more blocks mob's/npc's

    Jun 25, 2013
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    we need thrusters that can make you go faster that are like 10000 a piece so we can out run pirates if we want or get big ships going faster.

    then make a rail gun that only can be made more powerfully (even really powerful without allot of blocks) by putting them in a strait line.

    tractor beams so we can pull in pirates and faction turrets for when we destroy them and they float away and you don't want to get hit by other pirates that are attacking. (which happens to me almost every time i find one)

    make boss ships that give you really good loot and are only in the outer sectors and stations.

    make npc's in space stations that you can trade with for rare items that you cant buy from shops (like super thrusters or tractor beams).

    be able to make more than one world so your not stuck on the same thing for the whole time

    spawn at the nearest store instead of the spawn point that you chose or toggle if you spawn where you want to and spawn at the closest respawn

    make the sun more solid instead of just really bright (i flew into it once and didn't notice until my ship was half broken)

    have a warning for Enemy Ship Enclosing or Enemy Ship Near

    space suites for surviving pirates in space easier when you are scavenging parts off a ship before it over heats or surviving in space longer from lack of oxygen like you said you were planing on adding

    hover mode when flying over planets

    jet pack for moving faster in space

    a garbage in your invetory so you can get rid of useless items that you scavenged that are to cheap to be worth selling

    and finaly a telescope for seeing pirates and turrets from out of their range and far away
    Jul 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    There is currently a way to go faster than 50 kph but it is complicated, and I have 12000 thrust and 3 million power and can\'t do it
    Jul 3, 2013
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    You\'ll need to edit your server.cfg file in order to increase max ship speed. It doesn\'t matter how many thrusters you have if you don\'t edit your config..
    Jun 25, 2013
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    just in general that can make you go faster than normal and accelerate faster than normal thrusters
    Jun 25, 2013
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    with windows 8 i kinda screwed my self when i got windows 8 because half of the things you need to do to modify theses things are allot different and i only am an expert on wind 7 and i don\'t want to sit there for hours doing that. and (fail) i kinda messed up allot of stuff on my computer so the things that normally work for other people don\'t work for me