Read by Council Multiplayer ship thought

    Jan 31, 2015
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    My main suggestion is either 1) non-linked (or linked) control blocks for power, shields and thrust OR 2) a single "systems" control block for all three. Function being that as a ship takes damage and begins having power, shield and thrust outages, a second non-pilot player can use this control to restart those systems one by one without the pilot doing a full ship restart. This would give properly crewed capital ships another good bonus against ships without crew.

    Currently players can enter computers on a ship and help by taking over turrets - this is great as player controlled turrets don't randomly decide not to shoot enemies in the clear.

    Another nice idea that I know has been suggested before is letting a passenger hand charger the jump drives from the jump controller.

    Main thing though - consider allowing human crew to somehow manually restart damaged systems on a ship during combat. Would allow copilot a to serve as not only turret monkeys but an excellent Damage Control system so the pilot could mostly continue fighting while crew tried to control damage.
    Jan 31, 2015
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    I think it would be enough of an edge to provide real incentive for multi-crew ships.

    Co-pilots can already reset a damaged ship they are in, but it has the normal effect of crippling the entire ship for a period of time. Allowing them to reset individual systems (so only crippling one system at a time) would be very nice.

    Note that Co-pilots can also currently do physical damage control on ships from inside the computer - dropping quick slabs of armor or hull to patch over damaged areas and prevent further systems damage, repairing power cores, replacing shield banks, replacing & re-linking damaged computers, etc... only problem is that they'll typically have to reset the whole ship every time they make a repair if the ship is currently in combat.
    Nov 30, 2015
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    I would like to have the option to link systems through computers so you (as copilot) could restart a certain section of shields, but not all of the shields at once. If the computers could be accesed by boarders that would be a great meta-
    have a strike squad get into all the shield computers so they could shut down the sheilds(through rebooting) for a shot time.