I don't like the way the power is build on ships, generated, and used by the systems.
In building
I don't like the way we build generators, we usually use the full ship lenght and make horrible cross of blocks who fit in the hull not very well. My idea is: only one generator block is enough for your ship's power needs. If you build largers ships you may want another generator in other places for back-up. If you have something as heavy as a cruiser you may have a generator dedicated to the engine, for example.
"How should a single block do the job of the thousands blocks we put in our hulls and be balanced? Does it mean putting several ones on a small ship will make it incredibely overpowered?"
I think you don't want the piece of techology providing you power (like a nuclear generator) to be easely damagable. It should be as important as your core.
- Getting it shot could maybe cause an explosion, damaging heavily every block in a small range and not providing you power anymore until repaired (even if not totally smashed). You will put it in a secure dedicated room in big ships or behind your pilot's chair in a fighter.
- The power generator block mass will be greatly increased. This will make the builder want to use the less quantity possible. Heavier ships will need bigger engines or be very slow (little thrust ratio) or drain even largest amount of power to fire a bigger engine (bigger thrust -> regular thrust ratio) as increasing the number of thrusters should reduce the ISP. So you will try to reduce your needs if they don't fit in the amount of generators you planned, you don't deal with place-and-remove power tests anymore.
- In addition, no power generator block may be placed around an existing power generator block (one block between them at least)
"Yes but with your idea the power is in a single place and not all around the systems!"
- I think the systems need to be connected to the power generator in order to use its power.
- We should have some kind of power hub block that could be linked to a generator block. It would create a "wire" link between them just like the factories and some logic blocks.
In little ship like fighters, you can connect your systems directely on the generator and don't need the hubs.
- Power hub blocks can be linked together, too, so you can make the wires follow the path you want to not mess with your interior (but maybe improve it!).
- Turrets and systems on turrets will require no power system, but will drain energy from the generator and need to be linked by the turret docking port.
- I think engines should be linked to a computer just like weapons (maybe no linking needed as one computer could act on every thurster on the ship, the engine computer).
- The computer will allow the player to put the engines on or off (and can be linked to a logic activator). - The computer have to be linked to the power generator in order to use power.
- Same can be imaginate with shields (for power usage, too)
The power usage and display
The way power is generated and stored makes no sens to me. You either have a power generation larger of your needs that you don't need any storage OR your power requirements are too high and you get out of power while using your ship for thrusting and firing for example. And the display of power in the HUD is confusing.
I don't claim to have an idea to make it more realistic. But I think my suggestion can help to improve the gameplay.
Your power will be shown in your HUD as it is now.
- One power generator block could generate 10 units of power.
- When not used every unit display in blue.
Let's say every AMC power usage is 0.1 if you have two barrels of 5 the power usage of your both weapons will be 1.
- The power unit used by the weapons display in orange while you fire.
If you keep immobile and use no power you have ten power units and while you keep firing with theses you can see what are their power usage (the orange power unit) and what you have left (the nine blue units left) and when not firing the power usage goes down to 0 in a little curve. With this logic a single power generator-ship can have up to 5 barrels of 20 and fire it at the same time.
But a fonctionnal ship will never build so much weapons power requirements as it needs power for the other systems.
- Maybe we could keep the actual dev build mechanic that up the power needs of AMC arrays (compared with bigger barrels ones).
- The power unit used by your engines display in red when they consume power
- When the engines are on, they use some power (maybe like 0.5 when not thrusting) but the power requirement get up as soon as you use some thrust.
- The power unit used by your shields display in white when the are regenerating.
Maybe they will use some little power to maintain, too, like the engines. Shutting them down by the shield computer will increase the available power.
- When there is no free power unit left, a system will be shut down (or work as well as possible with the available power), leaving some free power for the most importants ones.
You can edit yourself the system's priority. Choosing to prioritize some systems over some other to change your ship behavior when not having enough power for everything.
- The power unit used will be displayed in the order of priority
From this point I cannot explain my idea anymore by text. Looks at my schemas.
I hope I succed to describe to you all my idea well enough
Tell me what you think of my power idea. Tell me whatever you think about or don't understand, I'll try to explain and defend my suggestion. I hope lots of you will like it =)
In building
I don't like the way we build generators, we usually use the full ship lenght and make horrible cross of blocks who fit in the hull not very well. My idea is: only one generator block is enough for your ship's power needs. If you build largers ships you may want another generator in other places for back-up. If you have something as heavy as a cruiser you may have a generator dedicated to the engine, for example.
"How should a single block do the job of the thousands blocks we put in our hulls and be balanced? Does it mean putting several ones on a small ship will make it incredibely overpowered?"
I think you don't want the piece of techology providing you power (like a nuclear generator) to be easely damagable. It should be as important as your core.
- Getting it shot could maybe cause an explosion, damaging heavily every block in a small range and not providing you power anymore until repaired (even if not totally smashed). You will put it in a secure dedicated room in big ships or behind your pilot's chair in a fighter.
- The power generator block mass will be greatly increased. This will make the builder want to use the less quantity possible. Heavier ships will need bigger engines or be very slow (little thrust ratio) or drain even largest amount of power to fire a bigger engine (bigger thrust -> regular thrust ratio) as increasing the number of thrusters should reduce the ISP. So you will try to reduce your needs if they don't fit in the amount of generators you planned, you don't deal with place-and-remove power tests anymore.
- In addition, no power generator block may be placed around an existing power generator block (one block between them at least)
"Yes but with your idea the power is in a single place and not all around the systems!"
- I think the systems need to be connected to the power generator in order to use its power.
- We should have some kind of power hub block that could be linked to a generator block. It would create a "wire" link between them just like the factories and some logic blocks.
In little ship like fighters, you can connect your systems directely on the generator and don't need the hubs.
- Power hub blocks can be linked together, too, so you can make the wires follow the path you want to not mess with your interior (but maybe improve it!).
- Turrets and systems on turrets will require no power system, but will drain energy from the generator and need to be linked by the turret docking port.
- I think engines should be linked to a computer just like weapons (maybe no linking needed as one computer could act on every thurster on the ship, the engine computer).
- The computer will allow the player to put the engines on or off (and can be linked to a logic activator). - The computer have to be linked to the power generator in order to use power.
- Same can be imaginate with shields (for power usage, too)
The power usage and display
The way power is generated and stored makes no sens to me. You either have a power generation larger of your needs that you don't need any storage OR your power requirements are too high and you get out of power while using your ship for thrusting and firing for example. And the display of power in the HUD is confusing.
I don't claim to have an idea to make it more realistic. But I think my suggestion can help to improve the gameplay.
Your power will be shown in your HUD as it is now.
- One power generator block could generate 10 units of power.
- When not used every unit display in blue.
Let's say every AMC power usage is 0.1 if you have two barrels of 5 the power usage of your both weapons will be 1.
- The power unit used by the weapons display in orange while you fire.
If you keep immobile and use no power you have ten power units and while you keep firing with theses you can see what are their power usage (the orange power unit) and what you have left (the nine blue units left) and when not firing the power usage goes down to 0 in a little curve. With this logic a single power generator-ship can have up to 5 barrels of 20 and fire it at the same time.
But a fonctionnal ship will never build so much weapons power requirements as it needs power for the other systems.
- Maybe we could keep the actual dev build mechanic that up the power needs of AMC arrays (compared with bigger barrels ones).
- The power unit used by your engines display in red when they consume power
- When the engines are on, they use some power (maybe like 0.5 when not thrusting) but the power requirement get up as soon as you use some thrust.
- The power unit used by your shields display in white when the are regenerating.
Maybe they will use some little power to maintain, too, like the engines. Shutting them down by the shield computer will increase the available power.
- When there is no free power unit left, a system will be shut down (or work as well as possible with the available power), leaving some free power for the most importants ones.
You can edit yourself the system's priority. Choosing to prioritize some systems over some other to change your ship behavior when not having enough power for everything.
- The power unit used will be displayed in the order of priority
From this point I cannot explain my idea anymore by text. Looks at my schemas.
I hope I succed to describe to you all my idea well enough
Tell me what you think of my power idea. Tell me whatever you think about or don't understand, I'll try to explain and defend my suggestion. I hope lots of you will like it =)
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