident. Get your facts straight.
    Also it's a bit biased to be linking to a locked forum thread where posts have been deleted.
    That is an outright LIE. No posts were deleted in that thread.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    This is really not the way to advertise a server.
    or defend it for that matter.


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    Ok, this has gone a bit too far. Everyone involved here has been given numerous warnings to keep things civil, but it seems that was too much to ask for.

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