Moving Ship Parts?

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I just had the idea, and it is mostly esthetic, but what if a feature was added where you could build huge doors hangar doors that literally swing open and closed. obviously they would require a lot of work and coding, but the plex doors are quite boring and weak. i would love to be able to build a ship that literally opens up part of it's hull to reveal rows of guns and huge hangar bays. also it would be awesome to see more powerful versions of everything. we have hull and hardened hull, why not have upgrade of everything, like more powerful engines and power storage? a second and third rank of cannons like the anti matter cannons but stronger so they require less space or just plain deal more damage. but rare and or expensive. i really hope this game becomes like minecraft and just keeps growing. new feature, new enemies, more advansed versions of everything. this game has so much potential, even more so then minecraft. That said and i know this is a bit of topic but please don't remove mod capabilites, even if you don't plan to take this game very far, the community surely will, so please, try to make it as easy for modders as possible,
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    this would make a ton of things more interesting, but would be really hard/could cause bugs. it may sound lame but i want to make a NES ship that has the slot for the games to go in be a hangar and the controller ports be guns. this would be perfect for that hangar door.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This could be more than esthetic if you think that using these as backup sheilds if your original sheilds fail and you want to protect your valuables like say weapons with a cover. When its not deployed its above the guns and not obsturcting fire, but say your getting into a sticky situation and you want to protect your expensive cannons from being obliterated you pull the hatch down and now you have a little bit more time for sheilds to recharge with the draw back of not being able to fire the weapons. Another thing would be giving them power usage so their not overpowered paddles of doom if you cna get close enough to you foes. If we could though giving the choice of having the reinforced blocks be moveable or using a rotating mechancism with the ability to use cheaper blocks as the sheild/door, but have a hit box that if damage grade is past say 2 or 3 stages it stops moving. This could make the use of accuracy of pilots even more important if they can stop the sheild from moving and then being able to puch a hole in the ship thanks to his marksmanship or using really fast missles that could splash damage it. All in all i love the idea as you said above. Sorry if you guys think this it too long, and thanks for reading.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Just have a new type of docking module that can somehow be used to move. (Somebody is gonna make a transformer, guarented.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Love your idea 100% though would be hard to make

    I was cosidering having Dock tracks. A sort of rail for turrets/docked ships that + Your awesome idea for moving parts would make ships and stations soo cool. Imagine going to a space station and getting into a docked shuttle to train from one part of the station to the other. Watching the bulk heads open as you zoom out into space on a long line of the station to get into the other part of the station with atmosphere. then climbing your way to work as others shoot back and forth on tracks.

    Or having parts of your ship opening up and having turrets raised up. then when the battle is over the turrets are lowered back into the ship for repair!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    There are two variants i would love to see if this happens. one is the obvious easier one and the second one would be really hard and could be even more trouble then the first. the first one i would like to see is Rails as has been previously mentioned. but the second i would like to see is swingers 1 that moves blocks 90 degrees and another that swings blocks 180 degrees. if possible a 270 might have uses too but that sounds a bit to far our there. rails slide blocks and swingers act like hinges. i would be perfectly fine if to build this you needed a bunch of blocks, like marker blocks that you use to define a section of hull and then hooking up the rails or hinges in the appropriate spot. maybe have an arrow that shows the direction it will swing/slide. if you use markers, you would need 4 markers to mark off the corners of a 1 thick piece of hull you wish to move, and if you want it thicker you need another 4 markers to create a box.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    It\'d be pretty funny to have a supposedly unarmed ship and then open some side doors and swing out wtfbbq1000dmg antimatter cannons when you get attacked.
    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    well it wouldn\'t be pretty (not really moving parts but it would work for the use you want) but having smart doors that you can put on a hotkey (from the ship computer) that would open and close them, so you don\'t have to be looking at them to open them. so it would just be a bit more code to the doors that already exist, just linking them to the computer like you do for wepons and stuff.

    but just having that and some pistons (like from minecraft that just move blocks back and forth 2 or three blocks). you could put a turret mount (which from what I have read makes them move independently so you would only have to push the turret block) on it with your wepons on it. also pistons could be used for other things too.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i support this, mentioned in my post before and im sure many before me
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I like the idea of Forcefeilds. maybe even making them so they allow ships from your faction to pass through them while enimies get damaged, makes it have multiple uses, 1 as a door and the other as a wepon, Love it!
    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I support this concept. It would make things a lot more interesting than the simple plex doors. Adding pistons and wiring (like redstone) would allow us builders to really increase the complexity and design of our ships. I had a super carrier and for the hangar doors I have something like two hundred plex doors... looked awful when i clicked to open it up. Very anti-climatic.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If the vehical core that shema is talking about gets implemented, I\'m going to make spider walkers, of course the legs wouldn\'t really moving the machine but because they move it would look like they were.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    A good example
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    This would be rather awesome, would be nice if we could use this for acctual projectile weapon (Yay imma shoot disitergrator ships at you!)