NASS: New AI race!

    Apr 7, 2013
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    This is simply a themed AI for NASS. it will replace the boring pirates (until later in game dev when more AI factions can be added)

    The purpose to this is to give NASS something unique and start the story of a universe.

    Here is the first ship the FF-01 is a fighter also made by Fenrir Industries but is only a stand-in until i get another fighter. The purple one (the X1) was in but i took that out,

    What i need from you guys! Theme ideas and ships to use! For the time being, stick to ships 1k in mass and under. Speak to me (Ira_Sol) or any other admin on NASS to get your ship approved. I hope to get some great ideas and see some awesome work! Ships must be ships, im not going to accept big bricks of cannons and things of the sort.

    For the time being the name of this AI will be The Collective, because its the best i have at the moment. If someone wishes to provide me a race idea, with details let me know!! if i get multiple race idea i will hold a poll to see which the players vote for.

    There aren't any color schemes i want to stick to yet, as this idea is newly birthed. So lets see what you, the great collective can provide me.

    If you have any idea or suggestion just go ahead and post them.
    Apr 4, 2013
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    I\'m rather proud of my latest design, so I\'ll put it out here:

    I haven\'t quite decided on a name yet, the WIP name is Tin-Plate-Mk2. Space Viper might be fitting, though.

    It weighs just below 1.1k, but is propelled forward by more than 3.3k. The reactor is rated for 3.4M, 3.2 of that goes into the shields.

    It features two AMCs at the front, firing for 1395 damage (unaltered) each. Additionally, it has a single massive KB Missile Array dishing out 393 damage (unaltered).

    The cloak lasts for about 5 seconds and a RadarJammer is installed as well. But the AI doesn\'t have any use for this yet, right?

    I\'m sure it could use some cosmetic alterations, but I\'m really awful with that kinda stuff. Maybe something with the rear wing and colored stripes or something.

    In any case, I hope you enjoy my ship.
    Apr 7, 2013
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    Yeah i\'ve seen this ship i could use it. So far ever ship i\'ve gotten is black and red. so i think black and red will be the theme for the color scheme.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    If there are mobs near the 5k mass limit, they are going to be pretty goddamn scary for everyone that doesn\'t have a gigantism ship. I\'m ok with this, just making sure everyone agrees before we all start designing these things and they start spawning in groups of 5.
    Apr 28, 2013
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    I have created these. They are small but a pain. If you don\'t have a ship that has a long range cannon or good shielding, getting into a fight with these could end your day.

    in image from left to right.

    Fighter - no shields but fast and shoots quickly

    Missile Assault - Heavy Shielding but no AMCs, Tanks but only does damage to other ships without shielding

    Heavy Assault - Slow, Ok Shielding, Heavy Cannons.

    Light Fighter - Ship is faster than the fighter but does less damage.

    The last is the ship in the top middle.

    The Figate - Heavy Shields, 6 targeted missiles, 24 AMCs, power to spare.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    Mob testing the other day on NASS.

    edit: lol transparency

    image resize doesn\'t seem to be working as well