Multiple warpgates on one station, and other changes.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    The thing is - in StarGate you can call an enemy gate to block it for all others. If you have an own gate in range and enough energy to call it for extended periods.

    Also the gates can only have a limited size as the energy requirements to OPEN (I don' know about sustain) scales cubic with size, as if it were 3D, not a 2D flat circle.
    The energy requirements to sustain a gate also scale at least quadratic.

    As gates can get blocked, they are mainly used for infrastructure and a fast alternative to send small amounts of materials rather than for combat. Though there are exceptions as many small can transport something big to refuel a carrier for example.

    BTW :D I would really like to see ZPMs :D
    Please stop bringing up the argument that "In stargate blablabla" because THIS GAME IS NOT STARGATE!!!
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    Isn't StarMade intended to be mod-able in future?

    Why do you not want us have the possibility to get ZPMs and DHDs and all the other nice stuff?

    If pulse barrels wouldn't be physically blocking, I would build one inside the gate to simulate that behaviour...

    Oh wait! Our gates can't get activated they stay active? That makes 1-hour storages for long distances not as useful :(


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Isn't StarMade intended to be mod-able in future?

    Why do you not want us have the possibility to get ZPMs and DHDs and all the other nice stuff?

    If pulse barrels wouldn't be physically blocking, I would build one inside the gate to simulate that behaviour...

    Oh wait! Our gates can't get activated they stay active? That makes 1-hour storages for long distances not as useful :(
    I do not think anyone would be against modding stargate features into the game, but having it in the basegame is off putting for some. For example, you stated earlier, or someone did, that stargates could be locked from a specific gate and that would somehow solve the problem of instantly traveling through gates and avoiding danger. But wouldn't that mean that a single player wouldn't be able to work with that? It's only applicable if someone is on the entry gate ready to let them in again - basically multiplayer only. I have no clue about stargate lore. The energy thing you mention is cool. I would like to see other power sources eventually.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I do not think anyone would be against modding stargate features into the game, but having it in the basegame is off putting for some. For example, you stated earlier, or someone did, that stargates could be locked from a specific gate and that would somehow solve the problem of instantly traveling through gates and avoiding danger. But wouldn't that mean that a single player wouldn't be able to work with that? It's only applicable if someone is on the entry gate ready to let them in again - basically multiplayer only. I have no clue about stargate lore. The energy thing you mention is cool. I would like to see other power sources eventually.
    Well, if Stargate-like portal mechanics work for multiplayer, I see no issue, as long as basic gates let you get from one place to another and back in SP.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    I would really liked to see option for gate's destination. In my opinion it would be good to have selection of more gates in a network, for example gates in range of your current gate, let's say those 128 sectors. With upcoming universe change it would be very closely resembling stargate principles. You would then have network in every player-active-galaxy and you would need to connect those networks with gate bridges. I believe that would be of much better use strategicaly, economicaly and it would mainly work for better immersion.

    Because now I have gate that has 401 radius for all my ships to fit and well it is almost pointless to have those gates on other places then my station and my friends station. If I wanted to use gates for other places, it would require ridiculous amount of gates and space to make some basic networking.

    Otherwise I'm glad for the gates to work even as they are now as I believe that the system will be expanded over time.
