Suggestion More options for BBcode?

    Sep 9, 2013
    Reaction score

    It's just sad that i don't see as many BBcode options for my text as on other forums.

    Specifically Marquee or Scrolling text/images. I really want to spice up my signature with tiny scrolling spaceships, But there is no way to do that...

    So maybe there can be a bigger set of BBCode tags for signatures?​
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    Please, no. You can already use animated GIFs.

    Signatures should be signatures - a quip, a useful hint or two, but not feature-length broadcast animations in IMAX resolution, however lovingly animated in BBCode.
    If I visit the forum, I want to partake in discussion, not watch the same "signatures" over and over again. In my opinion, the forum already allows them too much space. A line or three of text is fine; a size-restricted, static image that fits into those three lines should be the utmost.

    I am against images in signatures in general, but with images, I can at least block the more annoying ones individually. With your suggestion, my only option would be to blanket out everybody's signatures, and that would include the - admittedly very few - that are worth to be seen.
    If you want more, then make a video animation, host it somewhere, and include a link to that in your signature.