More Varieties of Weapons (not an I WANT LAZORS thread)

    Aug 18, 2013
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    If there is something that I feel that StarMade is really missing is a good variety of weapons. Now don't get me wrong, the AMC's are great, but there are just some itches that they just can't scratch even if you do mess with the settings.. Having a greater number of options when it comes to weapons would make the game much more interesting and would result in a greater number of available playstyles and tactics for the players to employ. So, without further ado, here are some suggestions that I have for additional weapon types. Now, some of these may have been suggested before, but you'll have to forgive me for not wading through the murky bog that is the current state of the forums. (hint: add a search feature) Anyways, here they are:

    Repeating Photon Pulse Cannon (RPPC)

    Do you want a massive rate of fire, but don't have the space to put a large amount of AMC's? Well, then, this is the weapon for you. While it lacks a lot in Damage per Shot (doing comparable damage to the pistol), it more than makes up for it in rate of fire. Stacking, like with the AMC's, will increase the rate of fire and the damage, but the damage increases at a rate of 1, maybe 2 Damage per every 5 blocks. This weapon would be perfect for fighters and small air defense turrets.

    Plasma Flash Cannon (PFC)

    When fired, the Plasma Flash Cannon releases a conical jet of plasma that deals damage to whatever it hits. In laymans terms, it's an energy shotgun. While having a lower base rate of fire to the AMC the PFC does do comparable damage to AMC arrays of similar size. However, this damage is distributed over a larger area. Thus, the damage done to an individual block would be much less, the damage done to all the affected blocks would be similar to the damage an AMC would do to a single block. (Given, of course, that the shot is not at point-blank range.) While stacking would increase the spread and damage of the weapon, the rate of fire and range would increase at a much more marginal rate. Good for a run and gun playstyle (or those who suck at aiming)

    Variable Effect Mines (VEM)

    It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. They're magnetic, they have variable effects, and they're mines. That's it. Mines will activate when a player comes within a certain proximity to the mine whereupon they will become attracted to the player and will follow them until the player either outruns the mine, or the mine impacts the player. The mines will then deliver one of various effects, depending on what the owner set them to. The variable effect settings are (at the moment) explode, disable, repulse, and blind, which can be set in the weapons menu. Mines CAN be destroyed by weapons fire, but each time a mine is destroyed it alerts the player who owns them. Mines DO distinguish between factions and will not activate when a player of the same or neutral faction approaches them. Stacking improves the effects of the mines, how many mines can be layed at a time, how much damage they will take, activation proximity, and deployment speed.

    Tachyon Warp Cannon (TWC)

    This is the big one. This is, essentially, a Wave Motion Gun. In order to fire the weapon, the ship must be stationary (meanings the engines cannot be providing thrust). To fire the weapon, press and hold the left mouse button. This will start charging the weapon. Note, that, while charging, your ship is incredibly vulnerable. Once the weapon is fully charged, simply release the left mouse button to fire the weapon. The weapon will then fire a large, noninstantaneous beam of energy that will deal massive amounts of damage to any target it hits. Does this seem overpowered? Don't worry, the base energy requirements for the TWC are likewise humongous, and grow exponentially for each block stacked. Stacking blocks, though, increases damage, range, and beam speed, while decreasing charge time.

    That's enough for now. I have more, if you want me to post them, tell me below in the comments.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    im trying to get a rail gun added to starmade. the point of it being a different damage type than what we have now.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I\'m impressed, not only are these ideas different from the constant spam of \"I wunt lazarz in sturmade\" but nicely thought through. Good job of balancing these weapons. Scheeeeemmmmmmmmaaaaaaa we have another good idea!
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Thanks to your comment, I decided to add the (not an I WANT LAZORS thread) to the thread title, because I assume that they think that this is another one of those threads and avoid it accordingly. As I said before, I have more ideas for weapons, if you want me to start another thread with those ideas, I will.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    this could very well provide real strategy into the game and the fact that the best weapons are slow moving missiles needs to stop the best super weapons of ascience fiction are that which destroy planets using redmatter but not only that the idea of a minigun that can allow for fighters to have an edge is brilliant a massive battle should not be able to take on 50 fighters with emp\'s on their wings and a rather impressive AMC and even then i kind of dispize the AMC because of the fact that its to most basic kidn of weapon that could ever exsist it is a simple textured and very simply coded weapon the idea of a more advanced and more variety in weapon types will certainly allow for a real war in starmade (excuse my anger i just lost a battle against a titan) i realise tat schema is bug squashing but damnit PUT THIS ON YOUR LIST OF THINGS TO ADD SCHEMA at least in beta or something.

    +1 to you for your original suggestion and for it provideing an in depth idea and a way of using them
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The Plasma Flash Cannons will be perfect for creating a large anti-fighter flak field :)
    Sep 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey, I have an idea. What about a microwave gun. Yep. Assuming most of the ship parts are metal, firing microwaves from our regular appliance could cause some sparks. But what about firing microwaves a thousand times stronger? The metal would conduct a lot of energy, causing massive electrical discharges, which could lead to explosions. The weapon would require a fairly large amount of energy, and it would inflict damage over time, and cause explosions similar to a core overheating. The weapon would have a large deadzone, like the PFC. Stacking them increases the intensity of the waves. I believe microwaves travel at a slow speed, buy im not sure. Hope you like the idea.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    I really like all of your ideas except the first because it is to similar to amcs with the whole laser concept. The \'shotgun\' is my favorite and I would love to see it in game. An idea for a weapon would be some sort of electric cannon that shoots flashes or a constant bolt of electricity. It wouldn\'t harm hull but would have the ability to go right through it and \"fry\" weapons that are underneath, disabling them for a period of time. For example, if you zapped a large ship and the bolt hit an amc array, it would only make the blocks it hit not work, unless it hit the actual computer. This weapon would obviously use a lot of power to function preventing it from being OP since shields wouldn\'t affect it because it isn\'t actually breaking blocks.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Something I would add to this as a consideration is the one I just invented in my head


    By firing low-value high-mass blocks at high velocity at your target, this cannon attaches more weight onto the enemy ship without doing any damage. While originally invented for rapid terraforming of planet-bound regions, the Mass Impulse Cannon is useful in prolonged battles for slowing down an enemy, and, in some ingenious cases, creating a hook via which an enemy is stuck in a position which is hard to escape from.

    Of course, the MIC would need to be slow-firing for balance reasons (helpyou\'veencasedmycockpitindirtheeelllp), and cannot attach blocks onto shielded targets until the shield is sufficiently nullified.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    This is really cool man, with some proper balancing this weapon could be a lot of fun
    Jun 21, 2013
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    What about a rocket pod? It would shoot a volly of 6-8 rockets that are unguided and it takes a while to reload. This would be an alternative for a fighter-bomber to use against a large ship. Instead of dropping a large bomb, a ship could launch a volly of rockets to create a large scar of damaged or destroied blocks instead of one small crater.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I\'m just tossing this idea out their but what if you could build your own missiles? It would be like building an explosive, More explosives (EMP, Anti-hull, Anti-shield, etc) would result in a more powerful explosion. More thrusters would equal a faster missile. A new block, the Missile Tracking CPU, would give the missile better tracking, and more accuracy. And adding hulls to encase the missile would give the missile a longer range. Also, like the explosives, the shape of the charges would determine the shape of the blast, an RPG like missile could only make a 1 by 1 hole but it could go 3-5 blocks deep, (depending on the hull strength.)
    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Question: What differs between the RPPC and an AMC with 100% power devoted to reload speed? Is it somehow mechanically different, or just tuned to emphasize a different combat style?

    Concern: The VEMs, just like any other awesome idea, could be used to obliterate a server in short order. Anything that could be used to spawn an arbitrary number of independent entities should be carefully designed to limit their impact on server performance and database capacity. I would recommend either imposing a time limit on mines, or a mine limit on ships.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    very good suggestions amd i especially like the sound of the TWC, for it makes perfect glass cannons and doomsday devices. and the RPPC sounds amazing as a flak gun only thing i would add s that when combined with an ai it would be able to shoot down missiles...

    very nice...
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    These ideas a pretty good, but I have a few objections.
    I don\'t particularly like the idea of the RPPC because it\'s something that seems like it could be done with the weapon ratios, especially if they were increased in potency.

    The Plasma Flash Cannon is a cool idea because the antimatter cannon\'s currently concentrate towards the target instead of spreading so you can\'t really make a shotgun with it, but instead of making a consistent cone it could instead have the option to have multiple outputs per group at the sacrifice of damage per shot and added random spread.

    The Variable Effect Mines are kinda cool, but in a way it would take away from the creativety of making using Dis-integrators. Maybe they could add in dis-integrators that have different effects and when better AI is added for the AI modules you could make it so the mines automatically floated towards enemies when their nearby.

    I like Tachyon Warp Cannon because who doesn\'t love charge weapons, but I think that it doesn\'t need the whole immobility and ship vulnerability thing. Plus it shouldn\'t be excessively powerful, just a bit more powerful. I do think it should drain a good amount of energy while charging so ships without enough energy wouldn\'t be able to move anyways because of how much power it takes up.
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    High Energy Beam Cannon
    Fires out a continuos beam that deals damage, functions similar to stuff like scavenger beam, repair beam ect. but does damage like an antimatter cannon.

    10cm Autocannon.
    Shoots good ol fashion bullets, completely useless against shields, but does good damage to hull and other ship components almost no travel time. (could require ammo but since missles currently don\'t probably not)

    Heater Beam Cannon(only if atmospherics are added to ships).
    Stolen straight from FTL, would cause fire inside the hulls of ships with an internal atmosphere, but otherwise deals little direct damage, fires similar to the high energy beam cannon. could possibly reroute heat seeking missles.

    Electom Magnetic Pulse Cannon
    Would disable any blocks caught in the blast temporarily. This means that if only some of the ships shield generators were caught in the blast the shield only partially weakens, but if all components are caught in the blast it is completely disabled.