Moph's suggestion thread (for current content issues and performance)

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I'm aware this is alpha, and there are tonnes of things planned, so I've tried to steer away from suggesting new features as there are an endless number of things people can come up with, and it would be pointless/meaningless, and instead focus on the current features and content of the game.

    I've split this list into a few different sections to keep relevant topics together.

    Game mechanic/performance issues.
    Ship control.
    Catalogue settings/usage.
    Building/Salaving issues.
    Minor item issues.
    Turret & AI issues.

    Game mechanic/performance issues

    The first and perhaps most important one is in regards to the data that's constantly communicated.
    Problem: The other day I was on a very laggy server, and was attempting to change my weapon distribution points, I noticed that each time I clicked on one of the arrows, the number would sometimes bounce back to the original. My guess is that my client is communicating with the server each time I alter my weapons by a single percent, while I have the weapons computer open. This is not needed at all.
    Solution: There should be some temp memory set aside which records all my alterations on the client while I'm in that window, and once I've closed the window, it should send off that 'packet' of information once. The game really doesn't need to update my weapons with every single click of the mouse in that computer, in fact, I can't actually fire my weapons while in that computer, so it's completely redundant, and clogs up client/server communications.
    Assuming this problem isn't limited to just the weapons computer, I would like to suggest that client/server communications are split up into (at least) two categories:

    Instant communications (UDP) - such as weapon fire, ship movement and other combat actions.
    Non-instant communications (TCP) and packets - such as changing game options, weapon options, etc.
    Grey areas - Some parts of the game can understandably be communicated in either way and these should be tagged as such so they can be switched easily from one to the other based on performance/gameplay testing. Things like: some types of building, especially if alone in a sector, there's no need for the server to be constantly aware of all the client's goings on, however you would need instant updates in some cases if blocks are being destroyed by combat etc. Also, shop item purchases, these can in many cases be non instant communications especially if only one person is interacting with a shop, however, if there are multiple people, then it might need to be instant as someone could entirely buy out the same thing you're looking to purchase.

    The cached actions will only be sent to the server as a block of info once a trigger is tripped. For example, for any options screen, the trigger may either be a 'save' or 'accept' button, or simply closing the window. Another trigger may be based on a timer, in the case of building, to ensure that the package doesn't grow too large.
    There do obviously need to be extra checks with non-instant comms to check whether the action is valid once the action is sent to the server as there can potentially be conflicts, i.e. with people at the shop purchasing the same items, or two building something simultaneously.

    Obviously, the greater the number of blocks in an entity, the larger of collision checks there need to be.
    Firstly, I just want to say, I have no idea how collision is coded in this game, but this is just an idea that I hope might help.
    For each ship/entity, you have height, width and length variables, I imagine there's a preliminary check to see if two cuboids based on those measurements are within colliding distance of each other, if so, then you go down to checking each block (or chunks of blocks) for collision?
    I'm not sure how it would appear to the game, but you could keep the idea of a bubble around each ship, perhaps projected by the core, or it's shields (but that's assuming all ships have a basic level of shielding, which could be possible). Collision may only need to be calculated based on that bubble, not necessarily a sphere, but an ellipsoid based on the entity's dimensions. Sadly this would lead to problems with docking as it currently stands, but that could be solved by ships requesting permissions to dock from your main computer, and then reverting to the previous form of collision detection if docking is accepted. This would greatly cut down on the number of calculations needed as docking is a rare occurance compared with any other sort of collision. Entities which wouldn't have a bubble, such as asteroids are not likely to collide with other asteroids, so the calculations again for collision with a ship's bubble should be vastly cut down.

    Loading of large ships/entities
    Again, I'm aware I don't know how this currently works, but hopefully this idea helps.
    Large ships tend to lag a client when they appear, is it possible for them to be loaded, or gradually streamed to a client earlier, from greater distances away, than smaller ships? Perhaps the distance to be directly based on the size of the ship in question.
    Also a 3D version of a 'mipmap' for these ships would be extremely useful if there isn't already, this would only be interested in sending blocks which have a visible face, together with the stats of the ship as a whole, so all the essential information is transmitted first enabling speedy display and combat potential. It's not as essential for the internal workings of a ship to be known to a new client immediately, nor internal blocks to show immediately, in the case of the external ones getting destroyed by immediate combat (which wouldn't occur more often than simply passing by each other).
    Essentially, ships simply passing each other do not need to know all of their block information immediately.

    Pirate ship creation
    The server I currently play on has one blueprint that the pirates and trading guild seem to prefer more than any others, in fact, I haven't seen any other blueprints get chosen. The blueprint in question was created about two weeks ago by someone testing something I assume, as it's name is Test3, this blueprint has no weapons at all. The pirates and trading guild simply sit there in space, effectively as loot baskets.
    I'm not sure the reason this design is always chosen, but it definitely kills the NPC threat on the server as you might imagine. The design is listed in the catalog on the server with the Owner (unknown), so either that player was cleared from the server logs, or whatever, but this might explain why? The design is also at the very top of the list if that makes a difference.

    Initial spawning location
    I understand that this is probably not the final version of how it will work in the released version of the game, however, it might be better if a random shop was chosen within the first star system, rather than always at 2, 2, 2. This would give players more of a chance to get up and started on a multiplayer server where spawn killing is rife, and 2, 2, 2 is littered with ships large and small. It would give a sort of added game play novelty if two friends need to find each other when starting on a server together.
    Maybe some day players would initially spawn on planets though as opposed to in the middle of space, but I guess that sort of content isn't relevant for an alpha stage until vague story outlines about where people come into existence is decided upon.. besides, people can be born in space etc, etc.

    Protected sectors
    I again assume that protected sectors on multiplayer are there for players to have a chance to get going. However this often leaves servers (ones which I have visited) crippled with abandoned giant ships, unfinished ships, stations etc. being unremovable in that sector. Hopefully the above point about the initial spawning location may go some way to resolving this issue in an alternative fashion. If not, would it be possible to make ships in protected sectors only invulnerable while a player is inside, or perhaps have unattended ships have a time limit of an hour or so before they become un-protected? This would allow regulars on the server the chance to destroy and clear out any extra server baggage.

    The following two are perhaps possible bugs than anything else.

    Blocked Core on login
    The core in my ship doesn't have bags of space around it, so when I log in, I get ported a short distance away which is fine. Sometimes however, there's a giant 16x16x16 block of the ship removed around the core (including the core sometimes). This happens rarely, and is easily retrievable as I can purchase a new version of the ship from the Catalog. I'm not sure what causes it, but it is a bit strange. I recently found that if I log out and back into the server, it reappears, so I guess it's a client/server communication issue of some sort. While on that topic, I have also noticed on login that my ship and it's turrets sometimes explode away from each other and go flying off into space.. again I'm not sure why this is, possibly some initial collision, or stuck check? But relogging often puts it all back into position, so the entities must remain in the same place on the server, and there's a synchronisation issue there? Not a clue what's going on here, but I thought I should note it as an oddity.

    Multiple Entities not being destroyed
    I attempted to create a space station the other day around a shop. I placed the initial block close to the shop structure, it wasn't in quite the correct position, so I destroyed it, and placed a new one. I did this about 10-15 times, fine. I came back later and noticed several large 10x10x2 or so blocks of red hull all located on top of, and within each other at the same location. On checking, each of the previous entities I had created still existed despite having destroyed each one before I placed the next. I may have used a 10x10x2 setting in the advanced build mode to build my station, so that's potentially where the size came from, but I didn't use any red hull, so that's a mystery to me. Again, I don't have any idea what caused this, so I can only really pass on the symptoms.

    This brings the game mechanic/performance issues section to a close.

    Ship Control Issues

    Navigation Waypoint system
    I keep hearing mild complaints about this on my server and how it makes you turn all the time to head to new sectors.
    There is no reason anyone needs to turn more than 3 times once they've plotted in a course. The way it's set up right now, it sends you along the axis which is furthest away from the destination until one of the other axes is further, then it switches to that one, and so on until the destination is reached. While this closely models a straight line, it still makes the player turn and head in a zig zag manner, axially towards the destination. Because of this, it saves no time at all over simply travelling the full distance down each axis in turn to reach your destination.
    It should (hopefully) be a simple enough change to make the navigation system travel down one of the axes at a time. This should save many players from having to constantly turn in this zigzag pattern.
    Alternatively, a more beneficial method (although a lot more hassle) would be to calculate the vector from the current sector to the destination and plot a separate waypoint beacon on the screen for the player to take them there in a direct line. Note, this doesn't have to be a HUD-diamond located on the destination sector at all (as I doubt a distant sector will be loaded), it can just be a notation on the HUD at the angle from the current sector the player needs to take.
    These could be different methods used in different versions of a navigation computer block.

    Also, while on this topic, sometimes when entering a new sector (possibly negative ones?), the orientation of the ship suddenly jumps to face a completely different direction which is quite disorientating and if you're not paying attention, you can end up travelling a few sectors in a completely random direction to where you intended.

    Plex doors on ships
    I think it would be a nice addition if you could link plex doors on a ship to a 'plex door computer' and then link this to the core. Not all plex doors would have to be linked. The advantage of this would be with docking, you would be able to open and close specific doors from the core itself rather than one of the two pilots leaving their cores to operate the doors.

    Weapons computer links
    I think the weapons systems needs to be taken down another level if possible, it shouldn't affect complexity for new players either. Each individual block of cannons should be attached to a single weapons 'controller' to signify that that is one, single individual cannon system. I.e. if you fired that from the core, only one beam would fire, be it made of a single block, or multiple.
    Linking up multiple cannons to work from the same number in the core should be the next step with the weapons computer.
    The reason for this, is simple usability, sometimes you only want to fire a certain set of cannons, sometimes all at the same time.
    Technically, I've heard that you can do this, by linking the same cannons to two different computers, however, this is not an appropriate way of managing this, as if you have a 3x3x3 block of cannons, and you want to link them to two separate computers, there's no way to select the centre cannon for use with the second computer, not to mention that it's a real pain in the arse to do if you've got a ship with several hundred plus cannons on it.
    Breaking it down into single cannon groupings is a lot simpler and easier to understand, not to mention it gives you great flexibility with deciding on how to set up your weapons.
    This item was challenging to word concisely for some reason, so I assume it's easy to mis-read, please re-read if there's an issue you'd like to raise with it.

    GUI Element Computers/Components
    I believe each element on your GUI should be linked to a block which allows with it, if you don't have the block, you don't have the GUI element.
    - The Core should be responsible for basic life support, the health bar, and the build mode ability.
    - The power bar should be separate from health and display only once a power block has been added.
    - The weapons window should be accessible only once a relevant weapons computer has been added.
    - Similarly, there should be a separate docking block which allows you to dock onto things, i.e. not like the current one which allows things to dock onto you. The advantage of this would be more user defined docking, not to mention making building turrets easier, and extending the amount to which you can build them. Imagine being able to line up plex doors with the ship you're docking onto! Air locks ahoy!
    - The navigation elements, i.e. the diamonds on the HUD which tell you whether things are asteroids, planets, stations or other ships etc, should be viewable only once a 'Navi-comp' block has been added, also the navigation window and waypoint system.

    In terms of complexity to new players, you will still be able to fly your ship without these, and it would be easier to get to grips with as the ship construction is more modular and broken down easily for tutorial aspects. For example, one of the first elements of the tutorial then would be adding in the navicomp and explaining the navigation elements to the player.

    The idea behind this is a more immersive feeling to how you're building your ship.

    But the main benefit would be in development. I'm currently working on a basic college game project at the moment (or should be, hah) and I'm the only programmer. I'm amazed how much coding goes into the GUI alone, it's almost half the number of lines of code of the entire thing so far, editing any of it seems like a nightmare. So, with splitting these things up into blocks like this, you can actually attach those GUI elements directly to the blocks, then whenever you want to upgrade a GUI element, simply add a new version of that block, i.e. a 'Navicomp Mk2' would bring the new GUI element in with it.

    Ship flying permissions
    As I understand it, currently you are not able to enter the core of a ship belonging to another faction, it would be good if you could extend this to prevent people from the same faction entering your ship. Maybe have a friends list, and tag individuals who are authorised to fly your ship. For example, the core might have a retinal scanner.

    This brings the Ship Control Issues section to a close.

    Catalogue settings/usage

    First off, I have to say, this is perhaps one of the great things that makes this game unique, and is such a saving grace for the alpha, since you can protect your creations against major loss, and not to mention transferring your ideas between servers which was a major flaw with other games of this genre, cough cough.

    However, this also brings in concerns of intellectual property/design ownership, albeit only between players.
    Many people will spend days, weeks, and maybe months building their ships, so this is definitely worthy of some consideration.

    Ship Ownership
    There should be an option to attach your player signature or ID to a design you have created, and also have it registered on your website.
    As an example, some time in the future, I'm sure someone will have a competition on the best designed ship which someone will want to submit their design to, however, they will have been using that ship for the past X amount of time on a server, and other players may have the blueprint also. There needs to be some way to distinguish the actual creator, from someone who just bought the ship from the catalog and saved it themselves under their name.

    Linking the ID to the core
    The creator ID should also exist linked to the ship's core in the case that it becomes captured by another and then catalogued and claimed as their own design. This would prevent it from being catalogued. These ships may still be edited, salvaged, or improved upon by the capturing player, but it should still retain the original player's creator ID.

    Default Permissions
    The setting to share your creations with others should be set off as default; currently it is set on, and new players are not aware of this.

    Server Catalog
    Blueprints need to be protected and if possible, encrypted.

    Cataloging Stations
    I'm sure this has been given some consideration already, but I'd like to throw in a short bit about it.
    Cataloging is the primary way to save and protect your creations. At the moment, only creating a ship really makes sense as you can ensure that your work will always exist, and not be wiped out by a server rollback of all things. It would be nice to have the same ability for stations.
    One disadvantage of it that I can see at the moment, it that players may spawn in a new station whereever they choose, and have multiple, similar looking stations all over a star system providing safe docking points with ease. ...actually I'm not sure how this differs all that much from ships.
    However, if multiples of the same station is a concern, is it possible to have each player only have one station blueprint uploaded which they can only use once on that server?

    One major problem with it would also be placement, since you can't alter it's location once it's been placed, or bought. Going back to my station example which I built around a shop, being able to place the station precisely would be a huge concern there. Loading up a station and carefully adjusting it before you buy it would be problematic to say the least, but if you had a 'marker' block which you have added to the station blueprint in specific locations, you could then locate the station-to-be-built by using those markers as a frame work. I.e. On my station, I would place marker blocks close to, and around the section which fits around the shop; when buying it on a server, it would give me a build element, similar to the yellow block outline in build mode, with the locations of the marker blocks showing only, rather than the whole station, and then it could be aligned like that.

    Again, I've overlooked the fact that you can only purchase blueprints at shops, so buying a station in the middle of nowhere would also be another issue.. which again would have many options for a solution. Perhaps along the same sort of lines of my shipyard suggestion further down.

    This brings the Cataloging issues to a close.

    Building/Salvaging issues

    Station built around a shop
    My main reason for doing this, was so that when any member of my faction dies, they have access to a location where they may purchase a ship core. It also has all the benefits of having a shop in your station too of course.
    But, this does bring up a couple of points.

    Firstly, players are able to build a factioned station around the shop in sector 2, 2, 2 and effectively close in the undeathinators preventing new players from doing anything on that server.
    There are two solutions to this:
    1. As per my earlier suggestion, spawn new players at random shops throughout the star system, and maybe give a player an option of three different undeathinators to spawn at in the spawn menu.
    2. Prevent players from building within a certain distance around a shop.

    Station Shop
    This goes hand in hand with the above point really, it would be nice to be able to place your own shop on your own station, especially if building around current shops is prevented!

    Instead of being able to purchase ship blueprints at shops, there should be shipyards located throughout the galaxy.
    At these shipyards, you do not get your designed ship instantly. The ships are built, it takes time. The time is based on the mass of the ship you're purchasing. This should hopefully go some way to prevent blueprint spammers, and will definitely reduce the immediate load on the server.
    You will have to gather all the outstanding resources the ship needs, and the shipyard does not have, before the shipyard can start/finish work on it. This would prevent people from creating solid blocks of a certain resource to by-pass the shop's item limits, and would definitely increase the value of investment of a large ship to a player.
    The shipyard would take a 20-50% extra charge on the labour for building it, depending on the shipyard.

    This in itself would slow down and limit the rate at whichlarge ships can be built.

    As touched upon in the Astrotech AI point below, if at some point there are AI controlled ships which can use the Astrotech beam, perhaps a ship blueprint could be given to these to slowly construct your ship, so you can see it appearing before your eyes.

    The build block salvaging issue
    I prefer simple solutions as they tend not to lead to any further problems. I would suggest simply removing the option to remove anything other than single blocks. It's not precise when building a complex structure. I don't really make use of it when building a large ship as you're likely to do more damage than good; I'm not sure if others actually make extensive use of it for it's intended use. If on the rare occasion that does happen, then perhaps a small salvage vessel would be the preferred option to allowing people to mass gather a station/planet/asteroid.

    Ship Inventory
    Again, this could be a GUI element which only appears once a ship chest has been added.
    The suggestion here, is to have a block, other than a PlexStorage, specifically designed for use in ships.
    Raiding pirate bases, looting pirates, and to a lesser extent, salvaging, all usually end up filling your inventory to the point of overflowing. There are too many different types of items dropped.
    Instead, anything gathered or salvaged by your ship, will go directly into the ship's chests rather than your own inventory. The idea here, is that you can add additional chests so that you don't have to keep stopping, exiting the core, manually filling the chests, getting back in the core, and flying into the other items, or much worse, picking the items up manually (it's a pain if you have a large ship). Also, items may timeout and disappear before you can even make space sometimes.
    You should also be able to directly sell items from the ship's inventory.

    And on that note, please change it so that if your inventory is full, items do not get picked up, but stay thereuntil you make room.

    This brings the building and salvaging issues to a close.

    Minor item issues

    Corner hull pieces
    Nothing major, just that the square face is only available on the top or bottom of the block and not on the sides, although this would raise the number of variations of it to 24 rather than the 8 it's at currently.
    If it's possible to give it these variations, would it also be possible to have an inverted version of it so you could fill concave corners rather than only convex? Perhaps as variations of the same block if not another one entirely?

    Antimatter cannons
    I am curious if these are working as intended, the description says that adding more cannons to a block increases their combined damage, distance, speed and reload. Yet, one cannon block, re-assigned to full damage, gives 50 damage, but two cannon blocks combined re-assigned to full damage gives 75 damage.
    In this situation, it would be beneficial to have the two cannon blocks separate and set to full damage so the combined output would reach 100 damage. I.e. it seems that contrary to the item description, you get more output from the cannons if they are separated rather than in a block together.

    Re-assigning/Distributing cannon points GUI
    Would it be possible to add a GUI element to this window please? A slider bar for setting the percentages would be handy, a max and min button would as well. Even if you could simply hold the mouse button down while clicking on the left and right arrows. At the moment you have to click for every single one percent. If you're re-assigning something to be one stat heavy, then you're clicking 175 times for each cannon! Not even considering a laggy server which keeps resetting your distributions.

    This brings the minor item issues section to a close.

    Turret & AI issues

    First off, Bobby AI is fine. It's the first, basic AI block that can be bought, however, we are in desperate needs of a BillyAI.

    Turrets linked to core
    Firstly, it would hugely beneficial if docked turrets on a ship could be directly linked to an interface in the ship's core. We can already choose to undock them, so hopefully we will be able to interact with them in other ways too in the future.
    The AI modules on the turrets should be accessible from the core so you can activate and deactivate them as and when you choose to, as well as being able to set their other parameters. This would hopefully go some way to resolving my next issue, and goes hand in hand with it.
    Perhaps there should be a turret computer block, similar to the weapons block, which then takes care of all the turret interfacing.

    Turret targetting
    Dreadful. I have accidentally killed faction members. I'm sure many others have. I've accidentally shot up and sprayed a space station I was working on. The aim is atrocious, unfortunately, I'm not talking about combat necessarily, but if they were accurate enough, I'd only have to replace 10-15 blocks, but because they randomly pepper an area... well, I was there for a few hours repairing a momentary accidental selecting.
    There needs to be a different way of selecting a ship, asteroid whatever, to setting it as a target. Or even expressly giving your turrets the command to attack.
    When you enter a sector, and there are several things there, you select them, as that's how the names of things appear, that's how you tell players apart, there's nothing hostile intended about that.
    I would greatly prefer if turrets would have the attack settings of 'On Command', 'Hostile' and 'Hostile or Neutral'.
    'On Command' would not attack at will, but would only attack the targets you speifically give to your turrets.
    'Hostile' would attack at will only those entities around you which were marked as red on your HUD, and within range, you would also be able to select and specifically give a new target to your turrets, hostile or otherwise.
    'Hostile or Neutral' would attack at will, anything other than a faction member or ally.

    Turrets would not actively seek out and attack asteroids or planets on their own regardless of setting, you would need to give the attack command for those specifically.
    Turrets would only ever attack a faction member or ally if you specifically gave them the attack command.

    Turret Aiming
    I sat for ten minutes the other day with my turrets trained on an asteroid, they were just as inaccurate at the end as they were at the start, nothing was moving, the ship wasn't, the asteroid wasn't, but the turrets were jittering all over the place. Would it be possible for the aim/accuracy of turrets to improve slightly over time on stationary objects? Or maybe even advanced AI blocks to have a lock on ability, as missiles do?

    Turrets damaging other turrets on the same ship (possibly docked ships also)
    I'm not sure if this one is intended, but I'm tending towards thinking it's not, because your own ship weapons don't damage your own ship.
    I had three forward turrets, and three rear turrets, the rear three destroyed the forward three in the back of their heads. Ideally if you were building a set up like that in real life, you'd be able to prevent the movement of the rear turrets from hitting the front ones; in the game, it would be harder to do that than simply have them shoot through the forward turrets, as the weapons on your ship shoot through your own hull without damage.

    Astrotech AI
    Hopefully this is already planned, but it would be pretty cool to have a few small astrotech drones docked on your ship which you can send out to repair your hull either in battle, or after. They shouldn't affect combat all that much, as if you're hulls are damaged, your shields are down, and you're likely dead anyway, but for post combat recovery they could be pretty nice. In addition, they could use the current blueprint for your ship, in conjunction with the ship chests suggestion above, and use the materials from there to replace missing blocks.
    Although, just thinking about this, takes me back to the shipyard suggestion; they could have drones which gradually build your ship.

    Salvage Drones
    Again, hopefully this is already planned, maybe there could be another AI block for ships with only salvage cannons that you can leave on a planet or asteroid to salvage it.

    This brings the Turrets & AI section to a close.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    One other thing I wanted to add was with the advanced build tool, a copy ond paste option for certain block configurations would be very handy. For example, power block 5x5x5 blocks.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would also like to request that on your server page, you set up a rating system, with comments, as you would have when purchasing an item from amazon for example. It would help to keep servers running your game respectable hopefully.
    I just got burned by one server admin. Hadn\'t had any contact with him before despite being an active and friendly player on his server for a couple of weeks and having built my ship there, and a station.
    Earlier today, he logs in, teleports to my location, right clicks his way through my ship to the core and enters it to \'try out\' my ship, I was working on my station at the time. He then proceeds to shoot up and destroy my station without giving any reason or explanation. He killed me from the server command, banned me and wiped my character files on both his servers.
    It was completely out of the blue, like I said, I\'d never spoken to him before. I don\'t know whether he was in a bad mood or what, but I find it extremely strange from someone who runs servers for Minecraft and Starmade where you\'d think they\'d appreciate people building things.

    Anyway, while this suggestion would prevent admins from doing this, at least we would have a resource which could help to inform us which servers were respectable, respectful, and reasonable.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Currently unable to sell items from a chest directly to the shop despite it offering you the ability.
    Solution, either enable selling directly to a shop from a chest which would be great for a handful of other purposes.. especially the above ship chest idea; or remove the option to drop items from a chest off to the side for sale.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Changes in the recent patch:

    Salvage cannons unable to salvage ships until the core is overheating.
    I feel that this wasn\'t the best solution (my opinion of course!). Instead of preventing any salvaging of these ships at all, until the core is overheating, I would like to suggest that they act in much the same way as the anti-matter cannons, in that you have to break down the ship\'s shielding before you can start to destroy/collect blocks.
    Using salvage cannons as a weapon is a fantastic idea and opens up another potential \'melee\' weapon in a ship\'s arsenal.

    You by no means have the range comparable to any of the other weapons, and missiles are obviously better at blowing holes in things which have no shields, so why \'prevent\' the use of any ability? It\'s immersion breaking.

    The problem was that salvage cannons were being used as a weapon as they by-passed the shields of unattended ships. The solution therefore, would be to stop them by-passing shields.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    First just a note on bowing to community pressure: Do not do it.
    While that backfires on myself somewhat as it does imply that you should ignore suggestions, I really mean that you should only implement what you want to implement to realise your vision of what the game should be, and only once that section of the game is complete as to how you want it to be, and only if it doesn\'t work as desired, then perhaps look for some suggestions to tweak how it might work.
    Remember also, people are biased towards anything which will help themselves, only as a developer do you really understand the biggest picture, and especially if it\'s not all in the game yet.

    Large Ships
    So, the \'problem\' of large ships being too hard.

    There\'s nothing wrong with this.

    A very large ship should not have to worry about a small ship at all. That\'s the whole point of building a large ship! However.. if there are many small ships, and together, their added mass, or power approaches that of the large ship, then yes, they should be able to dent it.

    The mass, number of blocks, and cost of the ship accurately reflects the benefits/disadvantages of purchasing a particular size of ship.

    Moreso, the amount of effort that goes into building a large ship is many times over that of what goes into making a quick 5 minute ship. If a 5 minute ship can take out a 24 hour ship, what the hell is the point?

    That being said, I have to acknowledge that people can purchase a large ship while never having built anything close to it\'s size, this is a problem, and something that could perhaps have a multitude of solutions: Ship building ranks/titles which allow purchase of ships based on mass which could be achieved either through promotion, experience points, or building a similar sized ship themselves which meets specific targets.
    Personally, I am a fan of having the catalogue disabled for any externally downloaded content, so all content on a server, would have to be built on that server. This needs to be a server option if it isn\'t already.

    Currently, the only \'effort\' in purchasing a large ship, is the amount of credits required. I am assuming that currently in game it\'s easy to gather maximum credits as it\'s alpha and that\'s the best way to allow people to test all aspects of the game, including server load. Hopefully credits become more of a rare resource, this should increase the worth, and effort of these ships.

    On a much related topic, shielding should be treated in the same way as power, and also cloaking.
    There should be separate blocks for shield \'load\' which govern how much the maximum shielding of the ship is, and there should be shield generators which govern how fast the shield recharges, which directly sap from your ship\'s power when not at maximum shielding; these blocks could work more efficiently when connected to a power block grouping which would increase the challenge of building an efficient larger ship.
    One idea I\'m playing around with is also having shield dispersion blocks. These can be placed along the underneath of the hull of your ship, and are the points at which the shield is dispersed from. Shielding would be applied to all the blocks which are within a certain distance/radius of the shield disperser block.
    This would again add to the ship building challenge! Builders may inadvertantly leave weak spots where a player can get shots through! This includes hangars and any doors on the ship, if you open a door, shots can get in and strike parts of the ship which are unshielded!

    These could be directly linked with shield \'load\' blocks to determine how much shielding that section of hull gets. This would mean a larger ship\'s shielding would simply be a collection of smaller, weaker shielded sections though which isn\'t all that ideal. So a network would have to be set up between each of the shield dispersers, and the block to do that, would be the shield load block. Once multiple shield dispersers are connected by shield load blocks, they would share their shielding. This means that you can also set up separate individual shield fields if you choose to. i.e. a weapons shield section, a core shield section, a hangar shield section, a \'brig\' shield section. You could even make a giant onion type ship.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The astronaut mode camera could really do with having the full range of motion as a ship, rolling and everything.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I usually don\'t like huge threads, but there\'s a lot in this one I agree with.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Thanks, I didn\'t really want to make a large thread either, but I was slowly gathering little tweaks as I was going and just decided to put them all in one, to keep them together for my own sanity. I did try to put things in sections if I could to make it a bit easier on the eyes and not so daunting, but not too sure if that worked out. Thanks for reading and replying!
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Yes, there are many, many things which could be added. You could spend weeks finding equivalent things for anything you have in real life too, but I wanted to stick to things which were currently in the game.
    Planetary towns, fire, running water, satellites, warp gates, jump gates, worm holes, dimension gates, natural disasters, solar flares, supernovas, black holes, aliens, different tiers of current blocks, scrolling message boards, televisions, NPCs and NPC corporations, chairs, steps/stairs, carpets, beds, character classes, personal weaponry/armour, pets, experience points and levels, character stats and training, genetic engineering, quantum physics, fine art, musical instruments, wheels, spheres, dancing, and tiny replica commemoration fountains and/or garden gnomes.

    There are hundreds of additions which could expand the \'sandbox\', but this thread was intended to focus on the items which are currently in the game and how they work as I believe Schema has a hundred more ideas of his own that he\'d like to implement. Admittedly, there are a couple of content additions above too, such as the shipyard, but I have tried to keep them limited to things which would compliment or resolve issues with the current content.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    There\'s a lot of valid stuff being thrown around in here, so kudos for your dedication. Still, you\'re mistaken on your point about weapons control systems being splittable between weapons groupings. You can already do that kind of thing with \"v\" and \"shift+v\" when the appropriate weapons computer is marked as the active module with \"c\". For example, I have two weapons computers and a chunk of weapon blocks which are assigned to the first computer. I can mark the second computer as the active module, point the reticule at any random block in the weapon array, push v, and that one block will be assigned to the currently-active second weapons computer. Likewise, if I want to move my weapons computer, then I can mark it as the active block with c once again (after placing it where I wanted to move it), and then toggle an entire chunk of weapon blocks as being assigned to it with \"shift+v\".

    Frankly, I don\'t know why you\'d ever want one set of AM cannons assigned to a secondary weapons computer unless you\'ve got a tail gunner or side gunner position. I see splitting weapons computers as being more of a function for missiles.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I\'m not sure I fully understand what you mean with using shift+v there. Are you saying that you\'re able to switch an entire grouping of weapon blocks to another computer in one go, if they have previously all been grouped on another computer? If so, that\'s fantastic, I\'ll have to play around with it more. If you mean doing it one block at a time though, that\'s an extremely arduous way of doing it which this suggestion will resolve, not to mention you\'d have problems selecting a weapons block which doesn\'t have a visible face.

    The reasons for splitting the groupings up might not seem like much at first, but it would improve the modular design of a ship and make it easy to modify weapon connections at a later time. Imagine going back and selecting each single block when you have a few hundred to go through, just because you wanted to move your weapons computer? It would be pretty straight forward if you have a single \'controller\' block which defines a set of blocks as one cannon, and then link that one block to one or many weapons computers.
    Another reason for splitting them up like this, is if your ship has power issues. For example, if you\'re using thrusters to chase someone, you might only have the power to fire half of your cannons. If you\'re stationary, you would have the power (one would hope) to fire all of your cannons. It would be better if you could choose which cannon batteries to fire rather than waiting for the ship to decide which ones it\'s going to cut out. You may have some cannons set for range if they\'re far away, or some set fully into damage if they\'re close. It\'s all about giving you a broader set of options.

    Also, as you said, there\'s no reason you couldn\'t extend it to missiles as well, it would be preferable to be able to fire all six of my ship\'s missiles than scrolling through each one and firing them individually as I currently have it set up, especially if it\'s tough getting a lock on a moving target; but at the same time, it would be nice to have the option to fire them individually if I choose.

    Perhaps it is possible to do now? But I feel it should really have the missing step in there. Each type hould have controller blocks for a single grouping. Then you could even attach controllers from multiple different types of weapon to a single computer; so you\'d be able to fire missiles and cannons at the same time if you wish. That may not be great right now, but if other tiers of cannons are introduced, maybe with different colour projectiles, I\'m sure people would love to be able to shoot rainbows.

    (I\'ll have a play around with shift+v now!)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Ah hah, thanks for introducing me to shift+v! Yes, that almost makes that whole suggestion obsolete haha.

    However, one thing I did notice, is that once you do assign those cannons to a second computer, the link to the first computer is broken. So you cannot fire the same set of cannons from a different computer. It would be nice if that could be changed.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Just another one to add...

    If you sell something which will put you over max credits, it will still be removed from your inventory, and no credits creditted to you.
    Hopefully a quick solution would be to just prevent the sale so you hang on to your items, and you gain no credits.
    Better would be to sell as many as would take you up to max credits, and leave you with the remainder.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    So, here\'s an idea for the debate about large ships vs small.

    Essentially, this argument comes down to a single player in a large ship vs a single player in a small ship.
    Let\'s put aside for the moment the crys about the time and effort gone into making the large ship against the 5 minute ship, and ignore the fact that people can purchase large or small ships with next to no effort. (Yes, you small ship lovers can too, you\'re not excluded).

    If we look at it logically, in combat with a large ship, a small ship is not in any way going to be able to take it on, as it shouldn\'t either. However, multiple players each in small ships, would stand a better chance, and ideally, if the total mass of the smaller ships are roughly equal to the mass of the larger ship, then there should be a rough balance there.

    So, considering this, we have one large ship, and many smaller ships. This should be balanced. However, it is not, simply due to the number of people on each side. People do not like the idea of one person being able to take on multiple while still have fairly even chances of survival. In my eyes, this is reasonably balanced, because the number of work hours gone into the ships on both sides is also more or less even, the large ship builder is more commited, and clearly wants it more, (and possibly even deserves it more). You could even have all those small ship players combine their efforts and make a large, equally sized ship, in a fraction of the time. Now in this situation, that single player with the large ship may find that a bit unfair too.

    There are two possible solutions which I have given some thought to.

    In order to have a large ship, you need multiple people to fly it. The first person in will be the pilot, he will fly the ship and may have access to a small array of weaponry. Any person to join the crew after that would be a gunner, a look out, first officer who can direct the team at a particular ship, or anything else that a larger ship might need to operate it\'s combat potential. This would mean that there would/could be the same number of people on each \'team\'. The weaponry allowed by the pilot in the core could be limited simply by placing a limit on the number of cannon blocks linked to it through a weapons computer. Gunners would have full access to the weapons linked to their weapons computers.
    Unfortunately the disadvantage of this would be that a shipbuilder who\'s spent countless hours working on his ship, wouldn\'t be able to enjoy his creation to it\'s full extent. Another disadvantage would be that getting a full compliment of crew to fly in the ship would be a rare occurance and would devalue a ship like this.

    Ship block size should be limited from the start of the game. Beginners can only build ships up to 50 blocks. Different tasks within the game can be set, sort of like questing, levelling, experience etc., which could advance this limit for the player, either in large steps, or slowly, say, for each pirate you defeat, you are able to add one additional block to your ship.

    The block limit could also be linked directly to factions. There may still be a gradual increase at the start for non-factioned players to help ease them into the game.
    The overall block count allowable would be based on the number of players in the faction.
    Each rank in the faction would have a different block size limit, increasing as the ranks get higher.
    To prevent a faction promoting every member up to the top rank to gain the best limit, factions could be restricted so that only a certain percentage of the number of members are able to sit at each rank.

    For example, let\'s say, each member in a faction contributes a 50 block allowance to the faction.
    Let\'s say we have a 20 man faction, so that\'s a 1000 block limit on ship size.
    The leader is able to utilise 100% of this limit, so he can build a ship which is 1000 blocks.
    Only 10% of a faction is allowed to have the second rank, so this would be 2 players at rank 2 (leader being rank 1 in this example). Rank 2 players are limited to ships 80% of the block allowance limit, so they are able to build ships which are 800 blocks.
    20% of a faction is allowed to have the third rank, so in this case, 4 players. These would be limited to 50% block size, so can build ships which are 500 blocks in size.
    50% of a faction is allowed to have the fourth rank, in this case, 10 players. These would be limited to 25% block size, which would be 250 blocks.
    Any number of people in the faction may be allowed to have the fifth rank, these would be limited to 20% block size, 200 blocks.
    Any number of people may be allowed to have the sixth rank, these would be limited to 10% block size, 100 blocks.

    Each of these players would gain an advantage of being in the faction as solo they would only have a 50 block size limit for their ships.
    Factions would also be desperate to recruit players as not only would it give them an increased allowable ship size, but also for the rest of their faction, so it would benefit everyone.

    You could still limit larger ships to only be fully utilised by having multiple people operate them, which would make sense being a faction scenario such as this.

    An alternative to this, could be that the faction leader would be responsible for delegating block allowances to each of the members from a single block allowance pool. i.e. if the leader takes 90% of the block allowance, he is only able to distribute 10% of it to the rest of his faction members, who would then most likely get annoyed and leave that greedy faction. If the faction leader wanted to encourage people to stay, he could give up most of his share of blocks to allow his members more freedom.
    While this second method could have some interesting dynamics, it would be very complicated, and hard to manage.

    Block limits like this could be introduced for a solo player, via quests/tasks etc., and at the same time for factions. For this, a player would have his/her own quest/task progression block allowances, and the faction allowances on top of these.

    If block allowances are introduced, it will not only help to balance out the issue of small ships vs large ships, but it will also mean that large ships become rare, and smaller ships more prevalent; in fact, it would encourage a whole heirarchy of different sized ships which would make for a far richer gaming experience for any player.

    One downside to this is that not everybody will have the chance to pilot a large ship. However, this isn\'t necessarily a bad thing. It increases the value and worth of larger ships, they may be seen as something to be proud of if in your faction, or something to be feared or intimidated by if in an enemy faction. I believe it will improve the atmosphere of the game.
    If this is really a concern, players will be able to pilot the larger ships in single player with full functionality.

    What about those players who log onto a server, join a faction in the first 5 minutes, and never log on again?
    There could be a minimum limit to how long the player would need to be active in the server & faction before his block allowance would be contributed to the faction. Say, a week? If a player joins a faction, he would need to accumulate say at least 10 hours of online time and be in the faction for at least a week before his block allowance gets added to the faction\'s total. From there onwards, he would be required to be online for at least 5 hours each week for his points to continue being added to the faction\'s block allowance.

    Won\'t servers just end up with a single large faction with everyone in?
    There are ways to combat this, the largest faction on a server could have it\'s block allowance penalised by only having a 50% increase of block allowance with each new member. This would encourage two or more factions keeping a reasonably even balanced member list. It would discourage smaller single or two person factions. And all of this would lead to better faction interactions on a server, especially if a faction gains block allowance bonuses for destroying a rival faction\'s ship (bonuses for higher rank kill too!).

    I feel this is something that will help turn this sandbox into a game.

    Something else that rears it\'s head out of this though, is what about all those large ships that have already been built?
    They can still be kept in the catalog for purchase and/or used by the higher ranks in your faction, or in single player.
    I believe that the game will get reset if/when it\'s due to get released properly so everyone can start on a clean slate anyway. Credits are worthless and don\'t have any value at the moment as they are so easy to obtain, and you may need to provide all the materials to purchase your large ships at a shipyard and wait the appropriate amount of time for it to be built, but you would still have the blueprint and access to it even though you may not have the rank to fly it in multiplayer.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    With the recent addition of the public permission block, I can imagine faction members running through a ship and not closing faction doors behind them, making parts of your ship accessible to the public. This was also a problem before, however, we didn\'t actively invite the public on board ships.

    So, how about the addition of automatic doors? Ones which open as you approach, and close as you leave? I suppose that would require some extra \'collision\' detection to find out if someone is near them, so a simpler version could just be automatic closing. I.e. a normal door could attempt to close itself after 3 seconds of being opened. This wouldn\'t work too well for hangar doors though, so maybe a method of setting a timer for the door blocks?