Planned More smarter crew (more commands to crew members)

    Oct 9, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have boatloads of suggestions to this game. This is another of it.

    As you know, crew are only following us, attacking, walking, but they need an overhaul.
    Here are other commands that can be implemented:

    • 'Use a block' When crew members are assigned this order to a block, it will go to it and activate it. This makes crewmates walking itsead of floating. But they cannot use everything though. Mainly they cannot use factory blocks, as they need the player interference to use/maintain it. But they can use ship cores, then they behave like BOBBY AI modules.
    • 'Sit' You can anchor them to the ground so they will sit and won't fly away at high speeds, and that's the problem. I want my crew to make it to my station ASAP but at 100 m/s they fly away, so this command will prevent this, unless a collision overhaul will be implemented.
    • 'Dismiss' Not removing from party, but cancels the Use a Block command. Upon entering the command crewmates leave ships, gravity and others.
    • 'Mine' so they can mine materials from a planet and bring it to the player. They will mine everything on the planet segment/asteroid, and they can also mine enviroment to get the mineral.
    Feb 22, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen
    Link broken - the linked thread is about StarMade using too much CPU and RAM.

    Looks like the thread is marked as Planned. Good to know.
    Looks like a left a '6' off the end. Fixed the link, even tho it's planned.