Recognized My Idea's for a good looking starmade

    Sep 3, 2014
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    *NOTE - Please no one comment negatively on something i said, or something that's retarded to you. Please read the whole post before you want to pitch some ideas, or ask me about something

    So iv been playing this game for a while now and from time to time i just wonder and wish, what if this was in the game. so that's just what this suggestion list is about hope you enjoy!

    1.) I Cant See My Feet...
    - Hands And feed, 2 things i cant see while in first person mode. I think you should be able to see your hands and feet while just doing normal tasks in the game. So with hands and feet come new animations, like when pulling your gun out, you look to your side while your pulling it out. And also while in first you can see yourself firing your laser, healing beam, power supply, or marker beam.

    2.) Autopilot
    Now I don't know if you can do this or not but this could be a really helpful and lazy feature to the game. Maybe you have to set autopilot to go sneak into one of your escape pods, or maybe your just tired of flying idk what you might need this feature for but its help full, But Business Time. OK so the way this would work is you have this new computer, the Flight computer!... Autopilot computer... I Don't Know... we can work on names later but this computer would have to be linked up with your thrusters. Then just like the navigation menu, you can enter in the sector you want to go to and just like that, WHA-BAM BOOM POW!, your FLYING! not you the ship. Now you can play cards with your crew mates or watch as space just goes by. As for how fast you go, in the "Flight computer" you would enter in how fast you want your ship to go. Now of coarse you cant cheat with it. If you have a slow ship you cant just go super fast, the ship will have to build up speed to get to the wanted speed... or what ever your ship can go handle. Also, the whole autopilot system will be completely optional to the user who wishes to use or not to use it.

    3.) Shut Down Your Systems
    - OK so with this feature you will be able to turn on and off your systems with any system with a computer. OK so if you wanna turn off Shields, you would have to link your shields with the new Shields computer, (You don't have to link it up with the shield recharges) then press R on the computer and your shields are off. You wanna turn off the Power, link the power modules and the power reactor modules to the Power computer and then press R to turn off the power. Wanna turn off your thrusters, Link the thrusrers up to your thrust computer and press R to turn the thrusters off.

    Example - Your in a space race and you need an extra Boost and you have your thrust computer linked up to half of your thrusters, you hit autopilot for a sec, go press R on the Thrust computer and SPEED! you win...
    This feature would be an optional feature the user can use or not use in their ship or station build

    4.) Ship Seats/Another Cockpit Point
    - OK so the way this would work is that you have your ship core, now you have your ship seat. Now don't get confused and think that this would replace the ship core, no but rather they work together. So you have you ship core where ever you want to place it on your ship for a decorative feel, then if you want you get your ship Seat/Chair and you link it up to your ship core, this is just acting as another cockpit or derivable point on the ship. And i was thinking instead of pressing R on the seat, you would press O and you would be driving/flying your ship so that when you press L-SHIFT & Scroll you would zoom out and see yourself driving your ship from that chair. Of corse like all other things iv said about ship ideas, its completely Optional

    5.) New Species
    - Pretty self explanatory but were gonna go more in depth with it. So you go all these planets so you can find what, ore, trees, rocks, but no people. Sure you can find those crab alien things but is that all there is to this huge universe. there needs to be new species all around the universe. So here are some of the names i though of right of the top of my head

    Green people..., Nectarines, Plymyths.... OK, so maybe we wont name them that way.... but maybe the species name could depend on the planet name. For example, Earth = Earthlings, Mars = Martians. Now of coarse modeling lots of creatures for all of the planet names would be hard work, so if you could just make like 10 different easy creatures models and then make 10 different textures for each of those models, that would be SUPER AWESOME , i mean just to be able to see something else in star-made would be nice.
    Also maybe when you buy crew mates, they all wont be just have the Dave texture, they'll be some of every species with the different textures so you have multiple race crew mates.

    6.) New weapons and models for current weapons
    - So with the weapon models I am talking about something like the rocket launcher, even though this is a space aged game, i don't think a rocket launcher of all weapons would be the same size as a laser pistol. Same thing with a sniper rifle, just asking for a a model update on the weapons that are supposed to be big. And also, it would be nice if when you zoom in with a sniper, there will be a GUI. On to the new guns.... The new guns will be basic and not so basic weapons

    Pistol- the only reason this is on here is because I think that this weapons fire rate should be downed a bit
    Shotgun - Basically have the same function as a
    Plasma Rifle - A automatic rifle that's stylish and gets the job done, Fast

    And another thing with the weapons, they should have color variants for all of the different species in the galaxy *Maybe*

    7.) Crawling And Stuff
    - Sometimes when I am playing Star-Made, i just wonder, What if I sneak into my enemy's ship and turn off their shields, blast a vent and crawl through their ventilation shaft... but I cant crawl... Better yet, your in a gun fight and you need to take cover in the thing next to you, so ill roll over there.... but I cant roll. These features would be nice to have in the game with simple controls, like Holding O or something will let you crawl and to roll while on the ground just use the same buttons used to roll your ship in space

    8.) New Animations
    - So its pretty self explanatory but here's the list of new animations that should be added

    Pulling Out Your New Modeled Rocket Launcher
    - Yes, falling, i went there. So when you fall 20 blocks you start to fall with your arms and legs out like your sky diving out of a plane.... with no parachute...
    Hand To Hand Combat
    9.) Sleep/Healing Incubators
    - So the way these would work is you have a place to sleep, and while in it it will heal you too. the thing is, should it be just a space station thing or a every ship can have one type of thing

    10.) Air generators
    - So with air generators you can generate air throughout your ship. if this is turned off or destroyed, your ship will have no air and your crew mates or anyone in your ship would die if they don't have a helmet on.
    While in first person with your helmet on you'll have a new little bar, that will be air and it will steadily go down as long as you have your helmet on
    *And maybe when your ship gets a big hole blasted into it your crew mates would get sucked out if the air was on.* (look at or disregard)

    11.) Space Suits
    - its in the name man. So with the space suits, its kinda like what you have on now, except you get more air with it on and it would be bulkier so you would look strong... maybe. So while your at sector 2,2,2 buying stuff for your journey, you can customize the space suit with a few different symbols in a little menu before you buy it.

    12.) Hand To Hand Combat
    - So this would work like this, you can buy a sword from that guy at sector 2,2,2... Then you can slice him up with that sword. So with the sword, i know its the future but im kinda not wanting light sabers in this game, maybe a sword like it but... not a light saber type of deal, and idk why im saying this because im a huge star wars fan but... just im not thinking light saber for this kind of sword. And For the hand to hand combat, like Minecraft of all games... with an open slot, you would hit with the destroy block button and block with the place block button

    So yeah im pretty sure that this is the end so... yeah Hope you liked it


    Nov 10, 2013
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    1.) I Cant See My Feet...
    Might be nice, kinda small scale, but nice regardless.
    2.) Autopilot
    Already confirmed planed by Calbiri (recently actually, in the suggestions section)
    3.) Shut Down Your Systems
    Not entirely sure why this would be needed. If you need to shut off a system because something else is lacking in power... you're either being shot at pretty badly, or you built the ship wrong.
    4.) Ship Seats/Another Cockpit Point
    A cockpit block/chair/system was planned iirc.
    5.) New Species
    We have a procedural creature generation planned already. Add in new generated structures and you got this and more really.
    6.) New weapons and models for current weapons
    Player-based weaponry and such is planned to get an overhaul and some dedicated loving, but is probably a low priority thing right now.
    9.) Sleep/Healing Incubators
    We already have a medical block, so this seems redundant.
    11.) Space Suits
    Hopefully would come in the form of armours with the player-based revamp.
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    Aug 28, 2013
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    1,7,8 are the only ones that don't get brought up here once a week. I agree with those. Especially 8. Dave just seems to be really stiff.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    you can kind of actually already do autopilot! if you connect a not gate to a delay signal, and connect the delay signal to the not gate, then connect the delay signal to a push effect computer and link lots of push effect blocks to the push effect computer, and finally activate the delay block your ship will go forward, just not so fast.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    A good number of these are concepts that we have confirmed in some form.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Your post is a bit over-formatted, but most of these are decent suggestions, although a few are pretty common.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    *NOTE - Please no one comment negatively on something i said, or something that's retarded to you. Please read the whole post before you want to pitch some ideas, or ask me about something

    Believe it or not, we actually have rules against being pointlessly negative and rude! So you don't need to put this obnoxious garbage at the front of your post, which serves only to make you look like a newb who hasn't properly read through the rules and annoy readers.

    So iv been playing this game for a while now and from time to time i just wonder and wish, what if this was in the game. so that's just what this suggestion list is about hope you enjoy!

    1.) I Cant See My Feet...
    - Hands And feed, 2 things i cant see while in first person mode. I think you should be able to see your hands and feet while just doing normal tasks in the game. So with hands and feet come new animations, like when pulling your gun out, you look to your side while your pulling it out. And also while in first you can see yourself firing your laser, healing beam, power supply, or marker beam.
    I would love to be able to see my astronaut's feet and limbs while in first person.

    2.) Autopilot
    Now I don't know if you can do this or not but this could be a really helpful and lazy feature to the game. Maybe you have to set autopilot to go sneak into one of your escape pods, or maybe your just tired of flying idk what you might need this feature for but its help full, But Business Time. OK so the way this would work is you have this new computer, the Flight computer!... Autopilot computer... I Don't Know... we can work on names later but this computer would have to be linked up with your thrusters. Then just like the navigation menu, you can enter in the sector you want to go to and just like that, WHA-BAM BOOM POW!, your FLYING! not you the ship. Now you can play cards with your crew mates or watch as space just goes by. As for how fast you go, in the "Flight computer" you would enter in how fast you want your ship to go. Now of coarse you cant cheat with it. If you have a slow ship you cant just go super fast, the ship will have to build up speed to get to the wanted speed... or what ever your ship can go handle. Also, the whole autopilot system will be completely optional to the user who wishes to use or not to use it.
    Autopilot would be nice. Not sure how you could "cheat" with an autopilot system, though. It'd still be restricted to the same rules of your normal player controlled ship.

    3.) Shut Down Your Systems
    - OK so with this feature you will be able to turn on and off your systems with any system with a computer. OK so if you wanna turn off Shields, you would have to link your shields with the new Shields computer, (You don't have to link it up with the shield recharges) then press R on the computer and your shields are off. You wanna turn off the Power, link the power modules and the power reactor modules to the Power computer and then press R to turn off the power. Wanna turn off your thrusters, Link the thrusrers up to your thrust computer and press R to turn the thrusters off.

    Example - Your in a space race and you need an extra Boost and you have your thrust computer linked up to half of your thrusters, you hit autopilot for a sec, go press R on the Thrust computer and SPEED! you win...
    This feature would be an optional feature the user can use or not use in their ship or station build
    I don't know why you'd want to turn all your shields or power off, but sure, why not. I'm sure people would have a reason. Maybe powerless ships wouldn't show up on radar without scanners.

    4.) Ship Seats/Another Cockpit Point
    - OK so the way this would work is that you have your ship core, now you have your ship seat. Now don't get confused and think that this would replace the ship core, no but rather they work together. So you have you ship core where ever you want to place it on your ship for a decorative feel, then if you want you get your ship Seat/Chair and you link it up to your ship core, this is just acting as another cockpit or derivable point on the ship. And i was thinking instead of pressing R on the seat, you would press O and you would be driving/flying your ship so that when you press L-SHIFT & Scroll you would zoom out and see yourself driving your ship from that chair. Of corse like all other things iv said about ship ideas, its completely Optional
    A way to pilot the ship without the core is planned, as the core isn't going to be as important in the future.

    5.) New Species
    - Pretty self explanatory but were gonna go more in depth with it. So you go all these planets so you can find what, ore, trees, rocks, but no people. Sure you can find those crab alien things but is that all there is to this huge universe. there needs to be new species all around the universe. So here are some of the names i though of right of the top of my head

    Green people..., Nectarines, Plymyths.... OK, so maybe we wont name them that way.... but maybe the species name could depend on the planet name. For example, Earth = Earthlings, Mars = Martians. Now of coarse modeling lots of creatures for all of the planet names would be hard work, so if you could just make like 10 different easy creatures models and then make 10 different textures for each of those models, that would be SUPER AWESOME , i mean just to be able to see something else in star-made would be nice.
    Also maybe when you buy crew mates, they all wont be just have the Dave texture, they'll be some of every species with the different textures so you have multiple race crew mates.
    My thoughts on prebuilt races is ew. We're getting procedurally generated creatures on planets in the future. We're also probably getting random AI factions on top of the Trade Guild, Pirates, and potential other fixed factions. These two features can be combined for procedural alien factions.

    6.) New weapons and models for current weapons
    - So with the weapon models I am talking about something like the rocket launcher, even though this is a space aged game, i don't think a rocket launcher of all weapons would be the same size as a laser pistol. Same thing with a sniper rifle, just asking for a a model update on the weapons that are supposed to be big. And also, it would be nice if when you zoom in with a sniper, there will be a GUI. On to the new guns.... The new guns will be basic and not so basic weapons

    Pistol- the only reason this is on here is because I think that this weapons fire rate should be downed a bit
    Shotgun - Basically have the same function as a
    Plasma Rifle - A automatic rifle that's stylish and gets the job done, Fast

    And another thing with the weapons, they should have color variants for all of the different species in the galaxy *Maybe*
    We're getting something much better than a handful of premade guns. Custom weapons (either built from premade parts you can combine together, micro-blocks, or some other feature) are planned. Calbiri was just talking about it in another thread.

    7.) Crawling And Stuff
    - Sometimes when I am playing Star-Made, i just wonder, What if I sneak into my enemy's ship and turn off their shields, blast a vent and crawl through their ventilation shaft... but I cant crawl... Better yet, your in a gun fight and you need to take cover in the thing next to you, so ill roll over there.... but I cant roll. These features would be nice to have in the game with simple controls, like Holding O or something will let you crawl and to roll while on the ground just use the same buttons used to roll your ship in space
    Schema is a fan of FPSs, so I'm sure more FPS-type abilities for astronauts are planned.

    8.) New Animations
    - So its pretty self explanatory but here's the list of new animations that should be added

    Pulling Out Your New Modeled Rocket Launcher
    - Yes, falling, i went there. So when you fall 20 blocks you start to fall with your arms and legs out like your sky diving out of a plane.... with no parachute...
    Hand To Hand Combat

    Well, we don't have swimming yet, but IF we get (even rough) physics for liquids, I'm sure we'll see swimming + an animation for it.

    Sprinting will surely have its own animation, as will pulling out custom weapons.

    A falling animation (and fall damage) should only be implemented AFTER we get some sort of jetpack for astronauts, allowing them to avoid fall damage if they have one.

    Hand to Hand combat will certainly have an animation if we get it.

    9.) Sleep/Healing Incubators
    - So the way these would work is you have a place to sleep, and while in it it will heal you too. the thing is, should it be just a space station thing or a every ship can have one type of thing
    Well, astronauts currently don't require sleep, so I don't see a need for that. We have medical supplies that heal players already, also.

    Now, what would be interesting was if there were
    1. Serious consequences for dying and making recruiting AI astronauts more difficult
    2. More difficulty in killing astronauts while still being able to disable enemy astronauts
    3. Surgical tables, that would allow players to provide medical treatment to astronauts through a minigame to heal them.
    Of course, something like that would need to be an optional config setting.

    10.) Air generators
    - So with air generators you can generate air throughout your ship. if this is turned off or destroyed, your ship will have no air and your crew mates or anyone in your ship would die if they don't have a helmet on.
    While in first person with your helmet on you'll have a new little bar, that will be air and it will steadily go down as long as you have your helmet on
    *And maybe when your ship gets a big hole blasted into it your crew mates would get sucked out if the air was on.* (look at or disregard)
    Air would be cool, but it'd need to be an optional setting.

    11.) Space Suits
    - its in the name man. So with the space suits, its kinda like what you have on now, except you get more air with it on and it would be bulkier so you would look strong... maybe. So while your at sector 2,2,2 buying stuff for your journey, you can customize the space suit with a few different symbols in a little menu before you buy it.
    Well, today, we're working on skintight spacesuits instead of bulky, difficult to use suits we currently have. The air supply for an astronaut comes from their air tanks, not the artificial atmosphere inside their suit.

    I would like suit variants (armored suits, scouting suits with a radar jammer and jetpack, miner/builder pack with increased storage space, etc) though. Different suit colorings/symbols can be achieved with custom skins, though, so I see no need for that.

    12.) Hand To Hand Combat
    - So this would work like this, you can buy a sword from that guy at sector 2,2,2... Then you can slice him up with that sword. So with the sword, i know its the future but im kinda not wanting light sabers in this game, maybe a sword like it but... not a light saber type of deal, and idk why im saying this because im a huge star wars fan but... just im not thinking light saber for this kind of sword. And For the hand to hand combat, like Minecraft of all games... with an open slot, you would hit with the destroy block button and block with the place block button
    Hand to hand weapons are planned, I believe. You'll be able to customize them like guns, so if you want a lightsaber or an old medieval broadsword, you'll be able to have either one.


    Jul 9, 2013
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    3.) Shut Down Your Systems
    - OK so with this feature you will be able to turn on and off your systems with any system with a computer. OK so if you wanna turn off Shields, you would have to link your shields with the new Shields computer, (You don't have to link it up with the shield recharges) then press R on the computer and your shields are off. You wanna turn off the Power, link the power modules and the power reactor modules to the Power computer and then press R to turn off the power. Wanna turn off your thrusters, Link the thrusrers up to your thrust computer and press R to turn the thrusters off.

    Example - Your in a space race and you need an extra Boost and you have your thrust computer linked up to half of your thrusters, you hit autopilot for a sec, go press R on the Thrust computer and SPEED! you win...
    This feature would be an optional feature the user can use or not use in their ship or station build
    doesn't overdrive already give a speed boost when you need it? ;)


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    So with the sword, i know its the future but im kinda not wanting light sabers in this game
    Maybe something like Cobalt's ( Chrono Rod, but without Chrono?
    Not entirely sure why this would be needed. If you need to shut off a system because something else is lacking in power... you're either being shot at pretty badly, or you built the ship wrong.
    Or maybe it could work like a radar jammer but everything goes off (including logic related) and has a 15 second wait until you can start up again?


    Jul 9, 2013
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    Yeah but that's not the point :D
    lol i know, but as suggested before, being able to hotbar your activation blocks and being able to name the activation blocks so you know which ones are which would be amazing and be in line to what you are looking to do /or want.
    Sep 3, 2014
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    lol i know, but as suggested before, being able to hotbar your activation blocks and being able to name the activation blocks so you know which ones are which would be amazing and be in line to what you are looking to do /or want.
    Yes! Thats just...... yes