More advanced progress on weapons design

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I think some more thought and immediate progress should be put into weapons design. As it is now, its a fairly simplistic system involving 3 flat factors that are utilized in the construction of weapons like AMC's. The slavelinking, size of the weapon, and the flat stats of the weapon itself. I think some more features should be added for more technical and in depth designing of the weapons like actual spaceships and the new logic controller systems. Things should be accounted for like the length of the "barrel"(the initial block placed that also acts as the effect emitter) should be a factor in calculating range and accuracy instead of the flat stats of the current weapon(longer range and low accuracy vs beam weapons short range, high accuracy).

    Just a thought. I just think for a game revolving around constructing spaceships and the ultimate inevitability of spaceship combat that not enough thought was put into weapons, although I understand core game features are currently a focus such as crafting and resources. Clearly you have taken steps to bring in the more technically inclined fanbase of the Space genre with the logic controllers.

    Ill probably add some more stuff here when I am not so tired.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    I can definitely see the appeal of a... Not only complex but also deep and meaningful system for the implementation and customization of weapons.
    As unremarkable as my opinion may be, I think it might not be a good idea to have it as part of the base game. Starmade features an extremely wide appeal to a large variety of players (just look at the differences between factions and shipyards!). I feel like making any system require a certain shape to work intuitively would (in turn making weapons created in any other shape/method have seemingly random effects) have a negative impact on anyone whose design philosophy doesn't match up with that of the weapons.
    While my small craft tend to be a space-efficient mish-mash of systems, hull, and cockpit, they'll be unaffected by the OP's suggested changes as I can simply refit the mish-mash with the new weapon shape to have the desired effect.
    My larger and capital-sized craft, however, use a modular weapon layout where I'll have specific 5x5x5, 10x10x10, etc. areas which I can quickly refit with whatever type of modules I may need. If the OP's suggested changes take effect all of my weapons now behave differently than what I had in mind when building them.
    Frankly, I believe that a weapon customization system that is based on shape or box dimensions (Like the old one before it was based on count) would provide a lot of restriction and frustration when compared to the rest of the game's shipbuilding features which tend towards a more free, 'do whatever and see how it works out for you' methodology.

    I think it's something that will fit within a space simulation focused modpack, but not in the base game. Excellent suggestion though!
    Jun 19, 2014
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    More like digging up old bones that were buried a long, long time ago...