Multiplayer help

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi, my name is linkwill and I have one big question about playing on a multiplayer server before I get started on one (public server). If I build a really awesome ship play for a little bit and then I have to get off (sleep, eat something ex.) couldn't someone see my ship and greif it (take all the blocks from it) or destroy it with cannons or rockets while im gone? That wouldn't be very much fun. Please tell me if theres something im not getting here (im a noob).
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    If you join / create a faction you can use faction blocks to prevent people from outside your faction from entering the ship. They can still destroy it.

    If you dock it at a faction\'s homebase dock, it can not be damaged.

    If the server allows blueprints, you can always save the ship, then take it apart and then log off, and re-create it when you log back on.