navigation filter overhaul

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Each thing that is filtered out of the navigation hud should still be target able when within a certain distance of the object.
    Even better, each item should have a distance tied to its filter.

    Eg, shops ships planets and stations would be set to maximum range, turrets would be set to 500-1000 meters asteroids would be set 100- 500. Astronauts would be 50-300 meters. There would be a slider next to each object in the filter window so the user can customize it.

    Missile tracking for locking missiles should lock on to the targeted object, plain and simple. The current method is bogus. If I'm trying to save ship x from ship y, and have ship y targeted, why on earth would the computer try to lock on to ship x? Also, targeting should be moved to a different pane. Navigation should show you coordinates of objects you've visited, or have been added to the user database. Navigation should also give you the option of labeling all the stats within a certain distance in your hud. Maybe require a star map and a database compos computer block for this functionality.
    Dec 2, 2013
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    This is brilliant.
    I like the idea of having distance filter with a type base as well.
    I also like having a DB of the places I've visited. However, that DB should only contain static structures (stations, shops, etc), and you have to bookmark structures you want in your DB. Otherwise it would become way to easy to hunt down my enemies. However, if I want to bookmark non static structures (ships), I should have to place a tracking system block (same idea as above with the block, but reverse).
    Aug 23, 2014
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    The idea of adding non-static structures to the database would be for information and last-known location only. Like a dossier if you will. It wouldn't show you where they are now....
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    Aug 23, 2014
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    Here's an idea that goes along with that Dossier idea. Lets say you are trying to hunt down your enemy. You could place "probes" in sectors you think they may visit. If a specific player comes into that sector, you'll get a ping from the probe, and each location and the time would be recorded in your database, which you could then share with other interested parties. The probe could use jammers to avoid being detected, but the player would get a notification that they've been "pinged" by a probe. You could deploy these probes around your base and keep track of who comes and goes from your sector. If you notice that specific ships keep visiting, or you see enemy activity, it could allow you to get ready, or to flee.

    It could be an AI option too, (ping all, ping enemies, ping neutral, ping planets (with planet data), ping stations, etc.). You could keep the probes stationary by not including thrusters, or with some other suggested AI, you could send them into sectors to check for specific enemies. and report back. You can send out dozens of these probes just to explore and map out your surrounding areas.

    If a probe is destroyed, it would immediately send you all data it gathered in the last 10 seconds before it was destroyed, such as ships in the area, and how it was destroyed... etc.
    Aug 23, 2014
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    I keep forgetting to mention this, it's an important mechanic that needs to be implemented ASAP. if there is a player that is attached to a ship, their diamond should disappear completely from the targeting system. The ship they're on though would get a marker indicating the number of life signs aboard. Only friendly players and people aboard the same ship should see the player diamond again.
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