More Wireless Logic Blocks

    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    So wireless logic blocks give us the ability to control logic across ships but they are really limited to A->B and vice versa.

    I would love to see three more wireless logic blocks added to the game.

    Short Range Transmitter: This would send a signal back and forth between any other transmitter within a short range, something like 10 meters or so.

    Why this would be useful: You could create universal docking collars and airlocks systems that when joined together will automatically synchronize their logic controllers.​

    Standard Transmitter and Receiver: These blocks would run on a specific code and when a transmitter is activated it would activate any receivers with the matching code, this way you can build hangers or warp gates that any shuttle with a matching code can operate. When you press R on these blocks a text window opens allowing you to enter the "frequency"

    This opens up a bit of counter-play where raiders could attempt to hack a code and gain access to areas they otherwise would not be able to.
    Aug 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    no a fan for the short range transmitter, i think it will have jamming problem
    but the the specific code thing is very interesting, i hope we can enter the code like...
    display module! so we decide our own "radio code"
    and i suggest the range of it is a full sector!
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Short Range Transmitter: This would send a signal back and forth between any other transmitter within a short range, something like 10 meters or so.

    Why this would be useful: You could create universal docking collars and airlocks systems that when joined together will automatically synchronize their logic controllers.​

    I would like something like your proposed short range transmitter, would be even better if you could 'name' the transmitter and it would auto-connect to any other with the same 'name' even if it would only connect when actually docked. That way you could have multiple connections that would auto-connect to what you have docked to or have docked to you. I'm thinking of a ship with various different special purpose 'pods' but only having one docked at a time. With this I would not need to manually re-do all the wireless logic connections when I swap out which pod I want to use.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    A transmitter which connects to the selected entity (navigation menu).

    1. Add any not connected wireless button to your hot-bar.
    2. Select target.
    3. Activate not connected wireless -> It will link to a random unconnected wireless at the target (excluding wireless with broken receiver).
    The target could be a radar dish on a jump gate for example.

    Then you can send your morse-code with a button connected to this wireless.
    • Did I mention that 2+ bit logic would help with serial connections? Else the timing may be an issue.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
    • Top Forum Contributor
    Perhaps if people are worried about the short range transmitter being jammed or other interference perhaps it would be linked to a dock/docker and can be used to send signals between entities only when they are docked.
    Aug 23, 2014
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    I was thinking of coding wireless blocks last week. Just enter asny number into the block and Any other matching block would repeat the signal to that block. It would make setting up wireless units loads easier.


    Befriender of Worlds
    Dec 23, 2014
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    True. We've pretty much already implemented a similar data-entry system into the inner ship remote so this should be more than possible.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    I'd like to see wireless blocks made into 2 types, first the current type and a short range version (inside current sector) for local control to prevent accidental activation of things on other ships or your station/base from BFE
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Instead of typing in values, which are quite hard-coded, some external interfacing, like something about attached blocks, like how the rails mass blocks and such work would be nice, and programmable as well. Perhaps short-range ones could be based on 'color' frequencies by wiring up a light or lights to it. Say you can wire up a few different light colors, if the light is turned on then it contributes, if off then it does not, and the mixture because the 'frequency' that it communicates on. Could do that for further range too.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    I agree this would be a wonderful addition. I see this useful as a way to give access to hanger bays and give a way to have lock system that actually are condensed. I agree with OvermindDL1, it probably should not be number based, but should be maybe some type of RGB color code. Their is not enough people on a server to warrant the need of 4 to 8 digit sequences, but a single specific RGB sequence sent to the locked on target would be useful. Just an idea, hope this helps.