My Titan's Main Weapons, thought/suggestions?

    Mar 16, 2016
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    My current Titan I got the mostly empty hull from the blueprint on this site, I've been working on interior, systems, and weapons. My ship is a massive 680k mass Titan.

    I want to know what other players think of my weapons, if they have suggestions or better ideas.

    Shield Buster:
    Beam-Beam 100%-Ion 100%
    DPS: 136,107,744

    Beam-Beam has a nice long range. I like to spawn in Titans as mobs to test against. Haven't found a Titan thats shields don't go down instantly to a 136 million Ion dmg shot.

    Titan Killer:
    100 Groups
    Missile-Cannon 100%-Overdrive 100%
    Combined DPS: 1,620,000

    Firing 100 missiles per second at a large area strips hull quickly and overwhelms enemy turrets.

    Again, wanting people's thoughts on my Titan weapons. I'm designing my Titan to kill any other Titans in a large scale fleet battle. I'll eventually bring my Titan and a fleet against a Titan my brother is designing and his fleet, we'll agree to a total mass limit.
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    Jul 15, 2014
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    Overdrive is a poor choice for a main weapon. You'd be better off with either Piercing, Punch or Explosive depending on how strong the individual missiles are.
    Mar 16, 2016
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    Overdrive is a poor choice for a main weapon. You'd be better off with either Piercing, Punch or Explosive depending on how strong the individual missiles are.
    I tried Explosive, I have 100 groups. Each group 3x3x90(3x3x30 missile + 3x3x30 cannon + 3x3x30 explosive long). But then I replaced the explosive tertiary with overdrive tertiary, I found I stripped away Titan hulls and systems way faster with overdrive than with explosives.

    I should switch it out to test pierce and punch, but I currently have 1.8 billion power capacity, the overdrive power requirements isn't really an issue in this case.
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    Jul 15, 2014
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    It was probably the armour you were having trouble with. Piercing might be the best at that size really. It should do more damage against armour then Overdrive too, since Overdrive is a x3 damage increase, whilst piercing ignores the armour value on blocks (meaning you only need 200 damage to break a block of advanced armour, instead of 2000).

    That said, Overdrive might provide the most raw damage, but it's very wasteful for power. You're better off using that power for shield recharge, thrust etc. Or toning down the amount of Aux power you're using, giving you less weaknesses.
    Mar 16, 2016
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    I'll test Piercing as a replacement against a few Titans.

    Speaking of shields, auxiliary, and power. I currently have 65 million shields, 2.3 million shield regen per sec, 60% Ion effect dmg reduction to shields, 1.8 billion power, 20,000 power regen, and my auxiliary can replenish about 1.2 billion power when turned on.
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    Sep 18, 2014
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    If you change overdrive for piercing, then try to add more weapons blocs.
    Aug 23, 2016
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    Beam-Beam has a nice long range. I like to spawn in Titans as mobs to test against. Haven't found a Titan thats shields don't go down instantly to a 136 million Ion dmg shot.
    Apologies for going mildly OT, but I was wondering if the shields of your titan in question can handle a 136 million ion shot?
    Mar 16, 2016
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    Apologies for going mildly OT, but I was wondering if the shields of your titan in question can handle a 136 million ion shot?
    Yes, if my defensive Ion computer(mitigating 60% of dmg to shields) is active I'd 'only' take 54.4 million dmg of the 136.1 million dmg to my shields. I would have about 10 million shields left.
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    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Just to clarify, I assume by dps you mean (damager.per.shot) rather than (damage.per.second) as even building the entire 680k ship out of power blocks would not be able to supply such an enourmous amount of constant power.
    (680,000 * 10 * 25) + 2,400,000 = 172,400,000

    Unless you have some amazing power gen bug that you've been holding out on us :P
    Jan 1, 2015
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    The issue I have with your weapons suite is that of range. As a forinstance, my own heavy ships tend to be armed with two sets of primary weapons, a perfect 50/50 split. These are missile/beam salvo turrets with a range of 4.8 sectors. Each turret with these weapons fires a few extremely powerful missiles 1-2 million damage each 'plus' over twenty single module missile/beam decoys per turret to help the big ones penetrate point defense. I have a great many of these turrets. The other primary weapon turrets are cannon/beam with a range of 3 sectors. These too are meta-weapons whose combinations are designed to accentuate their effect. All the turrets feature some ion to assist in shield dropping, punch to help penetrate armor and explosive to deal better interior damage.

    In addition to those primary weapons, roughly 25% of my total weapons tonnage is devoted to defensive armament; a great many anti-missile point defense turrets and a fair number of larger cannon/cannon anti-drone turrets. The anti-drone turrets fire ten times a second for 2000 damage per shot, which is enough to crack heavy armor despite any armor hit point pool. Each such anti-drone also has a little over 200 modules of a cannon/cannon/stop weapon designed to stop drones in their tracks. It would take a very large drone to not be held locked in place while one (or more) of these turrets pours fire onto them.

    Back to the point I would make about the primary missile/beam and cannon/beam weapons. Their range is between 4.8 and 3 sectors. I also design my ships to have decent acceleration, so as to allow me to control the range. I even throw in the tiniest bit of overdrive. My plan is to close to missile range and stop. If my opponent attempts to close the range, I fly backwards to maintain the range. If when approaching engagement range, I see my opponent also attempting to close, I will stop well before missile range and begin retrograde flight well before they reach missile range so I already have movement to compensate for their closure.

    In all likelihood, none of your weapons would ever be able to hit me. You are simply too big and too slow to be able to dictate the range of the engagement. The only way you could do so would be to jump to try to catch me inside of your own engagement range. This is not impossible, but it is highly likely that if you did so, only your turrets would be able to engage, as it is unlikely I would be close to your primary weapons crosshairs after such a jump and your turning would simply be too slow. Meanwhile, virtually all of my firepower 'is' in turrets, and now you are in range of my anti-drone turrets too.

    I say this not as one upmanship. I am not trying to be 'better' than you. I am pointing out that the primary problem with weapons choices is actually far less about how big to make weapons than it is about the strategy of how to use them. A titan is slow. You have no chance of controlling the range except versus another titan and then 'only' if you have sacrificed some defense (as I have done) in order to be able to control range. Even then, you will only control range versus other titans, as everything smaller will be absolutely able to maintain their preferred range.

    If for instance your opponent devotes his tonnage to a drone fleet and arms those drones with nothing but say, missile/beam weapons, their drone AIs will keep them at their extreme missile range and you will NEVER be able to engage them with anything near enough firepower to make a dent in them before they bring you down. As a for instance, here is a 1000 mass drone frigate such a player could deploy en mass. Each one of these does a million damage (potential) every 45 seconds. In an equal mass matchup with your titan, an opponent could field 680 of these things. Their alpha would have a potential for 680 million damage and then another again 45 seconds later, and again and again and again...

    Titans are an interesting design project, but they are NOT the be all and end all of fleets. My own titan design could not stand up to such a drone fleet. (Though it would get in a few licks with it's missile turrets.) It probably couldn't stand up to a tenth that tonnage.
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    Mar 16, 2016
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    Just to clarify, I assume by dps you mean (damager.per.shot) rather than (damage.per.second) as even building the entire 680k ship out of power blocks would not be able to supply such an enourmous amount of constant power.
    (680,000 * 10 * 25) + 2,400,000 = 172,400,000

    Unless you have some amazing power gen bug that you've been holding out on us :p
    Sorry, yes I do mean dmg per shot lol
    Mar 16, 2016
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    The issue I have with your weapons suite is that of range. As a forinstance, my own heavy ships tend to be armed with two sets of primary weapons, a perfect 50/50 split. These are missile/beam salvo turrets with a range of 4.8 sectors. Each turret with these weapons fires a few extremely powerful missiles 1-2 million damage each 'plus' over twenty single module missile/beam decoys per turret to help the big ones penetrate point defense. I have a great many of these turrets. The other primary weapon turrets are cannon/beam with a range of 3 sectors. These too are meta-weapons whose combinations are designed to accentuate their effect. All the turrets feature some ion to assist in shield dropping, punch to help penetrate armor and explosive to deal better interior damage.

    In addition to those primary weapons, roughly 25% of my total weapons tonnage is devoted to defensive armament; a great many anti-missile point defense turrets and a fair number larger of cannon/cannon anti-drone turrets. The anti-drone turrets fire ten times a second for 2000 damage per shot, which is enough to crack heavy armor despite any armor hit point pool. Each such anti-drone also has a little over 200 modules of a cannon/cannon/stop weapon designed to stop drones in their tracks. It would take a very large drone to not be held locked in place while one (or more) of these turrets pours fire onto them.

    Back to the point I would make about the primary missile/beam and cannon/beam weapons. Their range is between 4.8 and 3 sectors. I also design my ships to have decent acceleration, so as to allow me to control the range. I even throw in the tiniest bit of overdrive. My plan is to close to missile range and stop. If my opponent attempts to close the range, I fly backwards to maintain the range. If when approaching engagement range, I see my opponent also attempting to close, I will stop well before missile range and begin retrograde flight well before they reach missile range so I already have movement to compensate for their closure.

    In all likelihood, none of your weapons would ever be able to hit me. You are simply too big and too slow to be able to dictate the range of the engagement. The only way you could do so would be to jump to try to catch me inside of your own engagement range. This is not impossible, but it is highly likely that if you did so, only your turrets would be able to engage, as it is unlikely I would be close to your primary weapons crosshairs after such a jump and your turning would simply be too slow. Meanwhile, virtually all of my firepower 'is' in turrets, and now you are in range of my anti-drone turrets too.

    I say this not as one upmanship. I am not trying to be 'better' than you. I am pointing out that the primary problem with weapons choices is actually far less about how big to make weapons than it is about the strategy of how to use them. A titan is slow. You have no chance of controlling the range except versus another titan and then 'only' if you have sacrificed some defense (as I have done) in order to be able to control range. Even then, you will only control range versus other titans, as everything smaller will be absolutely able to maintain their preferred range.

    If for instance your opponent devotes his tonnage to a drone fleet and arms those drones with nothing but say, missile/beam weapons, their drone AIs will keep them at their extreme missile range and you will NEVER be able to engage them with anything near enough firepower to make a dent in them before they bring you down. As a for instance, here is a 1000 mass drone frigate such a player could deploy en mass. Each one of these does a million damage (potential) every 45 seconds. In an equal mass matchup with your titan, an opponent could field 680 of these things. Their alpha would have a potential for 680 million damage and then another again 45 seconds later, and again and again and again...

    Titans are an interesting design project, but they are NOT the be all and end all of fleets. My own titan design could not stand up to such a drone fleet. (Though it would get in a few licks with it's missile turrets.) It probably couldn't stand up to a tenth that tonnage.
    All good points regarding range and speed. I will likely add a third on board weapon system, lock-on. I do have my own offensive lock-on turrets to be somewhat fair about the issue. I also never considered one module decoy groups to mask 1-2 real missiles. Thank you for the advice.

    Im curious would your offensive lock-on turrets and weapons overcome my 2.3 million per sec shield regen and 60% Ion dmg mitigation?

    On a sidenote, no Titan should travel unescorted. They should always travel with a fleet.
    Mar 2, 2014
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    Im curious would your offensive lock-on turrets and weapons overcome my 2.3 million per sec shield regen and 60% Ion dmg mitigation?
    Shield regen under fire is reduced to 12.5-25%k, so more than 1 437 500 dps is required to overcome this amount of shield regen including ion defensive.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Im curious would your offensive lock-on turrets and weapons overcome my 2.3 million per sec shield regen and 60% Ion dmg mitigation?
    The problem with shield regeneration is that when you are 'taking damage', the shield regeneration drops to about 10% of what is listed (this goes up to as much as 25% as your shields get lower). The listing is how much regeneration they give you when you are 'not' in combat. (Yes, I know, that kinda defies belief that they would make the listing that occult.) What you see as 2.3 million shield regeneration would in fact only be 0.23 million per second, while you are taking fire.

    My 80K battleminer, that's a ship basically wrapped around a 200 meter long, 29 meter diameter cylinder of salvage modules, could put that much DPS (damage per second) onto a ship.

    Shields are great until they go down. They can go down fairly fast. Armor is great for soaking some damage, but not that great. My cannon turrets punch through armor like it wasn't there and do damage 50 blocks deep. Auxiliary reactors can get hit by those cannon really easily, unless they are buried 'deep' inside your ship, and that will only help until one of my missiles gets through, whereupon the auxiliary reactors will be fifty blocks closer. Once the auxiliary reactors start taking damage, your ship is history.

    Giganticism is actually a problem in the game. It becomes a game of lag warfare. Auxiliary reactors were a smart way for Schine to kill two birds with one stone. They got rid of the lag problems of docked reactors and 'also' created a disincentive to actually use them. Titans are frankly now, ridiculously vulnerable. They are still fun to build and people are always mightily impressed, but they will fall to a tenth their weight of well built fleet.
    Mar 16, 2016
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    The problem with shield regeneration is that when you are 'taking damage', the shield regeneration drops to about 10% of what is listed (this goes up to as much as 25% as your shields get lower). The listing is how much regeneration they give you when you are 'not' in combat. (Yes, I know, that kinda defies belief that they would make the listing that occult.) What you see as 2.3 million shield regeneration would in fact only be 0.23 million per second, while you are taking fire.

    My 80K battleminer, that's a ship basically wrapped around a 200 meter long, 29 meter diameter cylinder of salvage modules, could put that much DPS (damage per second) onto a ship.

    Shields are great until they go down. They can go down fairly fast. Armor is great for soaking some damage, but not that great. My cannon turrets punch through armor like it wasn't there and do damage 50 blocks deep. Auxiliary reactors can get hit by those cannon really easily, unless they are buried 'deep' inside your ship, and that will only help until one of my missiles gets through, whereupon the auxiliary reactors will be fifty blocks closer. Once the auxiliary reactors start taking damage, your ship is history.

    Giganticism is actually a problem in the game. It becomes a game of lag warfare. Auxiliary reactors were a smart way for Schine to kill two birds with one stone. They got rid of the lag problems of docked reactors and 'also' created a disincentive to actually use them. Titans are frankly now, ridiculously vulnerable. They are still fun to build and people are always mightily impressed, but they will fall to a tenth their weight of well built fleet.
    I feel like I should have noticed the 10%-25% combat regen... That's somewhat embarrassing, I've been playing on and off for like 10 months now, maybe longer? Though admittedly usually only on a server my brother will host for just me and him, or single player for creative mode to build and test.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I played for a year before learning this tidbit. Oddly I still put the same ratio of regenerators on my ships, as the pirates on my server can take a long time to kill. If there isn't any regeneration to speak of, even decent sized shields will go down soon enough. Big shield capacity is important if going up against a player. If trying to survive pirate fleets, regeneration is probably more important. (I built the pirates on my server and they are tough mfers).
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