Multiple Invincible Stations

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I like it. My concern is steamrolling/blitzing, so each invulnerable station would probably need something like... a 24-hour responsored period once its support station infrastructure had been comlromised before shedding it's invulnerability. Also, only one station aegis could be in decay at a time for one faction, otherwise you could have 3 invulnerables in addition to your home base and have it all stripped in a single period by an aggressive foe with a super-titan. Such a buffer would be pointless. For buffered aegis to be meaning they'd have to be taken down in cascade.

    In a case somewhere along those lines, there is clear benefit.

    It would also become a budgeting issue for faction leadership because 3 buffer stations are great but if they keep your FP budget constantly on the edge, then when shit goes down your HB won't stand long alone, so 2 buffers and a full coffer of reserve FP to protect the HB would be better in that scenario.

    Of course even safer might be bankrolling 200K FP to keep you HB safe... what everyone already does. Not entirely sure how this would not still be the safest/wisest option in 90% of cases.
    Jan 25, 2015
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    I like it. My concern is steamrolling/blitzing, so each invulnerable station would probably need something like... a 24-hour responsored period once its support station infrastructure had been comlromised before shedding it's invulnerability. Also, only one station aegis could be in decay at a time for one faction, otherwise you could have 3 invulnerables in addition to your home base and have it all stripped in a single period by an aggressive foe with a super-titan. Such a buffer would be pointless. For buffered aegis to be meaning they'd have to be taken down in cascade.

    In a case somewhere along those lines, there is clear benefit.

    It would also become a budgeting issue for faction leadership because 3 buffer stations are great but if they keep your FP budget constantly on the edge, then when shit goes down your HB won't stand long alone, so 2 buffers and a full coffer of reserve FP to protect the HB would be better in that scenario.

    Of course, even safer might be bankrolling 200K FP to keep you HB safe... what everyone already does. Not entirely sure how this would not still be the safest/wisest option in 90% of cases.
    From what I understand, the inv.stations (typing invulnerable is getting really annoying) use up FP so if someone goes on a blitzkrieg the faction points still need to run out. Now that would still mean that once the points are out, the inv.stations become destroyable and after that the HB. Maybe an FP allocation system would fix that problem. Simple things like "if FP <x remove inv from station A" or "if FP >X make station A invulnerable" that way you won't waste all your FP reserves on 5 stations depleting your power within 12 hours.
    Mind you, this would just be a few buttons and check boxes, not programming :P


    Oct 30, 2015
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    If Credits and Faction-points are both functioning as currency will there ever be a way to exchange one for the other?


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    All this idea really needs is a way to prevent Steamrolling of a whole faction overnight. Maybe a distance exclusion range to keep people from clumping all their Invincible stations in one spot.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    All this idea really needs is a way to prevent Steamrolling of a whole faction overnight. Maybe a distance exclusion range to keep people from clumping all their Invincible stations in one spot.
    The most commonly suggested idea is that you only run out of invincible base protection when you lose faction points. This would mean that your faction points count as a buffer, as while the enemy could easily run through your territory while offline and get rid of all the non-invincible bases, they can't attack the invincible ones until that buffer runs out.
    It could take ages of constant siege to wear down someone who has accumulated a lot of faction points over a long time. New factions that don't have that buffer will find that they need to be very conservative with their invincible stations, perhaps forgoing them until they are comfortable with their faction points.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    The idea of the multiple supporting stations is that it costs a lot to hold extra invulnerable stations. Therefore, you need the output of 4-5 extra stations...but if you lose it, your FP's gonna get tanked. Fast.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    All this idea really needs is a way to prevent Steamrolling of a whole faction overnight. Maybe a distance exclusion range to keep people from clumping all their Invincible stations in one spot.
    How would splitting up the stations prevent steamrolling, when chain drives (or just big JDs) exist and allow decently fast travel?


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    How would splitting up the stations prevent steamrolling, when chain drives (or just big JDs) exist and allow decently fast travel?
    The Exclusion Range is more to stop someone from plopping all their Invincible stations in one system or within X sectors of eachother, Doesn't do anything else. As for stopping steamrolling it'd really depend on a lot of factors. I say factions that have most if not all their members offline should lose faction points rapidly after a certain amount of time. As for the Steamrolling issue maybe making it so the other structures outside the HB that have invincibility have a day or two wait time before they become destroyable after their secondary structures are destroyed. Gives someone more than enough time to come online and see what all the fuss is about. But if they are gone months their bases will be open to being shot anyways. XD


    Nov 14, 2013
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    How would splitting up the stations prevent steamrolling, when chain drives (or just big JDs) exist and allow decently fast travel?
    I suppose this is some of why chain drives are supposed to be removed...
    Jan 25, 2015
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    I suppose this is some of why chain drives are supposed to be removed...
    But chain drives drive me to war.
    Really though, I'm that person that arrives at the location and says: "hey... where did everybody go?" Since chain drives I am able to arrive only 10-30 seconds too late. (I just suck at navigating okey)

    The Exclusion Range is more to stop someone from plopping all their Invincible stations in one system or within X sectors of eachother, Doesn't do anything else. As for stopping steamrolling it'd really depend on a lot of factors. I say factions that have most if not all their members offline should lose faction points rapidly after a certain amount of time. As for the Steamrolling issue maybe making it so the other structures outside the HB that have invincibility have a day or two wait time before they become destroyable after their secondary structures are destroyed. Gives someone more than enough time to come online and see what all the fuss is about. But if they are gone months their bases will be open to being shot anyways. XD
    War is a bigger thing than inactive factions. If a faction gets even 1 day to regain their systems it'd be too much. You know how easy it is to simply put a faction block on a planet? and how hard it is for an enemy to then unclaim that system? also the invulnerable stations do not have "secondary structures" (according to the op and such), they'd require ~4 claimed systems to sustain positively. it doesn't mean that if there are only 3 claimed that it loses invulnerability, it mains that the faction has a negative FP income.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    I'm sorry HolyCookie, the cats distracted me and I couldn't read your post.
    I'm sure it was interesting though.

    All right, I'm serious now. Good ideas, guys. But nobody's responded to me!!! :( What about MY giant pages of text?
    If I need to edit it, I could. Maybe. I hate reading through my own work, I can't focus on it at all, usually.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    All right, I'm serious now. Good ideas, guys. But nobody's responded to me!!! :( What about MY giant pages of text?
    If I need to edit it, I could. Maybe. I hate reading through my own work, I can't focus on it at all, usually.
    Well since you the hypno-kitten chorus a wall of text can make my brain kind of zone out like white noise. I will compare it to having a lot of useful tools in a disorganized tool-kit. It does me no good to have a great tool if I can't find it. You only have to type it once but it will be read many times so its worth a little time on structure & clarity. Why hide your good ideas?
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Well since you the hypno-kitten chorus a wall of text can make my brain kind of zone out like white noise. I will compare it to having a lot of useful tools in a disorganized tool-kit. It does me no good to have a great tool if I can't find it. You only have to type it once but it will be read many times so its worth a little time on structure & clarity. Why hide your good ideas?
    It's not the time, it's the effort! Do you have any idea how much effort it is to run through all those thoughts and make them logical for you intellectually poor species? You need to learn to read my thoughts as I see them; it's such a better organization than you inferior species can comprehend. It comes with a built-in encoding algorithm, too, to stop anyone not in my mind from deciphering it! Proven to be absolutely unbreakable in any circumstances!
    Alright, I'm heading to it now to edit. Don't expect fast results. My amazing encoder is almost too difficult for me to decipher, because I can't focus on my own work. Ever.